Chapter 34
"Okay, here we are."

The two landed in front of a six-story palace, and a huge plaque was hung under the gorgeous eaves, with the inscription "Qingyun Pavilion".

The green grass in front of the palace is full of flowers, but it is deserted, and there is not a single disciple.

"Outer disciples can choose a practice method on the first floor, inner disciples can choose exercises on the second floor, and direct disciples can choose exercises on the third floor. Other new disciples have already chosen their exercises, so here is So cold." Jin Fuyin said, pulling Zhao Xiaomeng into the hall.

There is also a small door inside the gate of the palace, and there is a chair outside the small door, and an old man with white beard is sitting there and dozing off.

"Lin Weng, I'll bring my junior sister to choose the exercises." Jin Fuyin tiptoed over, and yelled loudly while sticking to the old man's ear.

Lin Weng covered his ears and jumped up: "Damn girl, you want to make me deaf."

Jin Fuyin stepped forward and pulled Lin Weng's long beard, apologizing without sincerity: "Little junior sister just joined the master's door, so we came late and disturbed Lin Weng's rest, Lin Weng should not be angry. I will go out to practice next time You bring wine to eat."

Lin Weng snorted and said, "Last time I took it too lightly!"

Then looking at Zhao Xiaomeng, Zhao Xiaomeng saluted.

Lin Weng said: "Token!"

Zhao Xiaomeng took out the personal disciple token and handed it over with both hands.

Lin Weng only glanced at it, then nodded and said, "Go in!"

Zhao Xiaomeng walked into the door, Jin Fuyin followed behind her lightly, but Lin Weng grabbed the back collar: "You can't!"

Jin Fuyin puffed his mouth without struggling, and shouted at Zhao Xiaomeng: "Little sister, the token can break the restriction, just go upstairs with the token. If you don't know what exercise to choose, just put your spiritual power into the token Let’s see which technique is the brightest and just take it! Lin Weng, be gentle.”

Zhao Xiaomeng took a few steps forward, but gradually couldn't hear Fourth Senior Sister's shout.

Although today was the first time we met, Zhao Xiaomeng had a very good impression of a master and three senior sisters. Hearing Jin Fuyin's advice at this time, he couldn't help but curl his lips.

She took a look at the layout of the first floor of the hall. The shelves one person tall were neatly placed. No matter the left, right, or front, they could not be seen at a glance. The area of ​​the hall is much larger than it looks from the outside. .

She took a few steps forward and saw an upward staircase on the left.

Walking over, the way was blocked by an invisible restriction.She held up the token of her own disciple in front of her and walked up the steps easily.

Straight up to the third floor.

The layout of the third floor is roughly the same as that of the first floor.

Seeing no one around, Mengze jumped out of Zhao Xiaomeng's consciousness: "Let me see how powerful this Qingyunmen's technique is!"

Zhao Xiaomeng didn't care about Mengze who flew away in an instant, and found a direction at random and started to look through the exercises.

There are many kinds of exercises, such as training the mind, attacking exercises, and auxiliary exercises, all kinds and varieties.

Zhao Xiaomeng practiced Bingxin Jue, which was passed down to her by Liu Chaoge, and it was also practiced by God King Liu himself. It is most suitable for monks with ice-type spiritual roots, and she does not intend to change it.But she didn't have the means to attack. The only time she fought with others was suppressed by the level of magic weapons, and she almost lost due to lack of spiritual power.

So what she wanted was an attacking technique.Zhenjun Yujing gave her an attack-type exercise "Guiyuan Hand" before. She has read it carefully. Mastery, only to be tested in actual combat.

She wanted to see if there were any more powerful exercises here.

After walking for about ten meters, Zhao Xiaomeng looked at the blind shelf in all directions, after all, she didn't want to spend the night here. Thinking of the last words of the fourth senior sister, she took out her disciple's token and injected spiritual power into it.

The token emits a faint white light.

A wave invisible to the naked eye spread around with Zhao Xiaomeng as the core, and some even spread upward to the fourth, fifth, and sixth floors.

All of a sudden, all the exercises on the shelves on the third floor radiated light of various colors, brightly or darkly. It was like lighting up countless colorful lamps in the dim environment. Zhang looked dumbfounded.

Lin Weng, who was joking with Jin Fuyin, suddenly turned his head and looked into the hall.

"Hey, what did you do!" Mengze flew out from the colorful lights, lying on top of Zhao Xiaomeng's head, his body was a little on guard: What are you doing so excited about these exercises that you haven't even activated your spiritual wisdom!
"I just input spiritual power into the identity token, and my senior sister said that I can find the most suitable exercises for me." Zhao Xiaomeng murmured.

"Then find the brightest one!" Monze said.

"Okay!" Zhao Xiaomeng was about to scatter his consciousness to search, when suddenly, a dazzling white light group flew over the stairs and rushed towards Zhao Xiaomeng.

The ball of light was so fast that Zhao Xiaomeng had no time to dodge it!Fortunately, the light group suddenly slowed down when it approached Zhao Xiaomeng, and finally stopped slowly in front of Zhao Xiaomeng.

At the moment when the light group appeared, all the exercises on the third floor were overshadowed, as if they were a little afraid of this light group.

Zhao Xiaomeng narrowed her eyes, and stretched out her hand to support the exercises.

The exercise obediently fell into Zhao Xiaomeng's palm, and the light gradually dimmed.

She put the jade slip on her forehead, and learned that this exercise is called "Nine Nine Overturning the Heaven Seal", which has a total of 81 changes, but only the first [-] changes are recorded in the jade slip.

Zhao Xiaomeng held the jade slip and didn't know what to do. The jade slip obviously flew down from the upstairs, but she can only get the exercises from the third floor, so can she take it or not?

"How can you send back what you got!" Mengze said.

"It's better if you pass the Ming Road!" This exercise came from upstairs, and as soon as it appeared, the exercises on the third floor avoided it, and Zhao Xiaomeng had no choice but to have it. This exercise must be better than the one on the third floor. The exercises are much more powerful.

"Take it down first. If it doesn't work, ask Master to pick it up after you have apprenticeship. Master is the ancestor of Qingyun Sect. It is certainly not difficult to get a copy of the kung fu."

"So troublesome!" Mengze returned to Zhao Xiaomeng's consciousness and hummed.

"Where you are, you have to abide by the rules!" Zhao Xiaomeng went downstairs with the jade slips, "I am a disciple of Qingyun Sect now, so naturally I have to abide by the rules of Qingyun Sect."

Zhao Xiaomeng took the jade slips to meet Lin Weng.

Lin Weng stared at the jade slip in her hand, stunned for a moment, then turned around and silently burned a copy, and handed it to her, Zhao Xiaomeng took it but did not take it back: "Lin Weng, this piece of jade slip"

"Since it is in your hands, it is yours. The rules of Qingyun Pavilion have always been like this." Lin Weng said gently.

Only then did Zhao Xiaomeng take back the jade slip.

Jin Fuyin pulled her: "Lin Weng, we are leaving, we still have to go to Lingbao Pavilion."

"Go, go, it's so noisy!" Lin Weng waved his hands in disgust.

Looking at the backs of the two girls going away, Lin Weng lost his mind, shook his head and said: "A gentleman, choose a girl to teach, a little bit on the Lingtai, soar to the sky! It's just that she is too young, it's a pity"

Lin Weng raised the jug and took a sip, couldn't help but shook his head and sighed again: "It's really a pity."

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(End of this chapter)

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