Chapter 77: Chapter 77: Tea Room

Wang Yin looked at her anxious look and stopped teasing her, "I believe in you."

The person on the opposite side coughed twice, "That's enough, a lonely person can't listen to such nasty words."

After Wu Hao told old K the identity information of the three, old K said you just wait and see!

Wang Yin said to her sincerely: "Wu Hao, really, thank you."

Wu Hao waved his hand.

Wu Hao received a call from Sister Ma and asked Wu Hao to find her.

After Wu Hao and Wang Yin bid farewell, they went to the place agreed by Sister Ma.

Wang Yu and Gu Xinyun were sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Hearing a sound at the door, the two immediately turned their heads to look.

As soon as Wang Yin entered the door, he was surrounded by two enthusiastic eyes, but he walked in like a normal person.

Looking at the gossiping eyes of the two, Wang Yin sat on the sofa and lifted his chin and said, "Water."

Wang Yu immediately poured a glass of water and handed it to him, "Come here, drink some water."

Just when Wang Yin was about to make a request again, Wang Yu pointed at him, "Don't overdo it, don't think about who called Wu Hao for you yesterday."

Wang Yin immediately changed his attitude and sat there honestly, "If you want to know anything, I will tell you the truth."

Wang Yu nodded in satisfaction, "How do you want to solve those three people?"

"No hurry, I want to find out what benefits the three of them have received."

Gu Xinyun asked: "You had a good time with Wu last night..."

Wang Yin shook her head quickly, "Sister-in-law, nothing happened to us!"

Gu Xinyun glared at him, "What are you thinking, I mean what did you and Wu Hao talk about last night."

"Just my shit." He relaxed and leaned back on the couch.

Wang Yu asked with a bit of resentment: "Didn't you confess?"

Wang Yin continued to shake her head.

Gu Xinyun still worriedly reminded him, "I think, you'd better not confess your love first."

The two brothers of the Wang family turned their heads to look at Gu Xinyun, with doubts in their eyes.

"It's just my intuition. I think Wu is a good person. It seems that he doesn't understand the emotions between men and women."

As soon as Gu Xinyun's words came out, the two brothers realized that something was wrong with Wu Hao.

Wu Hao has a poor sense of the boundaries between men and women.

Gu Xinyun continued, "I've met her a few times, and she's definitely the one who takes great care of me like the leading party. I found that she does the same in the show, but when it comes to boys, she's... how should I put it, a little severe."

Wang Yu nodded to express his understanding, "I think so too when you say that."

"So, don't confess your love lightly." Gu Xinyun believed in her intuition.

In fact, Wang Yin thought so too, "Understood! Thank you sister-in-law!"

"I don't know who said that at that time, I'm the Xiaojiabiyu type." Wang Yu teased Wang Yin.

Wang Yin was not annoyed either, he smiled and asked, "Wang Yin? Xiaojiabiyu?"

Wang Yu thought about it, and it really didn't make sense.

The two started bickering again.

Gu Xinyun sat next to her and continued to watch TV.

Wu Hao got out of the car and found that the agreed place was a small tea room.

She opened the door and walked in. There was a faint fragrance of tea leaves in the tea room.

She took a deep breath with some nostalgia. Although it was not as fragrant as her old man's tea room, it brought back a lot of memories for her.

A woman in a cheongsam stepped forward and asked, "Are you Ms. Wuhao?" She stretched out her hand to guide, "Please follow me."

Wu Hao followed her upstairs, and she walked ahead and stopped outside the private room door to slowly open the door for Wu Hao.

Wu Hao nodded his thanks slightly and walked in.

Sitting in the tea room were Sister Ma and three people whom she had never seen before.

Two men and one woman, following the noise, everyone's eyes stopped on her.

Some looked at it, some were curious, and there was a slightly unfriendly scrutiny.

Sister Ma got up and walked to Wu Hao and introduced: "This is my artist, Wu Hao."

Wu Hao nodded slightly: "Hello."

Sister Ma took Wu Hao to sit down, and then introduced: "This is our company's President Ma, this is the screenwriter Wan Ning, and the director Lin Zong."

With a smile on his face, Wu Hao greeted the three respectively.

Wan Ning said to Sister Ma: "You are really a workaholic." She looked Wu Hao up and down again, "But he is very nice, I like it."

Sister Ma said with a smile: "I'm just a vulgar person. How can I make money to support my children? That's a gold swallowing beast."

President Ma smiled and listened to the two talking.

Lin Zong asked: "That horse riding video was popular for a while at the time. You are good at horsemanship. How long have you been learning it?"

Wu Hao thought for a while and said modestly: "It didn't take long, maybe I like to exercise the stability of the chassis, so learn quickly."

Lin Zong looked at Wu Hao with satisfaction and nodded.

"I have a role here, are you interested?" Lin Zong threw an olive bead at Wu Hao.

Wu Hao took a look at Sister Ma, "I'm still filming recently, maybe time doesn't allow it."

Sister Ma didn't show any emotion after listening to her answer.

Lin Zong continued to toss the olive branch, "It's okay, there's no rush, we won't start filming until next year."

Wu Hao thought for a while and thought that the time would not conflict, that would be fine.

Just when Wu Hao was about to agree, Sister Ma suddenly said, "Oh, don't tease our little entertainer."

Lin Zong suddenly became tough: "What I said is true."

Sister Ma's face darkened.

Just when the atmosphere was a little stiff, Mr. Ma broke the somewhat cold scene.

He smiled and said, "Hey, what are you guys doing, do you have something to talk about?"

Mr. Ma looked at Wu Hao and asked with a smile, "Xiao Wu, you've been doing pretty well recently."

Wu Hao looked at Mr. Ma, who was full of ghosts, "Well, I also think I've been busy recently."

Mr. Ma didn't expect Wu Hao to say that, and he got stuck when he was ready.

But Mr. Ma said without changing his face: "How about it, do you want to climb up again?"

Wu Hao squinted his eyes, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Ma, are you talking about climbing? Is it..."

As soon as Mr. Ma heard that Wu Hao was interested in him, he immediately said with a smile: "Then it depends on Director Lin."

Sister Ma didn't show it on the face, but she grabbed the handrail fiercely.

Mr. Ma continued: "If you listen to Director Lin, I'll change you to a gold agent!"

Wu took a good look at Sister Ma who was suppressing the anger next to her.

Sister Ma ninja smiled angrily: "Mr. Ma, you are blatantly robbing me."

Mr. Ma laughed disapprovingly: "What you said, Xiao Wu has excellent abilities. Is there anything wrong with me arranging a better manager for her?"

"Yes, there's nothing wrong with that." As soon as Wu Hao said this, everyone looked at her.

Sister Ma's shock, Lin Zong's inevitable victory, Mr. Ma's pride, and Wanning's exploration.

Wu Hao picked up the teacup in front of her and drank it down. She looked at Lin Zong and Mr. Ma.

"I have a big appetite. What conditions do you two brothers want to offer me?"

Wu Hao sat there with full momentum.

She straightened her body and leaned against the back of the chair, with an incomprehensible smile on her face, tapped her fingers on the table, and looked straight at the two of them.

 Wow!Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets!
  The relationship line is actually a one-way arrow.
  The road to chasing your wife is long, don't worry~
(End of this chapter)

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