Chapter 35
Following Jin Fuyin to Lingbao Pavilion again, Zhao Xiaomeng wrote down the route, feeling in her heart that she deserves to be the number one sect. If she didn't have the magic weapon of flying, she would have to walk for a day just from Qingyun Pavilion to Lingbao Pavilion.

Lingbao Pavilion is about the same size as Qingyun Pavilion.The guardian of Lingbao Pavilion is an old woman with white hair and cloth clothes, she is not angry but mighty.Seeing her, Jin Fuyin didn't dare to make any mistakes. He explained why he came, and obediently sat on the futon at the door to meditate, as if he was trying hard to practice.

She was completely different from her jumping appearance in Qingyun Pavilion just now.

Zhao Xiaomeng couldn't help being a little nervous, and respectfully asked the old man to read the token of his own disciple, and walked into the cabinet cautiously.

"Pretentious!" Monze snorted.

However, Zhao Xiaomeng felt that the fourth senior sister was very cute, so she couldn't help laughing and said: "This old mother must have taught her a lesson, otherwise the fourth senior sister would not be so obedient and obedient."

After entering the Lingbao Pavilion, Zhao Xiaomeng went directly to the third floor, and did not bother to check the magic weapons and treasures in the house, but only input the spiritual power into the identity token.

In an instant, the surroundings were as bright as day.

Different from Qingyun Pavilion, only one of the hundreds of magic weapons on the third floor emits light.

Zhao Xiaomeng walked over without hesitation.

It was a small black seal with a square shape, only the size of a thumb, but it emitted a dazzling white light.

Zhao Xiaomeng picked it up gently with narrowed eyes, and the white light on the magic weapon gradually dimmed.

"This is." Monze hesitated, "Spiritual weapon?"

"Why is the spiritual weapon placed on this floor?" Zhao Xiaomeng said it shouldn't.

"I still think it should be a spirit weapon, no, it's more like an innate spirit treasure, probably because the spirit of the weapon fell into a deep sleep for some reason, so it looks like an ordinary spirit weapon." Monze said angrily, "I'll sleep again for about We will be able to determine what magic weapon it is.”

Zhao Xiaomeng stroked its soft fur, and comforted him: "We will take it away, and you can think about it later." Just after choosing the exercise of "Nine Nine Turning Heaven Seal", this small seal will pop out, if you say The two have nothing to do with each other, Zhao Xiaomeng doesn't believe it.

"Take it away! Good things can't be left to others! By the way, I said before that I have a way to cultivate spiritual consciousness, but I only remember half of it, so I will give it to you first!" Mengze said, his furry body flew to In the middle of the air, stick it to Zhao Xiaomeng's forehead.

Zhao Xiaomeng's mind came up with an exercise called "Spirit Alchemy".

Practice the art of spiritual consciousness.

"That's a good name!" Simple and rude.

After leaving the Lingbao Pavilion, he registered the magic weapon he had taken at the old mother's place. Under Jin Fuyin's impatient gaze, Zhao Xiaomeng walked towards her slowly.

After saluting with the old mother, the two left in the mechanism beast.

Jin Fuyin took a deep breath when he could no longer see the shadow of Lingbao Pavilion.

Zhao Xiaomeng asked: "Little sister, is that old nanny so scary?"

"There is no disciple in the school who is not afraid of her!" Jin Fuyin defended himself, "every few years when the master checks the cultivation of our four sisters, he will invite this old lady to come. The year when I practiced the tenth level of Dzogchen, the old lady The first thing Mammy said when she saw me was, I thought you had built the foundation long ago, have you been hiding from the aura on Shuanghua Peak when you walk this year!"

Some hate!
Jin Fuyin pouted and said: "It's not just me, all four of us sisters have felt her poisonous tongue! She said before that senior sister, you must put a note on your body when you go out, telling others that you are a talisman teacher, otherwise you will be so old at such a young age." She is still a foundation-building cultivator, and others may think that the disciples of Qingyunmen are all rubbish. She said that the second senior sister, the sword is still a sword without you, and what is it without the sword! She said third senior sister, you are as trash as the boss, But you don’t need to paste the stickers, just make yourself a snail-like shell, and you can save your cultivation.”

"This old mama speaks so directly!" But there is some truth to it.

"It's vicious! But Master still respects her so much, saying that she is right, let us reflect on it!" Jin Fuyin said unconvinced.

"Then, did she talk about you again just now?"

"Not really. If it wasn't for entering the secret realm, I would have broken through a long time ago! If she dares to speak out about me, I can go back!" Jin Fuyin said, feeling a little regretful, why didn't she mention me this time.

Zhao Xiaomeng thought to herself, that nanny probably knew why she didn't advance, so she didn't speak.She took Jin Fuyin's hand and said: "After we come out of the secret realm this time, we will become Jindan monks, and then we will go to the mother's side for a while."

"That's natural!" Jin Fuyin couldn't help but frowned as he thought about the day when he was elated.

"Real senior sister!"

"Real junior sister!"

The two talked and laughed, and returned to Shuanghua Peak.

Jin Fuyin took Zhao Xiaomeng to the cave of the elder sister Li Jingyao.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a whole wall of cabinets, inside which were stacks of cut-out talisman papers, and the adjacent wall was also full of cabinets, containing porcelain or jade bottles.

There is a huge table in the middle of the room, which is filled with talisman paper, pen and ink, and Li Jingyao is drawing talisman seals.

The two stood in place, not daring to make a sound.

After a while, beads of sweat oozed from Li Jingyao's forehead.

After about half a stick of incense, she turned her wrist suddenly, the surrounding spirit surged, and a talisman seal was completed.Li Jingyao raised her head with ease, looked at the two women with a pair of beautiful eyes like hazy smoke and said with a smile: "Come here!"

Jin Fuyin hopped and pulled Zhao Xiaomeng over, looked at the talismans on the table and exclaimed: "Master, you can draw level [-] talismans now!"

Zhao Xiaomeng also stared wide-eyed, the fifth-level talisman can already cause damage to monks in the out-of-body stage!And Li Jingyao is just a Golden Core cultivator!
Is this the strength of the strongest talisman master!
"I just gave it a try. Today I was able to draw the fourth-level talisman very easily. I want to try the fifth-level talisman, but I don't want you to succeed the moment you enter the door!" Li Jingyao showed an uncontrollable smile on her lips, and the beauty looked like Sheng The peonies are laid out, lazy and luxurious.

She handed Zhao Xiaomeng a storage bag: "Little Junior Sister, this is your allowance for this month."

"Thank you, big sister."

Then she took out two more storage bags and handed them to the two respectively: "In the past when the secret realm was opened, disciples from all sects fell inside, and this time the secret realm is opened is no exception, so you must be careful inside. Remember, save your life The most important thing! If you encounter danger, you would rather leave the secret realm directly than fight with others, do you remember?"

"Remember, big sister!"

"Okay, Fuyin took Xiaomeng to find a cave, rested for a few days, and waited for the secret realm to open. Especially you, Jin Fuyin, don't go down the mountain, don't be lazy!"

"Understood, big sister!" After finishing speaking, she pulled Zhao Xiaomeng and ran away.

"There are few people in Shuanghua Peak, and there are still many empty caves. The senior sister makes talismans and needs to be quiet, so she lives alone in the west of the peak; the second senior sister practices swords, and she is afraid of hurting people with sword energy, so she lives alone in the east of the peak; The third senior sister also has accidents in making the agency, so she lives in Fengbei. I live in Fengnan, Xiaomeng, you can live with me!" Jin Fuyin warmly invited.

"I occasionally refine weapons, which may disturb you"

"Are you an instrument master?" Jin Fuyin stared wide-eyed.


Jin Fuyin didn't speak for a long time, Zhao Xiaomeng asked her: "Little sister, what's wrong with you?"

She said slowly: "One of you is a talisman master, the other is a sword master, the other is a mechanism master, and the other is a weapon master. It's only me, probably only edible."

Zhao Xiaomeng smiled and hugged Jin Fuyin: "Little sister, my mother cooks the best food. When we come out of the secret realm, I will definitely invite you to my parents' residence! Use the best spirit beast, the best spirit beast Zhi, make the best food, invite the best food teacher!"

Jin Fuyin has a very good temper. When Zhao Xiaomeng interrupted her, the disappointment that had just risen in her heart disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The two finally chose a cave in Fengnan, about a hundred feet away from Jin Fuyin's cave, and arranged a simple formation so that even Zhao Xiaomeng would not disturb her even if she made weapons.

After cleaning the cave, the two separated and practiced independently.

(End of this chapter)

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