Chapter 96: Chapter 96: Live

Take Hao returned to the room after finishing the day's filming.

I haven't seen Gao Lin recently. Although the number of scoldings she received has decreased, she is still miserable.

Everyone wailed silently behind their backs, but they didn't dare to offend Director Jiao Mu.

Xiao Wei sat on the sofa with his mobile phone and watched Wu Hao's variety show.

Hearing the voice, Xiao Wei raised his head with a smile and said, "Sister, the response to variety shows has been good recently~"

Wu Hao also leaned over to take a look. Indeed, everyone's comments were not bad.

The popularity has also increased a lot, and a lot of fans have been added.

Xiaowei was gearing up, "Ah, for the sake of my sister's stardom, I want to strike while the iron is hot!"

As he spoke, he opened his star chasing Weibo, and Wu took a good look.

Well, a bunch of rainbow farts and photos.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "Don't go too far, be careful and things will go against the extreme."

Xiaowei said with his mouth and started to dance on the keyboard: "Oh, sister, don't worry, I'm a little star chasing expert, absolutely no problem!"

Wu Hao couldn't help but reached out and rubbed his furry head and walked away.

I still did not forget to remind: "Go to bed early, don't stay up late."

She's just a cute little girl.

Xiao Wei rubbed his head by Wu Hao, and smiled foolishly for a long time.

It's not that Wu Hao doesn't care about fans or anything, it's just that he has changed from a novelty at the beginning to a normal view.

Wu Hao finished packing and did a set of stretching before falling asleep.

In the morning, Xiao Wei was still fiddling with his mobile phone, quietly waiting for Wu to finish his makeup.

Xiaowei raised his head and said, "Sister, how about a live broadcast tonight?"

Wu Hao stood up and patted his clothes, "Okay, what is the live broadcast? Does Sister Ma know?"

Xiao Wei nodded, "Sister Ma agrees, as for the live broadcast."

Wu Hao still proposed the live broadcast of sports, and Xiaowei immediately passed, "Sister, let's be a little innovative!"

As she said that, she closed her eyes as if thinking, and after a while she opened her eyes and clapped her hands, "Yes! I'll discuss with the director and promote the new work, how about it?"

Wu Hao nodded, "I think it's okay, you can go and communicate with the director!"

Xiao Wei raised his head and patted himself vigorously, "Don't worry! The director is absolutely fine!"

Saying that, she ran out immediately.

Wu Hao also began to prepare for the day's shooting.

At noon, Xiao Wei came back with a smile.

"Good news! Today ends early, director Jiao Mu agreed, and said that all actors who want to join in the fun can participate."

Soon, the director told everyone the news at the opening of the afternoon.

When everyone heard that it could end early, they all gave Wu Hao a grateful look.

Wu Hao was a little terrified by this look.

She smiled and waved to everyone, "I hope everyone will come to participate!"

Most of the actors raised their hands, "Don't worry, Wu Hao! I will definitely go back and join in the fun!"

Everyone was very motivated even for the afternoon shoot.

When it was around 6 o'clock, the day's shooting finally came to an end.

Xiao Wei has arranged everything in an open place.

Everyone sat happily watching the grill and beer.

Wu Hao looked at Jiao Mu and thanked Jiao Mu with a smile, "Director, thank you!"

Everyone also shouted: "Thank you director!"

Xiao Wei watched the harmonious scene and clicked the broadcast.

After a while, a lot of viewers came into the live broadcast room.

Everyone was watching martial arts, but they didn't expect to see many handsome men and women sitting together eating barbecue as soon as they came in.

Everyone shouted "I earned it."

Wu Hao walked to the screen and greeted everyone.

She smiled and waved her hand, "Hi everyone, I've been filming recently, so I'm here to promote my new film."

Xiaowei motioned for her to pick up her phone and introduce everyone.

Wu Hao walked up to the director with his mobile phone, "This is our director, Jiao Mu, he is a good talker and less workaholic!"

Everyone looked at the handsome men and women in the camera, and all left envious saliva.

"This is our male and female leading role! Beautiful and handsome! Please support us!"

The male and female protagonists sat together, and they wanted not to steal the scene from Wu Hao in the future.

Unexpectedly, Wu Hao directly put the mobile phone in front of the two of them, "Quick, say hello and say something."

The two of them were also afraid of being talked about by others, but they didn't expect that Wu Hao didn't care about it at all.

The two quickly adjusted a perfect smile and waved to introduce themselves, "Hi everyone! Please pay attention to our new play!"

Wu Hao took the mobile phone and introduced it around, and he almost introduced the camera brother too.

Xiao Wei held down the enthusiastic Wu Hao, "Go and eat!" Then he took the phone over.

Everyone's barrage is also very lively.

"Hahahahaha, Wu Hao is holding an introduction meeting!"

"The hero and heroine are a good match, and they are a good match when they sit together and eat barbecue!"

"Whoa, why did you let me see the barbecue!"

Wu Hao returned to the field with a bottle of beer, and everyone would raise their heads and take a sip when they touched one.

"I'm not mistaken! Wu Hao blows directly on the bottle!"

Wu Hao took a beer and bumped into everyone, and everyone who came over took a sip.

Then he took a sip of the barbecue and walked over with some dissatisfaction.

In front of the oven was a young actor, Wu Hao patted him, "Go and eat, I'll bake."

He was a little panicked, "Good sister, it's okay, let me do it." He refused to let go, afraid of causing trouble to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao frowned, "Let's be honest, it's a waste of meat for you to roast like this."

The little actor stood up quickly after hearing this, "I'm sorry!"

Wu Hao patted him with a smile, "Go and eat something, why are you nervous! Seeing that you have been sitting here since just now, go quickly."

Said Wu Hao pushed the little actor to the table, picked up a whole piece of meat, grabbed a handful of salt and sprinkled it on.

She had rolled up the sleeves long ago, revealing her strong forearms.

She effortlessly picks up a piece of meat and marinates it in her own way, then prepares the seasonings to be used.

While grilling the meat, she was holding a wine bottle and touching everyone.

Soon, before the meat was cooked, there were three bottles of beer at Wu Hao's feet.

Xiao Wei looked at the barrage and didn't have any negative comments, so he didn't stop her.

After a while, the meat was roasted.

There was a strong smell of meat and burnt aroma, and Wu Hao cut the meat into pieces with a knife and put them on the table.

She took a towel and wiped her hands, "Come and taste, exclusive craftsmanship!"

Everyone gathered together.

Jiao Mu looked at her, "I didn't expect that there is such a skill."

Wu Hao said with a grin, "You don't have to worry about traveling the world with your skills!"

Everyone picked up a pair of chopsticks and put them in their mouths. The gravy was full, and the mouth was full of tender and salty meat, as well as the burnt aroma of charcoal on the skin.

Wu Hao raised his head proudly, "How about it, the craftsmanship is not bad!"

The female lead couldn't help but ate two extra yuan, she raised her thumb and praised: "It's more than good, my good sister, your craft is absolutely hot to open a store!"

Wu Hao grinned, "Hey, you want to be with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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