Chapter 93 Let them regret it! (explosive update)
After bandaging the wound on his wrist, Yan Yan turned to the side and took out some clean, pure white dry paper towels, and wiped away the drops of blood on the sink.

After sorting out all this, the color on the girl's face became paler again.

Just now, when he turned sideways to hold the tissue, he accidentally pulled the wound on his wrist, and when he was walking, Yan Yan's lips would occasionally turn white due to the friction between his wrist and his body.

It hurts!

But it is also because of this pain that I am more sober.

This feeling reminds Yan Yan of those painful and terrifying memories of his previous life all the time.

"Yanyan, are you up yet?" Ji Yun's voice sounded from outside the door.

After knocking on the door a few times, Ji Yun turned the doorknob and walked in. While walking around, she said to the people in the room: "Get up, go downstairs to eat, today is your father's cooking Woolen cloth."

As soon as he entered the room, Ji Yun saw Yan Yan standing in the aisle between the bed and the wardrobe.

Hearing the sound of footsteps coming slowly behind her, the girl turned her body halfway, looked back at her and opened her mouth to answer: "Here we are."

After Yan Yan finished speaking, one hand quickly and lightly pulled down the sleeve to cover the injured wrist, and then she quietly turned around to face Shang Ji Yun's probing gaze cast on her.

"Yanyan, what's wrong with you?" Ji Yun, who has excellent observation skills, immediately saw the abnormality of his daughter. Then, when his body approached, his eyes fell on the girl's face and colorless lips. Yun frowned slightly and asked, "What's the matter with your complexion?"

"Is there something uncomfortable in your body?"

Ji Yun looked at her daughter worriedly, fearing that it might be the aftereffects of falling into the water at Haicheng School.

"Maybe it's because I just got up, don't worry about mom." The girl comforted her with a happy arc drawn on the corners of her lips.

Ji Yun really observed the subtleties.

It's better to hide the injury on the wrist these days, so that they won't find out and worry about her.

Ji Yun put his worried eyes on Yan Yan again, and after a while, he said slowly, "If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me, don't hide it from mom, do you hear me?"

"Mom, I'm just taking a nap and I'm not returning from killing the enemy on the battlefield, so I don't need to worry so much."

Yan Yan raised his hand and pushed his mother out of the room together, "Hurry up, Dad hasn't cooked for the two of us for a long time, hurry up, I'm so hungry."

For a dinner, some people eat it absent-mindedly, while others eat it happily.

Tonight's dinner Jiang Yiyi ate outside with her nanny.

Jiang Yiyi looked happy today, so she ordered two or three bottles of beer from the service staff in the store before eating.

When the beer was brought to the table by the waiter, the nanny sitting opposite Jiang Yiyi was full of surprise. She was about to snatch the dark emerald green beer bottle from the girl, but Jiang Yiyi on the opposite side seemed to have expected it. , she turned the hand holding the bottle to one side, precisely avoiding the loose skin hand stretched out in front of the nurse.

The girl raised her eyes and stared at the nanny sitting opposite her with her lowered eyes, with a serious expression: "Nurse, I'm happy today and I'm going to drink, don't stop me."

As he spoke, he still picked up the corkscrew that the waiter kept aside, pointed it at the mouth of the wine, and swung it upwards forcefully.

With a bang, the wine bottle opened.

After filling the transparent empty glass in front of her with beer, Jiang Yiyi formally turned her attention to the bewildered and worried face of the nanny opposite.

"Nurse tonight, please don't spoil my interest, or... I will be angry." After speaking, I saw the girl's eyes flicking around.

Seeing that Jiang Yiyi couldn't be persuaded, in the end the nanny still couldn't bear to tell her a few more words: "Miss, drink less, you are young now, drinking too much is not good for your health."

In the noisy environment around, Jiang Yiyi picked up the wine glass, raised her head suddenly and drank the full beer in one breath.

After that, there was a long and shallow answer.

After drinking, Jiang Yiyi didn't stop for a moment, she drank one cup after another, and finally seemed to be troublesome, picked up the beer bottle and drank it directly to her mouth.

This move frightened the nurse sitting opposite her.

The old man quickly stood up from his seat, and stopped Jiang Yiyi, who was about to blow the beer in the bottle, her tone was full of worry.

"Miss, don't drink like this, it will hurt your body very much!"

Regarding the nanny's stop, Jiang Yiyi didn't show the slightest bit of impatience on her face, on the contrary, she was extremely patient with her: "Okay, nanny, can I order some food first and then drink?"

Jiang Yiyi's alcohol capacity is very good, even though she has drunk so much, she is not drunk at all.

To say that the only change after drinking too much wine was that his face turned a little flushed.

Staring at the girl with flushed cheeks in front of her, the nanny grabbed the wine bottle from the girl's hand and put it on the farthest side of the table, insisting on herself. "That doesn't work either, you can't drink any more."

Hearing the sound, he looked up at the nanny who showed no sign of retreat, and finally compromised: "Okay, I won't drink and just eat, okay?"

For the nanny in front of her, Jiang Yiyi felt distressed.

Obviously, it was enough for her to be driven here by them alone, but that day she followed her own way to Lishui County.

"Nurse, you shouldn't have gone with me in the first place."

Haicheng is so good, so magnificent and prosperous, and she is so old, she still follows her to take care of her.

"What is the lady talking about, let the past go." Looking at the flushed Jiang Yiyi in front of her, tears welled up in the nanny's eyes.

She felt sorry for Jiang Yiyi.

Her mother died young since she was a child, and her father had a complete and beautiful family. He had no choice but to take her back, and then kicked her out because the pro-daughter at home couldn't get used to it. A small sum of money to prepare a small house in Lishui County for her to live in, but the price is that she will never be able to return to Haicheng.

Jiang Yiyi didn't take the nanny's words, but lowered her head and refuted from the bottom of her heart.

Let the past go by?

She, Jiang Yiyi, didn't want to let it pass!
She wants them to regret what they did to her!
I regret it! !
The girl was thinking with her head down, but her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of her mobile phone in her pocket.


The crisp cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

Taking out the phone in her pocket, Jiang Yiyi looked at the strange incoming call on the screen, and finally chose to answer it.


"Are you Jiang Yiyi?" A young man's magnetic and cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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