Chapter 78: Chapter 78: Beating

The two of them had never seen that little star dare to talk to them both like that.

Although the two were stunned for a moment, they felt that they were just little stars and had nothing to be afraid of.

Sister Ma was very angry. She originally came to introduce artists to choose roles, but she didn't expect this round to become a wolf's mouth.

Wu Hao still sat there calmly waiting for their proposal.

Lin Zong glanced at Mr. Ma, and Mr. Ma immediately said: "There is nothing to say. People go to high places, and water flows to low places. We are here to give you better conditions."

During the silence, no one answered, and even the person concerned himself did not answer Mr. Ma's words.

Sister Ma couldn't figure out Wu Hao's mind, but she also felt that Wu Hao would not do such a thing.

She looked at Wu Hao, who seemed to be okay, and raised her head to signal them to continue.

Mr. Ma really continued: "We guarantee that Director Lin will give you better resources, so that it will not be a problem for you to rush to the third line."

"Such a good condition? What am I going to do?" Wu Hao asked, tapping his knuckles slowly on the table.

Mr. Ma touched Wu Hao's hand with a wretched smile when he heard that there was something to be said, "As an adult, you understand everything."

Wu Hao laughed when he heard this, and avoided the salty pig's hand, "You guys are really brazen. To be honest, you guys have taken a fancy to my current traffic. Although it's not much, but fortunately, it appears frequently enough in the public eye. Why? You guys It's your credit to use your lips."

The two frowned after hearing this, they didn't expect Wu Hao to dare to tear their faces in public.

Wu Hao continued: "Who made my reputation bad in the hot search back then, the company didn't care about it, and kicked me to Miss Ma like a football? Yes, what are you talking about, black and red are also red, now come back to make a bad smell Don't be ashamed of this, let me tell you, it's too late!"

As soon as Mr. Ma slapped the table and stood up, he slapped Wu Hao's face with a slap.

Sister Ma immediately stood in front of Wu Hao, and she knew that Wu Hao might suffer for this slap.

Wu Hao didn't expect that Sister Ma would stand in front of her, so she quickly turned over the table and jumped in front of Sister Ma.

There was a sound of "pa", but Sister Ma did not receive the pain she imagined.

When she opened her eyes, Wu Hao blocked the slap for her with his back.

Sister Ma quickly grabbed Wu Hao, "Why are you so stupid! Are you okay!"

Wu Hao waved his hand to show that he was fine, but everyone present heard how loud the slap was.

Wu Hao turned around and said with a smile, "I thought you were so capable, but it turned out to be a slap in the face!"

Seeing Mr. Ma and Lin Zong's faces getting darker and darker, Sister Ma couldn't help but want to hold Wu Hao.

Wan Ning, who was standing next to her, pulled Sister Ma to the side, "Your artist is fine, you are really messing with the authorities."

Sister Ma and Wan Ning stood aside and quickly picked up their mobile phones. Although they didn't know what Wu Hao was going to do, the evidence still had to be preserved.

The two finally couldn't help but punched Wu Hao's head angrily.

Wu Hao stretched his shoulders and said with a smile, "Come on, this is the first move by the two of you, so I won't hide it."

After speaking, he raised his foot and kicked the nearest Ma Boss, and that kick landed on Ma Boss's chest impartially.

Mr. Ma lay down on the ground and felt that he had lost his breath.

Wu Hao dodged Lin Zong's fist and grabbed his half-length hair that was exposed in front of her eyes after he lowered his body.

Lin Zong moved forward according to his inertia, but his scalp was pulled back vigorously.

The severe pain in the scalp made his expression grim, and he felt that his scalp was about to be ripped off.

He turned around to grab Wu Hao, but was kicked by Wu Hao on his hind legs, and he knelt down abruptly.

Wu Hao took advantage of the situation and removed his two restless arms.

He knelt there and looked at Wu Hao in fear, how could it be like this?

Wu Hao tore his hair and pulled it back, just like that, their eyes met.

There was no fear or excitement in Wu Hao's eyes, the indifferent eyes and smiling face made both of them feel cold at the same time.

"Tell me, now, what is the condition?" Wu Hao's words made the two of them tremble.

Although Lin Zong was afraid, his eyes were still full of anger.

"Hey, what do you want to do to me with this look? Let me think about it, Xuezang? Suppression? Or spreading rumors?"

The two did not speak.

Wu Hao pointed to the mobile phone on the table, "I have recorded everything since I entered the door."

She pointed at Sister Ma again, "And it was recorded on video, how long do you think you can dance under the public opinion?"

Mr. Ma sat up, spoke loudly but hid his body back, "Wu Hao! Just wait for me, I have a way to get you! I'm going to take your skin off."

Wu Haoda kicked him in the face with one step and one kick, and then looked innocent, "Yo, I'm sorry, I missed it, I wanted to wash your dirty mouth."

Wu Hao knelt down and looked at the two of them at the same level, "Tell me, I don't have any relatives and no reason, it's so easy to kill your two families, from old to young..."

The two looked at Wu Hao in horror, they didn't see the word joking from Wu Hao's face.

It seemed that in her eyes, killing people was the most common thing.

Wu Hao continued to speak slowly: "There is also the skinning you mentioned. It just so happens that I know a way to make a small opening on the top of your head..."

Before Wu Hao finished speaking, the two of them were really scared.

Although they have done many bad things, they have never seen such a person.

Cold-blooded, fearless, cruel, even scary.

"I was wrong." Mr. Ma first knelt down and apologized loudly.

Lin Zong was so frightened that he peed his pants.

Wu Hao let go of his hands and kicked him away, which is bad luck.

Sister Ma and Wan Ning were also quite frightened.

Wu Hao stood up, picked up the phone and dialed 110.

A familiar voice came to mind: "Hey, Wu Hao, you call the police frequently enough."

Chang Sheng had already paid special attention to Wu Hao's number.

"A female celebrity beats up the unspoken rules boss, how about it, are you interested in joining in the fun." Wu Hao joked.

Chang Sheng immediately woke up and jumped up, "Hey, you can do it, it sounds like you can do something, there, I will bring people over to join in the fun!"

Wu Hao corrected: "No, police officer, you are not joining in the fun! I want to call the police, and you are here to bring justice to weak girls, understand?"

Chang Sheng scolded with a smile: "No problem, I'm here to give you justice."

Chang Sheng waved his hand and called his apprentice Xing Yun, "Let's go, let the weak woman get justice."

Xing Yun took the car keys and walked out of the police station with Chang Sheng.

Wu Hao put down his phone and saw two "really weak women" shivering beside him, so he quickly comforted them.

"Sister Ma, Sister Wan! Are you all right?"

Sister Ma and Wan Ning shook their heads like quails, muttering: "It's okay, it's okay."

Wu Hao wrapped one arm around one shoulder, rubbed his arms tightly, "It's all right, I've called the police, if you're afraid, don't watch."

When the two of them came over, they were already sitting outside.

Wu Hao was talking to the owner in front of him, "Don't worry, I have already called the police. There should be nothing damaged in the room. Just take a look. If there are any damaged items, we should pay for it."


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(End of this chapter)

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