Chapter 24: Chapter 24:

Wang Yu rolled his eyes at him: "Last time there was Xiaojiabiyu, what do you say?"

Wang Yu leaned against the wall and imitated Wang Yin's posture: "I really can't stand Xiaojiabiyu, mature and beautiful ones are the best!"

Wang Yin patted him with a smile: "Come on, I'm not as disgusting as you."

Wang Yu hid with a smile and asked, "How about it, have you agreed with the crew you invested in?"

Wang Yin nodded: "Okay, it's said that there is also a role of the third female character. She is a gentle lady who doesn't need much acting skills. She should be able to attract a lot of fans with her good looks."

Wang Yu is still very relieved of this younger brother's work.

He looked at Wang Yin, he couldn't feel what it was like to have undergone a major operation since he was a child, he only remembered his younger brother lying weak on the hospital bed with a tube inserted into his body.

He secretly heard his mother cry that his younger brother was deliberately designed by a business rival to cause premature delivery.

My younger brother has been in poor health since he was a child. The hospital is where he often goes, and he even went to the intensive care unit before.

Although it seems that there is no difference between a healthy person and a normal person now, the body's resistance is still relatively weak.

Wang Yin seemed to understand that he was a trouble since he was sensible, so he didn't want to bring more trouble to anyone.

In Wang Yu's eyes, his younger brother has been sensible since he was a child, he has never done anything out of the ordinary, and even he is much better than him in everything.

But I don't know when it started, the younger brother seemed to know how to put away his edge, so that Wang Yu could have a relatively fair position in the eyes of Wang's parents.

Wang Yu actually didn't care most of the time, after all, Wang Yin was too pitiful, and his family would take more care of him.

He felt that Wang Yin's mind was very sensitive, and sometimes the dissatisfaction that popped up in his heart would be carefully captured by him.

But the younger brother also held on to the apex of his own heart and grew up.

Wang Yin looked at Wang Yu in a daze and understood what he was thinking. He pushed his elbow to Wang Yu's ribs: "Go and manage the management company if you have something to do, and stop thinking about it here."

Wang Yu touched Wang Yin's head: "Tsk, the older you get, the less cute you become."

Wang Yin smiled and pulled Wang Yu's hand away, and the two started arguing like they did when they were children.

Gu Xinyun and Wang's mother liked Wu Hao more and more the more they watched, after all, everyone would love people who are beautiful and good-natured.

Xiao Wei gnawed at the pig's trotters and secretly made up his mind: "Next time, except for eating, I will never see this family again."

Xiao Wei's phone rang, it was Miss Ma, Xiao Wei was so frightened that he forgot to gnaw his pig's trotters, and hurriedly walked outside the private room to answer the phone.

Sister Ma asked seriously: "What have you been doing recently?"

Xiao Wei swallowed, "We didn't... didn't do anything."

"Then Wu Hao is really lucky. A third female character in the crew came to ask her for an audition. Although she said to audition, she called to call specifically. It should be sure."

As soon as Xiao Wei heard that it was not a bad thing, he felt relieved: "Sister Ma, when will we go there?"

"There will be filming tomorrow, and it will be over at nine o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow. I will send you the script in a while, so you don't mess up the opportunity to put it in front of your eyes."

Xiaowei agreed and hung up the phone.

She happily jumped up and down twice, but when she was excited, she thought about it and felt a little sudden.

She thought about it and had more contact with Wang's family recently. She looked at the private room and thought to herself: "Could it be that you really met a nobleman?"

She returned to the private room with doubts.

Wang Yin received the news that Wu Hao had been notified to audition the day after tomorrow, but if it was too bad, it probably wouldn't work.

Wang Yin sent a message to express his understanding. He had already given the opportunity to see if Wu Hao could fight for it.

Wang Yu waited for Wang Yin to finish contacting, and the two returned to the private room.

Wu Hao chatted with the two of them in full swing.

Wang's mother took Wu Hao's left hand: "Next time there will be a small restaurant that many people don't know about. The home-cooked dishes in it are excellent. When I set a time, we must go there once."

When Wu Hao heard that there was something delicious, he quickly agreed: "Okay, you must let me treat you next time."

Gu Xinyun took Wu Hao's right hand: "I know a super good beauty massage. After the treatment, the waist is not sore, the back is not painful, and the skin is much more comfortable. I will take you to try it someday."

When Wu Hao heard it, hey, but the old emperor couldn't even enjoy it, so he nodded quickly: "Okay, I must try it."

When the two of them heard that Wu Hao didn't shirk, they felt that the child was even more careless and honest, and they were even more satisfied.

Wang Yin looked at Wang Yu as if saying, "Look, I'm right."

Wang Yu shook his head with a smile and sat beside his wife.

Wang's father sat by the side and filled a bowl of soup for Wang's mother, and then peeled a shrimp for Wang's mother, taking good care of Wang's mother.

The four of them looked very harmonious.

Only Xiao Wei was sitting on the sidelines, gorging himself, and he didn't fit in with the four of them.

Xiao Wei noticed the two came back, and she glanced at them calmly.

In fact, after careful examination, although this family seems to be easy to get along with and enthusiastic, but the things they use, their gestures, and their manners can still be seen to be rather unusual.

Wu Hao was a carefree person, and he had put this family in the safe range in his heart, so he couldn't tell the difference.

Xiao Wei took a sip before thinking, "Let's resign ourselves to fate."

After eating together, everyone reluctantly left.

Wu Hao and Xiao Wei didn't want to bother Wang Yu anymore, so they took a taxi back by themselves.

As soon as Wang Yin came home, he took off his coat and hung it on the clothes hanger and sat on the sofa. Mother Wang put on slippers and sat beside Wang Yin.

"Wu Hao, this girl is really nice." Wang's mother seemed to be talking to Wang's father, but her eyes were paying attention to Wang Yin all the time.

Wang Yin naturally heard what Wang's mother meant, and he sighed: "Mom, I really don't want to fall in love now."

Mother Wang glared at him: "Unbelievable! I finally fell in love with a girl..."

Wang Yin put her legs on the table: "Mom, with your eyes, you can see three good girls in a week, so don't do this trick to me."

Wang's mother patted her leg: "I really fell in love this time! She looks beautiful and has a pleasant personality, which is really good."

Wang Yin closed her eyes: "Just let me be clean, I am a man who wants to develop my career now."

Wang's mother snorted and walked away to call her little sister: "Oh, I met a little girl today! She looks good and has a good personality! Isn't that right? That bastard in our family doesn't like it. Next time Let me introduce you to your son!"

Wang Yin finally ushered in a moment of tranquility.

When he was quiet, he thought of Wu Hao's calm eyes again, and he felt stability and tranquility.

Before he had time to feel strange, he fell asleep on the sofa.

In the dream, he saw those eyes again, but the difference was that in the dream the man sat on a steed and stared down at him.

The horse was running towards him like crazy, and he was startled awake all of a sudden.

He touched his forehead, his hands were sweaty.

(End of this chapter)

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