Chapter 23: Chapter 23: The Invitation

Xiao Wei didn't give Wu Hao a chance to speak, and took a step forward to stand between Wu Hao and Gu Xinyun: "I'm sorry, my sister has a special profession, and she is now on the rise in her career."

Gu Xinyun didn't want to say much, thinking about the melon he ate before, "What kind of rising period is this?"

Wang Yu and Gu Xinyun invited them to the car in a friendly manner.

Wang Yu looked at Gu Xinyun with disdain.

The two deserve to be husband and wife.

Gu Xinyun immediately understood the meaning of Wang Yu's eyes, "Bring yourself to shame!"

Gu Xinyun also stared back, "I want you to care!"

Wang Yu focused on driving ahead, and Gu Xinyun saw the two of them talking quietly in the rearview mirror.

Xiaowei felt that he and his sister should not come this trip, they were about to be abducted before the meal was full.

She quietly went to Wu Hao's side: "Sister, you don't really want to help him, do you?"

Wu Hao thought it was absurd: "Why do you think that way, isn't it the right thing to do when the road is injustice?"

Wu Hao didn't deliberately lower his voice when he spoke, Gu Xinyun heard it and echoed: "There are not many people as warm-hearted as Miss Wu."

Wu Hao's attention was drawn away by Gu Xinyun: "But I can't do without."

Xiaowei was anxious, she nodded slightly: "Yes, my sister is pure and kind, and the stray dogs and cats in the community have to be neutered at their own expense, and they will feed some cats and dogs when they see them on the roadside. .”

Subtext: Your younger brother is also a younger brother, no different from cats and dogs in the neighborhood!Don't even think about falling in love!

Gu Xinyun naturally understood the meaning, but Wang Yu laughed beside him before making a sound.

Gu Xinyun glared at her and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence, our group has a care center for stray animals. If it's convenient for you, you can go and have a look."

One of Xiaowei's hair was raised up, and she thought to herself, "Why is this going to be a second date?"

Wu Hao was still slowly digesting what he said, Xiaowei said again: "I'm sorry, my sister is not very familiar with strangers, so I don't really want to..."

"Okay, I really want to see it." Wu Hao thought that he had never seen the Love Aid Station.

Xiaowei got stuck in half of what she said, she cast an angry look at Wu Hao and said the second part: "I think my sister really thinks about it."

Just at this time the destination also arrived.

Gu Xinyun was happy, and she got out of the car with a victorious posture.

Xiao Wei grabbed Wu Hao and threatened: "Sister! If you fall in love now, you will lose money!"

Wu Hao looked calm: "Don't worry, I will never talk about it for money."

The two got out of the car after talking.

Wang Yu walked in front, a well-dressed man nodded slightly at him and then led the four of them into a more elegant private room.

In the private room were the Wang family's parents whom I met last time, and a Wang Yin who was awake.

Wang Yin got up and shook hands with Wu Hao: "Thank you for your help last time, otherwise I don't know if I can eat now."

This is the first time Wu Hao sees Wang Yin who wakes up, and he is not as harmless as the one he saw when he was in a coma before. Although it is well hidden, Wu Hao can still clearly feel the high-spiritedness of a teenager , but he also knows how to hide himself.

Although he looked no different from a normal person, Wu Hao still noticed that the person in front of him had a bad complexion and a vacant body, probably because he had been in poor health since he was a child.

He looked at Wu Hao intently. Although he was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, he could still see that his eyes were clear and clean. The corners of his eyes drooped slightly, looking a little innocent. When he smiled slightly, there were some crescents.

Wu Hao had to raise his head slightly to meet his gaze. Wang Yin stared at those calm eyes and felt that there was some discrepancy with the information he knew.

Her appearance is the same as seen in the photo, but the real person has a unique charm that cannot be described.

So after seeing a real person, he couldn't see that the woman in front of him had something to do with those unsightly entries on the hot search.

Even Wang Yin felt that being stared at by her had a feeling of being scrutinized and seen through, which was a feeling she had never felt before.

Wang's mother pinched Wang Yin's thigh under the table: "What do you say, everyone is happy, how unlucky! Hurry up." Wang Yin let go of her hand in pain.

Wang Yin didn't dare to disobey the order, so she had to turn around resignedly: "Bah, bah, bah" three times, and sat back in her original position.

Xiaowei was always observing the situation in front of her, and she decided that the whole party must be strictly guarded against the Wang family.

Before everyone sat at the table and chatted for a while, the dishes were served one after another.

Wang's father greeted several people to move their chopsticks: "You must not be polite, eat more!"

Wang's mother picked up the public chopsticks to pick up food for Wu Hao and Xiao Wei: "That's right, look at how thin you are, good health is a blessing!"

The moment Xiao Wei put the dish in his mouth, he forgot about the FLAG that he had just set up, and all he could think was "this is delicious! That is delicious too! Why are they so delicious!"

Although Wu Hao has eaten many royal banquets, the dishes here are really excellent. The miscellaneous grains can be kept in the mouth without astringency, the green vegetables can be crisp and delicious, and the meat dishes are rich in fragrance without any fishy smell.

Gu Xinyun served Wu Hao a bowl of pig's trotter soup: "Miss Wu, try some, it will beautify your face!"

Wu Haoduan thanked him, took a sip, and the fragrance filled his mouth.

There is no extra seasoning in the soup, it should be cooked slowly.

Wu Hao praised: "The taste is really good, the soup is clear but not bland, and the pig's trotters are sticky but not rotten. A lot of effort has been put into it once you taste it."

Wang's mother is also drinking soup: "It seems that Miss Wu is also a person who can eat! Do you also cook?"

Wu Hao shook his head and put down the bowl: "Mrs. Wang is absurd. I'm a tricky person but my cooking skills are really not good enough."

At most, I can cook barbecued meat, grilled fish, roasted potatoes, what kind of culinary skills can that be called.

Wang's mother smiled and patted Wang Yin: "Hey, just call me Aunt Wang, Mrs. Wang seems to be born. This is not right, our family..."

Wang Yin immediately realized that she was going to die, and quickly fed her mother a mouthful of ribs and said, "It's such a coincidence, our family is also full of tricky people."

Gu Xinyun and Wang Yu sat aside and covered their mouths and laughed.

Xiao Wei raised his head, ignored the turmoil on the table, filled a bowl of soup and started working hard again.

She has forgotten the bold words and ambitions when she entered the private room.

Everyone is cheerful and satisfied after a meal, only Xiao Wei fell into the two emotions of self-blame and satisfaction while rubbing his stomach.

She looked at Gu Xinyun and Wang Mu, one on the left and one on the left, surrounding Wu Hao in the middle.

The two began to thank and inquire, and Wu Hao didn't seem to be panicked or perfunctory.

The two are more satisfied with Wu Hao.

She is beautiful and generous, and being able to act bravely shows that she has a better disposition.

Wang's mother and Gu Xinyun added Wu Hao's WeChat, and they looked straight at Wang Yin.

Wang Yin waved his hands and slipped away.

Wang Yu followed: "Why did you run away?"

Wang Yin smiled wryly and scratched her head: "If you don't run away from my mother and your wife, I will start planning the banquet."

Wang Yu smiled: "Why? Don't you like it? Wu Kankan is pretty good."

Wang Yin leaned against the wall and shook her finger: "I still like Xiaojiabiyu's type, Miss Wu, I can't appreciate it!"

(End of this chapter)

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