Chapter 32: Chapter 32: The Boyfriend
Wu Hao was stunned for a moment and smiled: "Don't worry, I will definitely treat you to a big meal at the thank you banquet! When the time comes, you can choose the seat, and I will treat you!"

Wang Yin looked at the bold Wu Hao and joked, "What will I do if I make you poor?"

Wu Hao was silent, she really didn't know how much money she had.

Wang Yin couldn't wait for Wu Hao's next sentence, he looked at Wu Hao helplessly: "Don't worry, you can't eat enough, just watch how you pick skins."

Wu Hao couldn't explain it, so he could only laugh: "It's not because I'm afraid that you will eat some delicacies from the Manchu and Han banquets."

Wang Yin rolled his eyes at her.

Xiao Wei came over with a dozen beers and shouted, "Here comes the beer! Boss, let us have two sips and two skewers!"

Maybe because the location of the stall is relatively remote, and this time is not yet the turn-over time, so they are the only guests at the table.

The boss put the grilled skewers on the big iron plate, and Wu Hao got up and took the plate and put it on the table.

The boss sat next to Wu Hao with a smile.

Xiao Wei opened the beer and poured everyone a glass.

Wu Hao took a sip and frowned, but slowly there was a sweet aroma of food in his mouth.

Wang Yin put down his wine glass and asked, "Boss, it's hard to find your place here."

Chu Jin took a sip: "Hey, it's not bad for a small business to support the family, and a few old buddies will join in, or it will be cold early."

Xiao Wei nodded and said, "That's right, boss, your place is too remote. If Captain Chang hadn't brought us here, we might not even be able to eat this."

Wu Hao sat aside and studied the script hard, but did not join the discussion.

Although An An sat quietly by the side, no one could ignore her existence.

Wang Yin thinks that maybe Wu Hao has a kind of affinity, she can quickly get along with others.

When Wu was halfway through the meal, he raised his head and handed Wang Yin a bunch of wine. When the wine was gone, he directly tapped the table with his index and middle fingers without looking up.

At first, Xiao Wei didn't understand what it meant, but Wang Yin understood, and took the wine bottle and filled it up for her.

This is the etiquette commonly used by tea drinkers, but I have never heard that Wu Hao likes to drink tea.

In the end, Wu Hao gave Wang Yin something to eat, and Wang Yin poured Wu Hao something to drink.

The two look very harmonious.

Halfway through eating, suddenly there was a loud noise in the distance.

Before everyone could react, Wu Hao had already straightened up and looked in the direction of the alley.

Chu Jin was a second behind Wu Hao, and he looked at Wu Hao with a little more inquiring eyes.

Faster than a veteran's speed, this reaction is a bit amazing.

Chang Dui came from the shadows, followed by three rowdy people.

Chang Dui saw that Wu Hao was also there, and raised his eyebrows: "Yo, what a coincidence, you guys also come here to play."

I saw Wang Yin next to me again: "It seems that this is a hero appreciation banquet."

The three turned their heads to look at Chang Sheng's words, and found that this was the female star they saw in the last video!

The three quickly sorted out their images, and then said in unison: "Hello, female star."

One of them looked at Wu Hao. One was your son, and the other was a good buddy Chu Jin.

He squeezed Chu Jin out without hesitation, then sat next to Wu Hao and introduced himself courteously: "Hi wife, let me introduce me as Wen Zhongjie, a member of the special police brigade, with good looks, good body, and no bad things." Hobbies, absolutely obey you, you can call me husband."

After speaking, he threw a wink.

Wang Yin was stunned, he had never seen such a straightforward and impactful introduction.

Xiao Wei was stunned, she had never seen such a brazen person.

Wu was amused, seeing that the cute boy with a baby face suddenly came up to talk, she wasn't panicked, and felt like she was back to the happy gathering with her brothers during the war.

Chu Jin couldn't stand it anymore, and pushed him out with a cane: "Go away, stop fussing here."

But Wen Zhongjie is notoriously slippery, several people stepped forward and failed to catch him, and he even took advantage of the gap to tease Wu Hao with earthy love words.

Wu Hao moved his chair calmly, Wen Zhongjie was tripped, and several people controlled him.

One of them nodded embarrassingly at Wuhao: "I'm sorry, Miss Wu, my brother is a fan of yours, and he's a bit stupid. Are you okay? Are you not scared by him?"

Wen Zhongjie jumped in the confinement of the two: "What fans! Tell me clearly! I am a boyfriend fan!"

Although it seems unreliable, Wen Zhongjie still has a sense of proportion and did not do anything excessive to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, it's cute, it looks very lively, let's make a table and eat together."

Everyone sees that Wu Hao is really not intimidated, so he is relieved.

Chang Sheng dragged the table and sat down unceremoniously: "Okay, I'm almost starving to death, hey! I have wine to drink today."

Chu Jin dragged the wine bottle behind Wang Yin: "If you don't have it, give up on it."

Chang Sheng's mouth twisted, and he snorted coldly: "There are many things."

The two controlled Wen Zhongjie, one on the left and the other on the right. The person on the left introduced: "Excuse me, I am Xia Qiguang, and that is Liao Longping. We are all soldiers of the regular team."

Chang Sheng introduced: "Wu Hao, Xiao Wei and Wang Yin, the protagonists of the beauty-saving heroes I mentioned last time are all here."

Although Wang Yin has a strong aura and is not stage frightened, she still feels a little uncomfortable being stared at by so many staring eyes.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded at everyone, and quickly integrated into it.

Chang Sheng asked, "Wang Yin, how is your recovery recently?"

Wang Yin nodded: "Very good, is there any progress on the case?"

Chang Sheng exhaled a smoke ring: "The man was found, but he hid relatively deep." Then he handed the phone to Wang Yin.

Wang Yin looked at the information on the phone and sighed: "Okay, I will remember, thanks."

Chang Sheng chuckled: "No, just do me a favor next time I have something to do."

"As long as I can do it, I will help."

Wen Zhongjie felt that drinking like this was boring, so he proposed punching.

At first, everyone disagreed, fearing that it would affect the girls present.

Unexpectedly, Wu Hao was the first to agree: "Okay, teach me first."

Everyone became interested when they heard that Wu Hao was going to join, and Xia Qiguang showed Wu Hao a demonstration.

Wu Hao felt that it was not much different from his own style, so he came with a wave.

In the beginning, Wu Hao lost several times, but later on he won almost every time.

Probably because he drank some wine, Wu Hao's face was a little red, his sleeves had been pulled up to his upper arms, and he was stepping on a stool to punch Liao Longping.

Xiao Wei couldn't drink enough, he was already a little drunk, he smirked and cheered for Wu Hao.

"Sister! Go! Fuck them!"

Like an old father, Chang Sheng watched the few people play around.

Wang Yin seemed to be looking at a monster. Are all female stars in the entertainment industry so divided?

Gentle and perfect in front of the camera, stepping on a stool and punching behind the camera.

In the end, Wu Hao won. She picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, then smiled and sat back in her seat.

(End of this chapter)

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