Chapter 100

The princess was originally a fool, but now she is crazy, and she yelled that her house was haunted, and the whole city knew about it.The person who came to pick her up naturally didn't believe it, and went to the ruined princess mansion to investigate.

Strange corpses, servants who committed suicide...

The situation in the mansion was really not like a normal crime scene. The guards from the imperial city searched and inquired from house to house, and officials of all sizes in the city were also called to a meeting.

They agreed with the people's dictation, thinking that night was just an ordinary 'one night'.

It is not uncommon for people to shout loudly in the middle of the night in the Princess Mansion. The residents and officials in the city have long been used to it.

Who would have thought that something would happen to the princess mansion?
The princess's guards, officers and soldiers defending the city are all there, and there are also experts invited by the princess with a lot of money!
The master raised by the princess in the mansion attracted the attention of investigators.

The officials and common people in the city knew of the existence of this person, but the person who came to pick up the princess had never seen this person.

The owner of the restaurant in the city confirmed that this expert loves to eat the secret mutton in their building, which cannot be cooked by cooks elsewhere, so the servants of the princess mansion will come to the restaurant every evening to buy a portion, specially For the tall man to enjoy.

All the officials in Princess City have seen this expert, and the princess attaches great importance to this person. On the day he was invited here, officials of all sizes were entertained, and they even toasted the expert.

It's just that a fire broke out in the princess mansion, which burned this expert.

The people who came to pick up the princess searched everywhere for this expert, but they couldn't find it, but they found an abnormality in the evil temple.

At that time, the corpse of the evil god had been severely decomposed, and they found nothing. The surrounding residents also said that there had been a thunderstorm a few days ago, and the temple was struck by several bolts of lightning, and the "evil god" inside was struck to death by lightning.

The princess was more frightened because of this, but this was an act of God, not a man-made disaster.

The people discussed in private, saying that the princess had committed many evils and finally received retribution.

Some people also said that it was the innocent souls who died in the pond of the Princess Mansion, which had accumulated to the point of 'overflow'.

There were rumors all over the place, but the person who came to pick up the princess didn't stay long. After simply finding out the ins and outs of the incident, he took the princess to the imperial city.

Compared with rumors, they are more concerned about the health of the princess.

There was no doctor they were satisfied with in the princess city, so they hurried back to the imperial city with the princess.

I know best what I did, the princess will not be able to live independently in the future.

She is not in this place, the people here may still live better.

It's just that I don't know whether the monarch of Tengxue Kingdom is willing to make this matter big, so I haven't left Princess City for the time being, and I plan to wait until later.

After waiting for many days, we waited for a "ceremony", and the imperial city sent a professional team to save the souls of the dead.

The altar was opened in the Princess Mansion with great fanfare, and it was lively for seven days. Finally, the mage announced to the people in the city that the evil spirits gathered in the Princess Mansion had gone on their way, and everyone could live in peace from now on.

I know best whether there are ghosts in the princess mansion, and I don't believe a word the mage says.

But they spread out such a big frame, nothing more than to appease the hearts of the people, or... to appease my heart.

I thought I couldn't spend it here all the time, so I obeyed their wishes and left Princess City with Yun Zhou.

Going out of the city to the wilderness, there are indeed people ambushing around.

"Master Wei, are you waiting for me here?" Although I didn't see Wei Mao, I remembered the color of his energy cluster. He hid behind a big tree, and his life energy flickered, and it was hard to ignore.

"Hehe, Dr. An is really astute." Wei Mao stepped out from behind the tree with a smirk.

"There are so many people in ambush, so someone wants to treat me again?" I deliberately stabbed him.

"Who can invite Dr. An? You won't give me a big face. This time, I invite you to sit in the prison."

"Eating in prison? That's fine." I have long sensed that the surrounding hills are full of people. They sent mages into the city as a cover-up, but they actually sent a large number of people to ambush on the way out of the city.

Tengxue Country's strength is not weak, and they want to catch a quack, but it's not impossible to catch them.

But if I want to escape, I can escape.

Wei Mao didn't dare to relax in the slightest. He said he was escorting me back to the imperial city, but in fact he sent a group of people to watch me.

Along the way to the imperial city, when the local officials received us, they were all puzzled.

Some magistrates were straightforward, seeing a group of them staring at me, but they had no substantive means, so they asked Wei Mao, why didn't they put the prisoner in shackles?
They have never seen a situation where they just stare at the prisoner and prevent the prisoner from escaping.

When Wei Mao was asked about this, he couldn't help sighing, shook his head and asked: Who dares to approach her?Who dares to start?

There are those who are not afraid of death and do not understand the situation, want to show it in front of Wei Mao, and send their men to hold me with shackles, iron hooks and the like, trying to lock me up.

Before I could make a move, their bones were broken by stones, and the iron chain was broken in two.

Wei Mao had never seen Yun Zhou make a move, and Yun Zhou's appearance scared him so much that his forehead was sweating.

I guess it was because I was afraid, and I was glad that he didn't do anything with me, otherwise, with Yunzhou's internal strength, it would be enough to turn him into a mollusk.

Wei Mao knew too well what my means were. He was polite to me along the way, offering delicious food and drink. He only hoped that he would send me to the imperial city smoothly, and his errand would be completed.

I was not in a hurry to leave, and I enjoyed the scenery of Tengxue Country along the way. Every time I went to a place, I would rest for a few days, take Yunzhou to taste the local food, and take a look at the scenery by the way.

What Wei Mao brought out this time is a team of masters, the elite of the elite, who usually protect the monarch.

These people are arrogant, and they didn't agree to let me walk "freely" at first, and they didn't believe that the warriors of Tengxue Kingdom could not deal with a woman together.

They were arrogant and rude, and they wanted to tie me to a pony tail and parade me in cool clothes.

Playing Mai Tai has always been my strong point, and the next day in the city where we rested, there was a "spectacle" in which the warriors of the imperial city ate horse manure angrily and didn't even want to give twists.

The people in the whole city were disgusted. The person involved fled the city overnight, and the local officials were still hesitant to bring them some 'dry food' to eat on the way.

I asked Wei Mao to bring a few pockets of horse dung, for nothing else, and if anyone dared to mess with me, it would be their buffet.

Wei Mao suspected that I had learned witchcraft with the witch man. He didn't dare to mess with me at all, so he discussed everything.

The strange dead people in the Princess Mansion were also attributed to 'witchcraft'.

It is even more difficult for them to understand the explanation of supernatural powers. It is better to let them continue to misunderstand that it is witchcraft.

There are also some martial arts sects in Tengxue Kingdom. They are no strangers to Jianghu people, but they hold a 'mysterious and fearsome' attitude towards overseas witchcraft.

The farther you are from the sea, the more mysterious you feel about overseas things.

So I'm actually curious, how did Mo Qiwei contact the witch man?

(End of this chapter)

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