Chapter 97: Chapter 97: Live

The eyes of Xiaowei and Jiao Mu immediately came over.

She didn't even need to look to know what they were trying to say: Don't even think about it!
The number of bullet screens is increasing, and everyone's fans have come to join in the fun.

"Ah, don't they have the burden to eat meat so late! Where is their conscience!"

"I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate that piece of meat can't get into my mouth!"

"Wu Hao! Open the shop quickly! I want to eat too!"

"I want to share it with my friends, I can't be the only one who suffers like this!"

Soon Wu Hao's live broadcast became popular.

Everyone watched the star's live broadcast and clicked in with interest.

When I went in, I found out, where is the star?Why is everyone eating so deliciously!
Oh, the barbecue is the star!What kind of celebrity live broadcast is this!

Why do you recommend this at night!

Everyone complained one after another, but refused to quit the live broadcast room.

Xiao Wei suddenly suggested to the director: "Why don't we give some gifts, to mobilize the atmosphere or something."

The director also thought it was feasible, "What to give? We don't have anything to give now?"

Xiao Wei thought for a while, then clapped his hands, "Isn't everyone here? Let everyone promote the new play, a bigger poster or something, let the actors sign, draw and write blessings or something! This is not Is it done!"

Jiao Mu suddenly realized and looked at Xiao Wei, "Your head turns so fast!"

Tell people to prepare things.

The director talked about it at the table, and everyone agreed.

When the audience heard that there was still such a good thing, they actively participated in it.

"Exclusive autograph!!!"

"God God grant me luck!!"

"Believers wish to be single for three years!!!"

After a while, the staff brought a promotional poster for the new show, with everyone's makeup photos on it.

Everyone drank happily and took a pen to draw on it.

After a while, everyone dispersed, and Wu Hao walked to the camera with a poster in his hand.

The audience laughed when they saw the poster.

"Hahahahaha! Who drew the mustache on the hero's face!"

"The shy expression on the heroine's face is so cute!"

"Who drew a scar on Wu Hao's face! Why does he look like a bandit!"

"Everyone's face is not clean, okay!"

"The director is at the bottom! He drew himself in!"

Wu Hao held this unique poster with signature and spoof, "I'll count one, two, three, the first friend I took a screenshot of here is today's lucky one!"

Everyone started commenting.

Wu Hao counted one, two, three, and then pressed the screenshot.

She looked at the picture and said: "Congratulations to this 'Fairies Have a Crazy Thursday' friend, please contact us for the address, we will pack and send the things there!"

Wu Hao looked at a series of envious smiles and returned to the table.

Naturally, Wang Yin was also watching.

His luck was not so good, he didn't get the exclusive poster.

He looked at Wu Hao in the camera, she was wearing an ancient costume.

It's not a lady's dress, it's more like an ancient costume like an assassin.

This body looks like Wu Hao's figure is tall and straight, she is sitting on a stool with a beer in her hand, exuding a ruffian and slutty feeling all over her body.

Even if she was sitting at the farthest side, she was extraordinarily eye-catching among a crowd of people.

The viewers of the live broadcast also naturally noticed.

The following are also shouts of "husband" and "wife".

Wang Yin suddenly took screenshots of these words and sent them to Wu Hao.

Yin: [Picture] It seems that the popularity is very good!

Wu Hao glanced at the phone, she picked it up with a smile and replied.

She was already immune to these words.

The Mighty General: You are watching too!How is the effect!No way, who made me attractive!
Wang Yin looked at the expression of Wu Hao sending the message in the camera.

Chic and proud.

It turned out to be this expression.

Yin: The effect is very good!Yes, the charm of the big star blinded my eyes!

Wu Hao was grilling meat here, and was pulled up by the actor next to him to play a game.

It can only be said that Wu Hao's luck in the game is not good, and he loses every time.

Wu Hao threw down the cards in his hand, "Let's talk, what punishment is it, admit it."

Wu Hao's face was already covered with notes, and she couldn't even tell whether she was helpless or wry.

There was also laughter in the barrage.

Everyone didn't expect that the seemingly shrewd Wu Hao was so bad at playing games.

The director smiled and asked, "Are you a gamer without using your brain?"

Wu Hao blew on the note on his face, "Who still uses his brain after drinking!"

Suddenly one person suggested: "Didn't people say that you can watch swords while drunk! Why don't you ask Wu Hao to dance a sword for us?"

Everyone agreed that although they knew that martial arts were good at martial arts, they had never seen sword dancing on the spot.

Wu Hao nodded, "Okay, if you want to see it, then I'll do a part."

Someone asked, "Do you want a sword?"

Wu Hao waved his hand, "No need" and picked up a tree branch from the ground, "This will do."

The female lead reminded: "Remember to remove the note on your face."

Everyone applauded and cheered, pushing Wu Hao to the front.

Other film crews who are close to each other also came over to order some wine.

There is excitement, and if you don't make up for it, you don't make it for nothing.

Wu Hao took the branch and made a gesture, and then began to dance the sword.

It was clearly just a branch, but it drew a biting sword aura in the air.

Every movement of Wu Hao seems to be easy, but it is full of strength.

Lowering the waist, reaching out, and holding the sword flower, every movement is chic and majestic.

Everyone at the scene and the audience couldn't take their eyes off.

It wasn't until the martial arts ended that everyone began to applaud one after another.

"The action is so beautiful!"

"It's really smooth and flowing, without any delay!"

"Seeing it makes me feel heroic!"

"Wife marry me!!!"

"Pants fly!!"

The director's eyes flashed strangely.

Wu Hao immediately looked at him, "Don't give me any ghosts!"

The director leaned forward with a smile, "How could that be!" But his eyes never left Wu Hao.

The heroine leaned over to Wu Hao excitedly, "Wow! So handsome! Can you teach me!"

Wu Hao nodded and approached her from behind, "OK, what do you want to learn?"

The heroine said with bright eyes: "Just the movement of holding the sword flower!"

Wu Hao put the branch into her hand from behind, then grabbed her hand and taught her slowly.

"I also want Wu Hao to teach me!"


"But looking at the two of them is kinda cute!"

Wu Hao was already tall, so she lowered her head and taught the girl in her arms seriously.

The girl's eyes were bright, and her face was still a little red.

It can be seen that the addicts are even more excited.

Soon she learned how to hold the sword flower, and she showed it to Wu Hao with a smile.

After being praised by Wu Hao, I jumped up and down to show everyone the learning results.

Everyone also sat there very seriously and watched her show.

Wang Yin looked on the other side of the screen and suddenly felt a little lonely, and wanted to stand beside Wu Hao.

I want to be a part of her life.

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(End of this chapter)

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