Chapter 98
When Wei Mao mentioned it several times, Yun Zhou didn't respond, and kept staring at him.Normal people's thoughts and feelings are much more complicated. Yun Zhou is now more innocent than a child. He expresses his emotions directly, and he doesn't know what embarrassment is.

He is not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed.

Yun Zhou stared at him when we walked, ate, rested, and drank tea, Yun Zhou stared at him like this.

Passers-by, teahouse owners, and restaurant staff looked at them quietly, and Wei Mao felt uncomfortable.

He was in such an uncomfortable situation that he didn't need to explain to passers-by, and he didn't leave until we arrived at the Princess Mansion.

He ran away with his men, and handed us over to the servants and housekeepers of the Princess Mansion.

The butler greeted us warmly, followed by the little eunuch I had slapped.

The little eunuch showed a professional smirk. Although his attitude had changed, his inner emotions had not changed. He hated me even more than before.

A person's face can be disguised, but the inner feelings cannot be hidden.

I don't want to tell the truth, anyway, I brought Yunzhou here to 'seek money'.

"Since the princess invited us over again and again, I always want to give her and the king some face. You don't have to be polite. I will treat this as my own home. Let's not be polite. It's tiring to travel. Let's have dinner first." Interrupting the butler's hypocritical polite words, he didn't welcome us here, he was holding back his heart.

I stepped into the gate of the Princess Mansion, and went straight to the dining room with Yun Zhou.

The housekeeper chased after him. He was about fifty years old, with a fat belly, and he was a little slow in action.

The housekeeper didn't mention the princess, and I didn't mention her either. We went to the dining room and waited for dinner.

The little maid first served us refreshments. How about the richness of the Princess Mansion? The poison they added to the refreshments was colorless and tasteless, and Yun Zhou and I couldn't feel it when we ate it.

However, Yunzhou is protected by my healing ability 'energy thread' in Yun Zhou's body. When food is eaten, the energy thread will automatically remove toxins to ensure the safety of the body.

I can feel the energy silk working, so I know that although there is no problem with the taste, it must actually have added ingredients.

After we finished eating and drinking, the big meal came up, and the big meal was clean without adding any fatal 'additives'.

The cooks in the princess' mansion are pretty good. I, who usually don't like to overeat, couldn't help but eat two more bowls of rice.

Needless to say, Yun Zhou, he ate all the dishes on the table, and he showed off as many desserts and fruits after the meal as he served.

He stared at the maidservants around, and when we finished our meal, the butler led us to the backyard and arranged a garden for the two of us to live in.

The private courtyard in the mansion, the villa with its own garden, the furniture in the house is inlaid with gold and silver, and the locks of the wardrobe are all made of sterling silver.

Yunzhou and I set off on the road lightly, only bringing a change of underwear. I asked the housekeeper to bring some sets of clothes over.

The butler was offended by my straight-forward attitude, as if he was calling his own servant, but he is a senior butler, his expression management is well done and skillful, and he didn't show any displeasure on his face.

According to my words, tell the little maid to prepare clothes.

We went to bed in the middle of the night, and someone ran out of the window and blew 'poisonous smoke' inside.

They used this common way of harming people for three days in a row, but they still haven't changed it.

For three days, Yun Zhou and I ate well, slept soundly, and received the best treatment for basic necessities of life. During the day, I took Yun Zhou to play around, to visit the scenery and eat delicious food in the city, and all the bills reported were from the Princess Mansion. The young eunuchs and maids in the palace are proof, their faces are equivalent to a pass for eating and drinking.

I was afraid that if they refused to accept the debt later, they would cheat the boss instead, so I asked them to pay the bill on the spot.

This silly and bad princess doesn't live in the imperial city, she has her own fiefdom, and the king loves her a lot.

Her name is Mo Lirui, and she is 16 years old. It is said that she was not stupid when she was born. Later, some secret incident in the palace happened.

Also since then, the monarch's love for her has increased tenfold.

Let her be stupid and act like heaven and earth, as long as she doesn't leave Tengxue country, no matter what she does in the territory, the monarch will not blame her.

When she was a child, she saw kittens falling into the water, so she caught the pet cats and dogs raised by the women in the palace and threw them into the pond. She also sent a little eunuch to guard by the pond to prevent them from swimming up to the shore. Anyone who jumped onto the shore would be beaten with a stick. go down.

When she grew up, she upgraded to using "human life" for fun. She liked watching tigers chasing people and yelling when people ran for their lives. She clapped her hands and laughed under the protection of her guards.

These things were found out on Yue Ba after Wei Mao led people to make a big fuss in the medical clinic. She felt that the princess was unreasonable and didn't know her style of behavior, so she went to find out.

Just because the monarch pampered her to the point where there was no bottom line, the people below naturally indulged her in the same way in order to cater to the monarch.

Her fief is not far from Feng Province, so she often goes to Wan Shize's house to play.

Mo Qiwei and her are both surnamed Mo, and they take care of her as much as the king, and even asked the soldiers guarding the city to 'play' a battle for her to watch.

Moreover, the performance must be real, and no fake beating is allowed. Every time a performance is performed, some people will die or be permanently disabled.

Afterwards, Mo Qiwei compensated the family members of the dead soldiers or disabled soldiers with a sum of money.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. The monarch dotes on his daughter so much, and the princess is confident and can do whatever she wants. She probably thinks that there is nothing in this world that she cannot get.

There is a master hidden in her house, and I sensed it the day I came here.

That should be her trump card, save it for last.

However, I have already pricked the servants of the whole house in her house.

Including the maids and eunuchs serving in her courtyard, the breath from them has already transferred to her.

Now the whole house is up and down, only that expert I have not moved.

In three days, I visited every area in the main city of the princess fiefdom, as well as the villages in the countryside. The people here were almost out of breath due to the heavy taxation, and there was a dead mood everywhere.

Even after a while, the princess wanted to arrest people for 'playing'. The people were afraid that bad luck would happen to them, and lived in fear every day.

However, the fief is guarded by the princess guards, and these common people are powerless to resist.

Whenever the population of the princess' fief decreases, the monarch will transfer civilians from other places to fill the vacancy, and there are many locals from other provinces.

On the evening of the fourth day, the princess lost her composure and sent someone to the small courtyard to call us, saying that she would summon us.

I asked someone to send a message to her, and she wanted to see a distinguished guest, so she would come to visit her in person.

During the years when she was in the fiefdom, the servants of the Princess Mansion used her name to extort money from the people. Even a small servant or a fire burner could extort money from the people.

As long as they complain in front of the princess that someone is disrespectful to the princess, no matter what the reason is, that person will inevitably be beaten violently, and may be dragged to "beat the water" and drown alive.

There are a group of monsters and goblins living in the princess mansion, and good people can't survive in this environment.

They have to 'invite' me to come, I have to help them slay demons and demons.

The messenger left, and I told Yun Zhou to get ready, we just had dinner, and it happened to be time for some exercise, so I filled his snack bag with a bag full of iron beads.

As big as a marble, I'm not going to hold him back tonight.

Soldiers and horses quietly surrounded the princess mansion, the sky was getting dark, but they didn't light a torch.

There are archers hidden on the roof of the pavilion of the princess mansion, and they squatted on it before dinner.

Maybe Her Royal Highness thinks that I don't notice this when I'm eating?
After the people and horses outside were arranged and the princess mansion was surrounded by an iron bucket, Her Royal Highness condescended to come to see us.

Behind her was a team of guards, all of whom were masters. The little eunuch I beat up supported her, smiling smugly.

I prepared things in my sleeves. These things were taken out by Nanjiu and the others before the official sentry searched the witch's secret room.

It is a box of humanoid bark that has been subjected to witchcraft, and it is the latest achievement of this witchcraft, which is more advanced than the fake An Daxia and Mo Qiwei offline.

It does not leave traces on people and is recyclable and reusable.

In exchange for living people, Mo Qiwei reached an agreement with the witch man, she will produce experimental products, and the witch man will provide technology.

The final results are shared with everyone. If my appearance did not disrupt their plans, the new bark has been put into use at this moment, and Wan Shize has also been controlled by them.

It's no wonder that the sorcerers acted recklessly. As soon as their new sorcery succeeded, someone set them on fire. They naturally thought that Mo Qiwei was going to kill the donkey.

In the end, neither of the two sides got the ultimate version of the bark, so Nan Jiu and the others stole it.

With the evidence of the previous two editions, Mo Qiwei's charge of colluding with witches and causing chaos is a certainty.

Originally, I thought they were troublesome, and if I gave this thing to me, I wouldn't need it.

Who would have thought it would be available so soon...

Yun Zhou and I were sitting in the room, and Mo Lirui brought someone in, majestic and menacing.

The little eunuch who entered the door yelled, telling me to kneel down and pay respects to the princess.

Let alone a princess, even if my lord comes here, I may not even kneel down.

"Don't make a fuss, if you have P, let's release it." I don't want to be polite to them at all.


"Don't tell me we're leaving." I didn't want to listen to his nonsense, so I interrupted him immediately.

But they didn't want to give up, the little eunuch waved his hand, and the guards behind them rushed up and stretched out their hands to subdue me.

The space in the room is so big, they can't squeeze all of them in, they can only come in a few.

I didn't use my internal skills, and patiently fought against them one by one. Everyone made two gestures, fighting for the 'skin'.

As long as I can touch their hands and wrists, the bark figure in my sleeve will jump over, get into their cuffs, and then appear from the Dazhui point on the back of the neck, sticking tightly to it.

Their uniforms are all high-collared, and the bark man is pasted behind the neck, which is invisible to others.

The strange feeling was only for a very short moment, they didn't know what happened, they stared at my hand inexplicably, thinking that there was a hidden weapon in my hand.

They can't touch it with their hands unless they take off their clothes, but this is obviously not the time to take off their clothes for inspection.

"His Royal Highness!" A guard wanted to say something, but no one else spoke, and no one echoed, so he had to swallow the words back.

The members of the guards challenged me one by one. They retreated outside the house and looked at each other, all hesitating to speak.

"A bunch of trash—" the little eunuch cursed angrily when he saw that the guards had all retreated and none of them managed to subdue me.

"An Qi, I advise you to hand over Brother Yun, this is the last..." The princess seemed to have forgotten her words at the end of her speech, and the little eunuch beside her hurriedly whispered in her ear before she added the last words: "Ultimatum!"

"Coincidentally, I also want to issue an ultimatum to Your Highness the Princess. If you dare to send someone to move me, one person in the Princess' Mansion will count as one tonight. Don't think about it."

"Things who don't know how to live and die, think that there is no one in Tengxue Country? Today I will let you know what is the majesty of the royal family and what is the method of the Tian Family!" The little eunuch raised his neck and shouted.

He had already caught my breath and didn't even realize it, jumping up and down really joyously.

"Let me experience it quickly." I left a lot of air in the room and walked out the door alone.

Air threads surround Yun Zhou, protecting him like a star ring, but no one can see it.

"Do it—" the little eunuch shouted, and the archers hidden in the high places all started their hands together, no, they all fell down...

If the strands of air do not move, they are no different from ordinary air. The entire Princess Mansion, including the houses, gardens, corners and corners, wherever I walked, there are strands of air left behind.

As long as they are in the Princess Mansion, no matter where they hide, they will not be able to escape my anger.

The archers are no exception. I have visited the roof and the rooms below.

I sense them the moment they go up to the roof.

The night wind was blowing slowly, and the air flow followed the wind and was also hidden in the wind, approaching them and getting into their bodies.

Including the walls, gates, side doors, and dog holes of the Princess Mansion, there are air threads inside and out, and those people outside who want to climb over the wall to rescue her will also enter the body.

"Where are the arrows? Where are your arrows?" I opened my arms and made a welcoming posture, but I couldn't wait for the arrows to pierce my heart.

The princess's face was flushed, and the little eunuch was even more furious. His voice changed and he shouted sharply, "Who are you? Are they all dead?"

But no one answered him, and the archer on the roof couldn't speak.

They are now in a state of total paralysis and aphasia.

"Shut up, I just said, if you send someone to move me again, the princess mansion will not be able to recover tonight, I will fulfill my promise."

"Protect the princess!" The little eunuch didn't want to shut up, he shouted again, and he shouted into the air.

A black shadow rushed into the small courtyard, his figure was as fast as lightning, and with a strong wind, the little eunuch almost fell down.

"The appearance of the flying sand and the rocks." I covered my head with a gas mask, protecting my eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

This is their invisible helmet and mask, so I am the only one in the courtyard who can stare at this person, and everyone else has their eyes squinted to avoid the raised dust particles.

The person who came was the expert who was hiding in the princess mansion, but how should I put it, his martial arts were still a bit inferior to those of Liu Yanyan and Xiao Beitu.

Even so, air threads and bark should not hurt him.

There is 'qi' transformed from internal force all over his body to protect him, like a force pushing outwards, hidden weapons, poisonous smoke, and ordinary weapons can't touch his body.

"Little girl, don't be too arrogant." The master is not young, he probably has decades of internal strength, his inverted triangle eyes gleamed with a cold light, and his face with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was full of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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