a very dark dark guard

Chapter 99 Treating Heart Disease

Chapter 99 Treating Heart Disease
When a master fights with a master, he must go up and down. I usually rarely use lightness kung fu. Tonight, I fought with a master from the ground to the roof, and then from the roof to mid-air.Getting farther and farther away from the crowd, my purpose is not to let others see how I kill people.

No matter how strong a person's internal energy is, he is like a gas tank, which will always run out of internal energy.

Like the person in front of me, it is not a problem to fight internally for three days and three nights.

However, he didn't know that I had mastered my 'star-attracting method'.

I yelled in front of him: "Bring it to you!"

At this time we were on the roof of a high-rise building in the city, I clasped his wrist, and breathed a sigh of relief.

He wanted to break free, but he couldn't. His wrist seemed to be glued to my hand with super glue, and at the same time, his inner strength was quickly sucked in.

The more he resisted, the faster he lost his internal energy. He wanted to cut off his arm and get out of my control, but I grabbed his other hand.

It only took a few seconds for his expression to change from doubt to shock to fear.

"This is..." He seemed to have guessed the origin of my martial arts, with despair in his eyes.

"Exactly!" I replied without waiting for him to say it.

I let go of my hand, and the tall man fell down on the tiles of the roof. His already thin body became skinny in a few breaths. His gray hair and beard instantly turned white. mummy.

He breathed weakly, gasped for a few times and then stopped breathing. When he died, he stared at his eyes, as if he could not accept such an ending.

"Babyeater, you should thank me." I sprinkled white powder on him, and his bones and clothes were reduced to fly ash.

When performing tasks, the hidden guards sometimes need to completely 'disappear' the target.

Corpse powder is an essential thing. I escaped from the original boss without these tools with me. Nanjiu and the others specially prepared them for me.

In the princess mansion, they tried to tie Yunzhou up while I was being lured away by an expert.

I figured they'd do it, it's just that I wasn't worried at all.

The princess guards have human-shaped bark controlling them, and the servants of the house have my breath in their bodies.

I felt their movement, so I activated the air wire and gave them a 'nerve blocker'.

They lay motionless on the ground, and Yun Zhou was beating each of them with a stick.

They couldn't move their bodies, but they could move their mouths. I didn't completely seal their voices.

When the princess saw me coming back, the master was gone, and she didn't understand what happened, so she asked me where the master had gone with an angry look on her face.
She was stupid, and the people around her were not stupid. They all realized that the situation was not good, and the person who was clamoring and threatening to make Yun Zhou look good instantly shut his mouth and remained silent.

"He, he suddenly repented, said he wanted to travel around the world, and left." I straightened my hair that was blown by the wind, and went into the room to drink tea and rest.

Yun Zhou hadn't played to his heart's content, so he beat them up one by one.

The princess shouted loudly, calling the soldiers waiting outside the mansion to come in.

But they didn't appear for a long time, and the princess's throat was almost broken.

The soldiers were all down at the base of the courtyard wall. Either they didn't want to come, or they couldn't come, and they couldn't make a sound.

I had enough of sitting in the house, and went into the yard to enjoy the scene of them being beaten by Yunzhou.

"Yunzhou, let's go, let's take Her Royal Highness to play in the pond. I heard that Her Royal Highness likes to play with water." After I finished speaking, two people stood up among the princess guards and lifted the princess on the ground. One lifted his foot.

"You? What are you doing? Are you rebelling?" The little eunuch next to the princess shouted nervously and angrily when she saw that the princess's guards were acting as tools to carry the princess away after seeing my order.

"What? You want to play together? Okay, take him." I pretended not to understand what he said, and asked the other two princess guards to carry him away as well.

On the way to the pond, the little eunuch listed my major crimes and the way I would die.

After he finished speaking, I told him what I thought.

"Tonight, the honored guest of the princess mansion practiced kung fu and walked into the fire demon, went berserk and killed everyone, and then burned the princess mansion. None of them were left behind, and the expert escaped without a trace."

"No, I have already sent someone to deliver a letter to your majesty, your trick will not succeed!" The little eunuch still refused to accept his fate.

"You mean those two baby-faced eunuchs?"


"Do you think they're out of town?"

"Doctor An! You are not a doctor, who are you?"

"I'm a doctor, but other doctors treat people's diseases, and I... specialize in treating people's hearts. Some people's hearts are greatly damaged, so they need to be cured. Of course, there are risks in treating diseases, and there are people who can cure them." Well, someone needs to have their bad heart cut off, and if they don’t cut it off, they will die.”

"It's nonsense, it's nonsense! Who are you? Are you a spy of an enemy country, or a running dog of a traitor in your country?"

"Hey, you are more seriously ill. Not only is your heart necrotic, but you also have brain problems. It seems that you have to cut off your brain. If I were an enemy of the Tengxue Kingdom, I would never hurt the princess. After all, there are thousands of troops and horses. The destructive power of a perverted princess."

While we were talking, we came to the pond in the Princess Mansion. Other people’s ponds were built for growing flowers and fish and enjoying the landscape.

The pond in the Princess Mansion was built to watch the drowning of the living, so the pond was deeper and larger than other houses, and a half-person-high wall was built around the edge, so that people in the water could not climb ashore at all.

The princess guards have the latest version of humanoid bark, and their actions are all controlled by me.

It is a puppet that is truly under control, and it can take back control at any time, and no abnormality can be found even if it is checked.

It has to be said that if Mo Qiwei and Mo Ai's plan is really successful, it will not be difficult to get Teng Xueguo into their pocket.

The little eunuch thought through things that the princess couldn't figure out. After he was silent, he began to beg for mercy, begging for my life with snot and tears.

The princess also asked him why he was begging for mercy from me, a damn pariah.

I didn't answer her and asked Princess Wei to throw the two of them into the pond.

The princess and the little eunuch like to 'play with water' so much, but none of them can swim.

They fell into the water and sank after a few splashes.

I waited for them to drink a few sips of water, and then manipulated the air in their bodies to lift their heads out of the water.

Let them take a few breaths, and then let go. Repeatedly, they can deeply experience the feeling of drowning.

"I heard...the drowned people will stay in the water where they died, looking for a living person to act as a substitute. The ghost floats up from the bottom of the water and reaches out to grab the ankle of the living person." I stood on the wall by the bank, slowly Telling ghost stories.

"Help—" the princess shouted loudly, but unfortunately no one could save her at this time.

"Princess, don't panic. The princess' heart is broken. This doctor is treating your heart disease. You need to wash it repeatedly, about 21 times and [-] times, before you can wash it off."

The princess in the water had no time to say anything other than shouting for help, and she often had to drink a few sips of water before she could shout for help.

When they are about to faint, I will fish them up again and put them on the ground to slow down.

It was almost slow before throwing it down, the princess is delicate and fleshy, how could she have suffered such a crime, the little eunuch usually followed her, even though she was a slave, she did not do any heavy work.

After two rounds, the two of them couldn't hold on anymore. I used my supernatural power to heal them. After they were cured, I went to 'overwater'.

Repeatedly cycling through a near-death state, it doesn't take long for them to collapse.

I sent the princess guard to 'take care' of the servants of other houses, and settle their accounts for oppressing the common people.

Whoever they blackmailed, who they exploited, who they took money from, and whose life they killed, all are recorded in detail, and I will have time to read them later.

Princess Wei was ordered to inform the other puppets that the wailing in the Princess Mansion kept going that night, men and women were tortured as if in purgatory.

There is no one within 200 meters of the Princess Mansion, but the loud howling should be heard [-] meters away.

However, the soldiers guarding the princess city and the princess guards did not move at all, and there was a dead silence outside the princess mansion.

At daybreak, Princess Wei handed over the ledger to me. The princess had already collapsed, except trembling with fear, and there was nothing but panic in her eyes.

She has been degraded from a 'children' to a lunatic, who will cry when anyone approaches her, looking for any hiding place to hide.

Mental diseases, once acquired, are more difficult to treat than physical diseases, and there is no psychiatrist in this world.

Those who are mentally abnormal are either kicked out of their homes and left to perish on their own, or they are locked at home and have no contact with outsiders for the rest of their lives.

Before she collapsed, I kept brainwashing her, telling her that she had killed too many people, those souls came to her to claim her life, and she was punished.

The result of hypnosis is that she either does not speak, speaks crazy words, she points to anyone who approaches her and calls 'ghost', and if she approaches her again, she yells hysterically, 'Don't come to me for your life, go away'.

The little eunuch next to her couldn't stand the torture and slammed his head against the wall on the bank to death.

He was involved in Mo Lirui's murder of innocent people, and even came up with many ideas.

It's a little bit of suffering, and it's cheap for him.

I looked through the ledger handed over by Princess Wei, and there were also their own evil debts on it.

For example, relying on being the princess guard, he often went to the fief and countryside to harm girls from good families, and how many lives have been caused.

After reading the account book, I went to the yard where they lay down and asked each of them one by one.

Admitting to extorting 20 taels of silver from others?lie!Then hit.

Admitting to insulting the little maid who just entered the mansion, causing her to resign from her job and return to her hometown?Lie, hit again!

Their emotions cannot escape my supernatural monitoring, whether it is fear or guilty conscience, the changes in energy clusters are very different.

When it was dawn, I closed the ledger and nodded, "Very well, from the top to the bottom of the Princess Mansion, every hand is stained with human life.

These are all their own confessions, and what they admit to have directly killed people or indirectly forced people to death is all true.

"Go, put them back where they usually stay." I told Princess Wei.

The servants of the Princess Mansion were carried back to the yard where they usually rested, scattered everywhere, and placed where they slept every day.

What they suffered when the confessions were extracted was flesh and blood, and their bones and internal organs were fine.

The soldiers who fell under the wall were also questioned by me.

It can only be said that in this princess city, everyone who works for the princess has the same virtue as her.

It's really going to ruin the nest, and the people in the princess's fiefdom will be bad luck for eight lifetimes.

They were discharged by the princess guards, put them on the edge of the pond, and formed a circle.

There is still a piece hanging from the tree next to it. The bad things these things have done can no longer be called human beings.

I manipulated the air filaments in their bodies and let them hang themselves on the tree, which is considered a benevolent way of death.

The city guards were lying on the wall by the pond one by one, with their heads down, their upper bodies inside the wall, and their legs hanging outside the wall.

After drying them like drying vegetables, Princess Wei began to sprinkle oil and set fire.

The princess mansion is full of wooden buildings, and the camp of the defenders has kerosene.

I sent Princess Guards to pick it up, anyway, the people in Princess City dare not go out until dawn.

They were usually scared out of their wits by the princess, and they didn't dare to look at or ask more questions about the princess' mansion, no matter what.

The princess guards got angry, and then jumped into the pond one by one, drowning themselves alive.

Yun Zhou and I stayed in the city in disguise, the Princess Mansion was ablaze, and the fire burned for two full days before the imperial city got a letter and sent people over.

The princess is not dead, I set her free before setting the fire.

At dawn, when the people in the city opened their doors to do business and start their day's life, she ran into people's sight, with disheveled hair, disheveled clothes, and bare feet, yelling 'there is a ghost, there is a ghost trying to kill me' while running.

She ran from morning to night, her hair and clothes were already dry, and she hid in the evil temple in the city. She listened to the instigation of the villains around her and set up an evil temple in the princess city.

The evil god in this temple asks a pair of boys and girls to sacrifice every year, and the evil god is not a clay sculpture, but a living thing.

There is a big iron cage on the altar of the temple, which contains a giant python, which can swallow a child of one or two years old in one bite.

The princess admires the evil god to receive its sacrifice every year, and the crying of the children always makes her laugh out loud.

On the third day after the Princess Mansion was burned, it rained heavily in the early hours of the morning, accompanied by lightning and thunder.

I dug through the roof of the evil temple, and inserted a lightning rod on the python seven inches.

Maybe God can't understand it doing evil in the world. Although it is not on a high-rise building, the lightning rod also led to the thunder.

A series of lightning strikes hit the same place, splitting the giant python to pieces.

I took away the lightning rod and found a place to bury it.

In fact, this thing is just a few pieces of iron rods connected together. When they are used up, they are disassembled and buried everywhere. No one can find them.

The lightning strike even more scared the princess living in the evil temple out of her wits.

I put her into a deep sleep, so she didn't wake up from the roof or the lightning.

I didn't let her wake up until the giant python was hacked to death.

She saw the 'pet' protector turned into a pile of scorched corpses, screaming and escaping from the temple gate.

At this time, people from the imperial city also arrived. They found the princess and took her to rest in the camp outside the city.

There is really no place in the city suitable for her to rest, and the Princess Mansion is in ruins.

Yun Zhou and I lived in an abandoned empty house. It is said that the family of five people were all killed by the princess.

So I don't know when there were rumors that the house was haunted.

The neighbors around are not afraid, because they know that the family died unjustly, as the saying goes, the injustice has its head, and the debt has its owner.

Now, it is the turn of the Princess Mansion to be haunted, and it is the Princess herself who takes the lead in promoting it.

(End of this chapter)

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