Chapter 71: Chapter 71: Guessing
Although Wen Wen looked calm, her hands that kept clutching her skirt and her slightly trembling legs betrayed her thoughts.

Wu Hao walked by her side without giving her too many eyes.

She sat next to Xiaowei, leaned back and closed her eyes to sleep.

After a while, a policeman walked up to Chang Sheng and said a few words, Chang Sheng nodded and walked towards them.

"Fang Si admitted that she did everything alone, and the evidence and transcripts are all there." Chang Sheng just said it, and Wen Wen relaxed visibly with the naked eye.

"But she was intentionally injured, so she still has to be detained for 15 days. Do you have any opinions?"

Everyone looked at Wu Hao.

Wu Hao slowly opened his eyes and said, "No problem, but a face-to-face apology is essential."

Chang Sheng nodded in agreement with her request.

"Now?" Chang Sheng asked

Wu Hao shook his head, "No, let's talk about it in 15 days."

Wen Wen immediately walked into the room where Fang Si was after getting the consent of the police.

Wu Hao's eyes stared at Wen Wen's back coldly, but Wang Yin's eyes were fixed on her.

When the gentle figure disappeared, Wu Hao looked away.

She looked at Wang Yin, "Why do you keep looking at me?"

Wang Yin took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside her, "I was thinking, why did you let Fang Si go so easily just now, do you have any reciprocal information?"

Wu Hao laughed, feeling that Wang Yin had indeed guessed the idea, "Then guess again?"

Wang Yin thought for a while and said, "It has something to do with gentleness?"

Wu Hao nodded with a smile, "Yes, continue."

"Give me a hint?" Wang Yin didn't like guessing without roots or fear.

Wu Hao was silent for a while, "It has something to do with your case."

"Do you have any clues about how you were pushed down last time?" Wang Yin said slowly.

Wu Hao turned his head with appreciation in his eyes, "Not bad, I guessed it so quickly!"

Wang Yin was not a little happy because of her praise, but a little more sad.

Wu Hao comforted him with a smile: "I'm not so worried, why are you worried first?"

Wang Yin didn't answer her question, he asked, "Did you do it gently?"

A caring person is so close to Wu Hao, it must be a lie to say that he is not nervous.

Wu Hao didn't tell him more exciting content, she stretched out her index finger to touch Wang Yin's brow, "I'm not so worried, what are you worried about."

Wu Hao's finger just touched it lightly and left, but Wang Yin's mind became even more ups and downs.

Wu Hao sat up and analyzed with Wang Yin: "Isn't it better if the enemy is in the open and I am in the dark!"

"Besides, what threat do you think the two of them together can pose to me?" Wu Hao patted his arm.

"But you were pushed last time." Before Wang Yin could finish speaking, Wu Hao forcibly interrupted him loudly.

"I didn't pay attention last time! The horse stumbled!" Wu Hao raised his head deliberately.

Wang Yin is relatively reassured about martial arts.

Seeing Wu Hao's fearless look, he couldn't help but said, "We still have to pay attention."

Wu Hao said no problem.

When Wen Wen came out of the room with red and swollen eyes, several people got in the car and returned to the shooting scene.

The atmosphere in the car was very quiet, Wu Hao continued to sleep with his eyes closed, and everyone played with their mobile phones.

Wen Wen originally wanted to sit in the co-pilot, but Wang Yin's ignorant eyes forced him to go to the back seat.

Wu Hao seemed to be sleeping, but he was thinking about what Chang Sheng told her.

Gentle, Wan Yishi, Marriott, Madman, these words swirled in her mind, but they were as messy as tangled wool.

Regardless, this matter starts with gentleness.

She was thinking in her head, and her eyes were trembling constantly.

In fact, Wang Yin sensed very sensitively just now that Wu Hao did not tell him the whole story.

For such a long time, it is estimated that I only told him a small part.

But he really has no qualifications to ask Wu Hao to tell him everything.

He looked at Wu Hao, who was pretending to be asleep, and sighed slightly.

He has almost no intimacy other than family affection, he does not desire it, and even resists it.

But Wu Hao is the friend he wants to get along with so far.

Immediately arrived at the destination, Wu Hao got out of the car and told Jiao Mu everything.

Gao Lin stood aside and listened quietly, with an unclear expression on his face.

After Jiao Mu finished listening, he glanced at Wen Wen and then looked away.

Wen Wen immediately explained: "Director, I really didn't know Fang Si did this! It has nothing to do with me!"

Jiao Mu didn't listen to her explanation, "Don't let Fang Si join the team in the future, I dare not want this kind of person!"

After speaking, he shook his sleeves and left.

Instead, Gao Lin came over to comfort Wu Hao, "I'm sorry, it's because we didn't do things carefully enough, we will definitely pay attention in the future."

Gao Lin's comfort made Wu Hao and the people present a little closer to him.

After all, he is responsible, gentle and handsome, and the crew on the side couldn't help but praise him in a low voice

This operation made Wen Wen's good popularity in the crew fall to the bottom.

Wang Yin has experienced many things in the past two days.

Jiao Mu said goodbye to him, "Thank you for coming, don't come next time."

Wang Yin looked him up and down coldly, "If you are capable, don't come to me for the rest of your life."

When Jiao Mu heard this, he quickly went up to flatter and appease him: "Don't, you know I'm mean too! Don't worry about it!"

Wang Yin ignored him, fed him the car exhaust and left.

"Dog temper!" Jiao Mu cursed secretly.

Wu Hao leaned over to him and smiled treacherously, "I heard that."

Jiao Mu was so frightened that he almost jumped up.

Jiao Mu looked at Wu Hao's movement of sending messages with her mobile phone, and quickly stopped her: "Stop! Say whatever you want!"

"Put out the video of the horse having problems."

Jiao Mu gasped: "Hey, what did I think? I decided to post this video a long time ago. Didn't I ask your opinion?"

"I have no objection, let's post it." Wu Hao put away his phone.

In fact, the message has already been sent: Jiao Mu said you have a bad temper.

She has learned everything about complaining in court!

Wu Hao dialed Sister Ma's phone number and asked if he could tell about Assistant Wen's tampering at the scene.

Sister Ma asked curiously, "Why did you suddenly target Wen Wen?"

"People are bullying to the top, I can't just suffer like this." Wu Hao's tone was a little teasing.

Sister Ma thought for a while after listening, "When the crew releases the video, I'll see how the heat and wind direction are. Don't worry, I'll arrange the rest."

She couldn't swallow this kind of bullying on her artist.

She hung up the phone and thought about it, afraid if something really went wrong.

She has a hard time explaining to the above and the artists including herself.

Fortunately, all is well.

(End of this chapter)

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