Chapter 33: Chapter 33: Seat Belts
Wu Hao discovered early on that both Chang Sheng and Wang Yin had some doubts about her, maybe it didn't match the information they got, or maybe they suspected Wu Hao's behavior.

Wu Hao laughed and drank a glass of wine again, but it didn't matter, they couldn't find anything anyway.

She wanted to expose it completely in front of them. Although the move was dangerous, it was still very effective to see the reaction of the two of them.

Wu Hao controls his alcohol consumption very well, and he will stop drinking when he has drunk enough.

Wu Hao put the wine glass on the table: "Don't drink anymore, it's time to go home, and I have to work tomorrow."

Wen Zhongjie drank the most. When he heard that Wu Hao had a job, he immediately put down his glass: "The career is important, let me see you off!"

Xia Qiguang slapped him and called out, "You kid want to drink and drive?"

Chang Sheng stood up and patted the soot on his body: "Let's go, I'll drive you back."

Wu Hao and Wang Yin readily agreed.

The two helped Xiao Wei to the passenger seat, and then got into the back seat.

Chang Sheng ordered the two to wear seat belts.

Wu Hao was not familiar with these at first, and he was a little dizzy after drinking some wine, so he couldn't touch the seat belt for a long time.

Wang Yin couldn't stand it anymore, so she untied her seat belt, leaned forward and pulled out Wu Hao's seat belt.

Wu Hao felt someone approaching her, and she quickly pinched her hand on Wang Yin's neck.

The hair on Wang Yin's body stood up when Wu Hao pinched his neck.

For a moment, he couldn't tell whether it was fear or excitement.

He swallowed.

Wu Hao vaguely remembered that the person beside him was Wang Yin, and let go of his grip again, and he did not forget to rub his neck twice with the back of his hand before letting go.

This is Wu Hao's habit of releasing prey when she catches them. She likes to rub their chins to make them feel relaxed before releasing them.

There is always such a bit of charm in this little action when it is applied to people.

Wang Yin was stunned, she looked at Wu Hao's closed eyes, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, like flower buds slapped by raindrops.

Wang Yin didn't know whether Wu Hao was really drunk or fake drunk, after all, this trick happened too many times in the business world.

He might also be drunk, and he, who claims to be smart, can't tell whether Wu Hao is deliberately molesting him.

He put down that hand, quickly fastened Wu Hao's seat belt and sat back in his seat.

He rested his cheekbones with one hand, and he tried his best to hide his reddened cheeks.

There is music in the car "Love is about to be together~"

He opened the window and turned his head to try not to lose his composure.

But the cool breeze cannot dampen the warmth of lust.

He comforted himself that it was all because of alcohol, and it was all because he hadn't experienced it.

But he retorted that he had experienced temptation and seduction himself, but he didn't have such a heart-wrenching feeling.

The two views were going back and forth in his head, making him seem even more drunk.

He couldn't help but want to turn his head to take another look at Wu Haoshi, when the car stopped.

Chang Sheng unbuckled his seat belt: "We're here, get up and move if you're alive, I don't want to carry you up one by one."

Wu Hao opened his eyes, although he was a little dizzy, but overall he was still awake.

Wang Yin unbuckled his seat belt, he opened the car door and stopped for a while, then turned around and unbuckled Wu Hao's seat belt.

Wu Hao rubbed his temples: "Thank you, I seem to have caused you trouble tonight."

Wang Yin has adjusted his state, he smiled and shook his head: "No, tonight... had a good time."

Without waiting for Wu Hao to answer, Wang Yin immediately asked Chang Sheng: "Captain Chang, I'll call you a car."

Chang Sheng waved his hand: "No, I'll go out and take a taxi."

After speaking, they left without waiting for the two to refuse.

Wang Yin and Wu Hao helped Xiao Wei get on the elevator.

The two were silent.

When the elevator arrived, Wu Hao helped Xiao Wei out of the elevator.

Wang Yin wanted to help, but was blocked by Wu Hao: "Go back quickly, I can."

After the elevator door slowly closed, Wang Yin's hand stopped in mid-air for a long time, and then grabbed a handful in the void.

He didn't know what he was trying to catch.

Maybe it's an unwarranted feeling.

Wu Hao went home and settled Xiaowei before going to wash.

After washing her face, she looked at her wet fingers, thinking that Wang Yin's skin was really smooth and tender.

I was a little confused just now, I thought it was an assassin's assassination, so I subconsciously strangled Wang Yin's neck.

It turned out that it was Wang Yin who realized it was Wang Yin, and touched it twice in a daze.

What a crime, she thought.

Wu Hao shook his head and fell asleep after tidying up, without a dream all night.

Wang Yin lay awake in bed until midnight.

He sighed and got up to make a cup of jujube seed tea, hoping to go to bed early.

After all, my body is not suitable for staying up late.

He lay on the bed again, sleepiness slowly swept over him.

Wen Wen's side just finished the reception. She pushed her hair behind her ears and asked her assistant, "Have you made an appointment with that character?"

The assistant said tremblingly: "The producer said they want you to audition, but..."

Before the assistant finished speaking, Wen Wen threw the hairpin in his hand. The iron hairpin hit the assistant, and the assistant let out a sound of pain.

"But? But what? Didn't you agree that it was me? Why did you suddenly change your mind!"

The assistant held back the pain and picked up the hairpin and handed it to her: "I don't know the details."

He glared at the assistant mildly and resentfully: "What a waste, I don't know anything."

After speaking, he immediately picked up the phone and dialed the number. The moment he got on the phone, his attitude changed: "Director Wang, do you have any requirements for the audition tomorrow?"

Director Wang laughed and said, "Gentle, haven't you rested yet?"

Gentle and gentle said: "No, I still want to think about the script, after all, the audition is a little nervous."

The assistant was used to this, she squatted aside and listened quietly.

Director Wang praised: "Oh! You have worked too hard, and there is nothing to pay attention to... Just watch the opening scene carefully, it should be helpful."

Wen Wen hurriedly thanked him gently and then hung up the phone. Looking at the opening script, it seems that this is the audition for tomorrow.

Wen Wen gritted her teeth, she was bound to win this role.

She wants to see who is so shameless and dares to take her role.

The next morning, the alarm clock rang at six o'clock.

Wu Hao got up and turned off the alarm, washed up and went out for a morning run.

Wu Hao is still the same as usual, bringing back breakfast from his morning run.

Usually, if she couldn't wait for the elevator, she would run up. Today, the elevator happened to reach the first floor.

She bumped into Wang Yin who had just stepped out of the elevator.

Wang Yin was wearing a neat suit and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, looking more alienated and imposing than last night.

The eyes behind the glasses also revealed shock.

Wu Hao walked into the elevator and quickly asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

Wang Yin shook her head: "Not yet."

She handed him a breakfast: "Eat quickly, you can work when you are full."

After speaking, Wang Yin was pushed out of the elevator with breakfast in hand.

 Please don't feel sorry for the author!Hit me hard with favorites, recommendations, votes, book reviews, etc.! !

  I found that some chapter comments I can't show here, I usually update a chapter at 12.30 noon every day, and a chapter is about 2000 words!Of course, if there are special circumstances, it will be calculated separately!

  Thank you guys for your support and likes!Love you guys!Chirp!


(End of this chapter)

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