Chapter 70: Chapter [-]: Questions
Chang Sheng turned his head and looked out the window. The car was quiet, and his expression was a little heavy.

Wu Hao sat in the front seat and fell asleep, probably because he was drunk yesterday and is not in a good state today.

Wang Yin thoughtfully closed the window of the co-pilot, and then signaled Xiao Wei to put his coat on Wu Hao's body.

Wu Hao felt that she was dreaming. She dreamed that she had stepped into a lush forest.

The cool air and the faint scent of aloes in the forest made her want to get closer.

In the dream, she lay leisurely and happily in the forest.

Wang Yin watched her pull her coat to the lower half of her face in her sleep, and arch her head, feeling a strange sense of satisfaction in her heart.

It didn't take long to arrive at the nearby police station.

Before Xiao Wei called her, Wu Hao felt the car stop and opened his eyes.

She stretched her waist and unbuckled her seat belt, "Are you there? How long have I been asleep?"

Wang Yin took her coat, "It's only about 20 minutes."

Only then did Wu Hao discover that the jacket belonged to Wang Yin, she thought it belonged to Xiao Wei or herself just now.

She nodded to Wang Yin with a smile, "Thank you."

Wang Yin smiled and shook his head to express his impoliteness.

A group of people walked into the police station, especially Wu Hao and Wen Wen, who were dressed differently, immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Wang Yin and Wu Hao were taken to the room by Chang Sheng, and Wang Yin was asked to give the memory card to the person in charge.

After everyone recorded their statements, only Fang Si was still inside.

Wu Hao was taken into a separate room by Chang Sheng.

She opened the stool and sat down without hesitation. Chang Sheng had a serious face and didn't make fun of her as usual.

Chang Sheng took out a lighter and was about to smoke one, but Wu Hao stopped him, "It's business, stop smoking, it smells annoying."

In the closed environment, the smell of smoke reminded her of some bad memories.

Chang Sheng had no choice but to withdraw and sighed, "We found the person who pushed you in the stairwell."

Wu Hao leaned on the back of the chair, closed his eyes and dozed off, "What? Did he have a problem? Disappeared?" She looked neither surprised nor surprised, as if she knew something would happen.

"That's not true, it's just... he's crazy."

Wu Hao's eyes opened instantly, and her eyes were like a sharp knife on Chang Sheng's forehead.

Chang Sheng was frightened by Wu Hao's terrifying aura and became vigilant.

He believed more and more that Wu Hao was definitely not a simple person, and this kind of aura was definitely not something ordinary people could have.

"Crazy? Why?" Wu Hao's voice slowly seemed to be thinking, but also seemed to be questioning, "Why are you crazy?"

Chang Sheng also became serious, and changed his previous scornful style, "Most of us think that after pushing you, we feel that we have really killed someone, and we are scared crazy by ourselves."

"Most people?" Wu Hao sat up straight and looked at him, "Then you are the majority?"

Wu Hao's keen observation ability prevented Chang Sheng from fully uttering a word he had prepared.

He shook his head and said, "I'm another part of the people. I think it has something to do with a serial case."

"Serial case?" Wu Hao didn't have any clues in his mind.

"And I think it has something to do with you." Chang Sheng's words made Wu Hao's eyebrows frown a little.

Wu Hao was still quietly waiting for Chang Sheng's next words, but Chang Sheng didn't speak for a long time.

Wu Hao looked at him suspiciously, and Chang Sheng asked solemnly: "If you know, you are really involved in this matter. If you don't participate, so far, you are safe."

Wu Hao heard that Chang Sheng was worried about her, and she suddenly laughed and asked, "So far? Do you think I'm weak?"

Chang Sheng thought for a while and shook his head, no, he could feel it, this person is definitely strong enough and not easy.

Wu Hao raised his head, like a superior giving orders, "Tell me, I want to see what can turn the world upside down for me."

These words sounded a bit secondary, but Chang Sheng felt that it was not against harmony at all when he was uttered by this powerful woman in front of him.

Chang Sheng cleared his throat and said, "In the past year or so, we have received three or four reports, all of which are about Internet celebrities or small stars. The phenomenon of each of them is surprisingly consistent, crazy. We probably checked Let’s see, there are actually more than ten similar cases. These reports were all made by their family members, and they strived for the truth, and the others were directly compensated by the brokerage companies, so they did not report to the police.”

Wu Hao sounded a little strange, "What does this have to do with me?"

"Don't worry, they have obvious scars on their bodies, most of which are whip marks and blunt wounds, and after identification, they are most likely caused by humans." Chang Sheng paused and stared at Wu Hao, "And, they were seriously injured. Of the three heaviest people, some of their eyebrows are somewhat similar to yours, and some of their details are similar to yours."

Wu Hao understood, "So you mean, I might be the next criminal target?"

Chang Sheng nodded, and he continued, "Do you know why this person pushed you?"

Wu Hao shook his head and said, "How do I know?"

"We found out that the call he made in the bar has something to do with Wen Wen."

Wu Hao's head became even more confused when he heard Chang Sheng say this, "You mean that Wen Wen hates me so much and wants to do something to me?"

But Wu Hao didn't feel like it after thinking about it. Although Wen Wen targeted her, giving her eight courages didn't seem like someone who dared to do such a thing.

Chang Sheng also shook his head, "It can only be said that it has something to do with Wen Wen, but it doesn't have much to do with it. Based on the evidence we have so far, we can't catch her."

Wu Hao glanced at the gentleness outside through the glass door, and did something sneaky like this, it was still shaking outside, could this person drive himself crazy?
Wu Hao felt that it was almost as good as driving her crazy first.

Chang Sheng also looked at Wu Hao's eyes, indeed, it didn't look like it.

If these two stand together and must distinguish between good and bad, then Wu Hao is a proper villain at a glance.

Chang Sheng couldn't help but wanted to get a cigarette again, but was stopped by Wu Hao's eyes, and he touched his pocket.

"We also don't think it's her, so we think there should be someone behind her."

Chang Sheng's voice was a little angry, "This is the first time we caught this criminal by the tail, so..."

Before Chang Sheng could finish speaking, Wu Hao suddenly remembered a name. She patted her thigh and said it loudly, "Wan Yishi! The young master of the Wanhao family."

Chang Sheng is very unfamiliar with this name, but he knows this Marriott company.

He asked a little strangely: "How do you know?"

"The two of them have fixed my variety shows before, and they are all on the hot search! Some people have gossiped about me, saying that Wen Wen is now favored by Wan Hao's young master, Wan Yishi. You can check this out."

Although Wu Hao's information made their investigation a bit more difficult, at least it made them stop flying around like headless chickens.

Chang Sheng asked some more details, and the two of them came out of the room after a while.

 I wrote half of the card cache and lost the manuscript
  Sadness at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night
  Eating supper can't solve the problem
  It turned out to be sinful and sad
  Thank you for your favorites, recommendations, monthly tickets, and rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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