Chapter 97
I sent people over to set off smoke near the underground darkroom, pretending that the garden was on fire, and force them to show up.In a panic, they killed the servants who went to put out the fire. Originally, if they had hidden themselves and hid in Mo Qiwei's room, they would not have been exposed so easily.

They were eager to kill and silence, fearing that their identities and traces had already been discovered.

This trouble became more and more out of hand, and the witch man manipulated the puppets to kill the city government.

It turns out that there is also a dungeon in the dark room, in which the 'dolls' used to make puppets are kept.

No one knows the identity of the 'dolls', but my people report that the puppets are all young women.

I wondered maybe Mo Qiwei didn't sell all the abducted people, and saved some for the witches to use.

These puppets are extremely powerful and invulnerable, using the bark on their bodies should be more powerful than those used on the fake An Daxia and me.

Mo Qiwei was backlashed by witchcraft, she was extremely weak, and it was said that she was bedridden.

She couldn't come forward to settle this matter, but Mo Ai 'healed', and what Mo Qiwei couldn't do, he could do.

He summoned troops, approached the city, and sent people to assassinate Wan Shize, trying to capture Yulan City in one fell swoop.

I also didn't expect that his and Mo Qiwei's goal was to separate one side and establish themselves as kings.

Magnolia City is the provincial capital of Feng Province, and it is also a big city farthest from the capital of Tengxue Kingdom.

The Wan family here is like a little king in China, who has his own army and pays only a small tax to the country every year.

But thinking about it carefully, Mo Qiwei may know that she is infertile, and Wan Shize is already dissatisfied with her, and there is no loyal love between the two of them.

Once there is a woman who can be kept by Wan's family, she will be emptied sooner or later. She is infinitely beautiful in her youth and miserable in her old age. Sooner or later, the most honorable position in Yulan City will be someone else's.

So she and Mo Ai can only make plans early, and controlling Wan Shize is the best way.

Only by making him a puppet can he be guaranteed not to change his mind.

When he has a son, and then controls his son, she will be able to be her 'Queen Mother' with peace of mind.

And they also have a plan B, if the witchcraft fails, then they will be tough, kill Wan Shize, capture Yulan City, and control the entire Feng Province.

Of course, controlling people is the first choice, controlling the city is the worst policy, and if everything is brought to light, they will have no chance of turning back.

The monarch of Tengxue Kingdom will definitely not sit idly by.

Based on the information I heard and my own speculation, I roughly figured out their intentions.

Just as the rebels were besieging Yulan City, Master Wei Maowei appeared with ice armor guards, showed the king's token, and ordered the rebels to surrender quickly, so that there is still a chance of survival by reining in the precipice.

I knew he didn't go, but I didn't know he had the king's token with him, no, we checked before, and he didn't.

After he and his men were raided by us, they temporarily stayed in an inn outside the city.

He sent a letter to the imperial city, and the support team had just arrived in Feng Province for two days.

Could it be...he called for backup to deal with me?
The rebels were a little panicked when they saw the ice armor guard next to the monarch so soon.

Yingyi, the dark guard next to Wan Shize, kidnapped Mo Qiwei, threatened her life, and forced Mo Ai to surrender.

Mo Ai committed suicide at the gate of the city, and the rebels naturally disarmed and surrendered.

I was not at the scene, Xiaojiao and Yueba went to watch the fun, and came back very angry, saying that no one was to blame for Mo Ai's death, but he named Dao's surname and scolded me.

They felt that it was bad luck. Before one person died, they yelled at me as a "monster", and they would be struck by lightning.

There were many onlookers, and everyone present heard it.

I completely understand his feelings. He and Mo Qiwei have been planning for several years, and all the plans are progressing steadily. Suddenly, Cheng Yaojin appeared halfway, and turned the situation they had made into muddy water.

If I hadn't provoked Mo Qiwei with Mo Ai's life and death, she would not have lost her composure and tried to kill me with a poisonous spider.

If she hadn't made a move, she wouldn't have been exposed, and she would have been backlashed by witchcraft.

Her witchcraft skills are not yet proficient, and this is not a skill that can be developed overnight.

As a result, he hurt Wan Shize and was completely disgusted by him.

At the same time, in front of Wan Shize, the unusual relationship between her and Mo Ai was also revealed.

Wan Shize grasped his weakness, so the people of Yulan City did not suffer from the disaster of war.

The rebellion plan was not implemented very well, but the love of the Mohist siblings shocked the people in the city for 100 years.

Before Mo Ai died, he bravely expressed his love and confessed his love loudly. Mo Qiwei broke down in tears and made an appointment to meet him in the next life.

This rebellion ended in the "epic and tearful" love tragedy between Mo Daguanren and Mo Jinlian.

Wan Dalang, who was not killed by them, wore a green hat and threw out a letter of divorce.

Xiaojiao couldn't help being curious, and begged Yue Ba to find out the inside story of their relationship for her.

Yue Ba immediately agreed, and acted immediately, sneaking into the Chengguan Mansion and Mo Sangongzi's Mansion to collect information.

She checked for half a month, and even made two trips to other provinces to find the hidden insider.

Finally, all the records of the relationship between the two were collected.

They insisted on discussing it in front of me, under the guise of letting me know more about the secrets of Tengxue Kingdom's royal family.

In fact, I just want to share gossip and eat melons together!
Based on the relationship between Mo Qiwei and Mo Ai, I believe that they are young couples.

However, given the identities of siblings, it is impossible for lovers to end up as married couples.

Mo Qiwei had no choice but to marry Wan Shize, she actually looked down on Wan Shize's aloof personality.

The relationship between husband and wife is average, she gave birth to daughters one after another, and Wan Shize lost even ordinary affection for her.

She was pregnant with her third child a few years ago, but no one knew about it.

She secretly asked the doctor to check her pulse, and the doctor congratulated her, saying that she was pregnant with a boy.

This doctor is quite stupid, if it is a good thing, why would the majestic city official's wife secretly ask the doctor for a pulse?

As a married woman with two children, she has at least some experience in whether she is pregnant again.

At that time, the fetus was three months old, and Wan Shize went on a trip and had been away from home for more than half a year.

No matter what, she can't keep this child, because Wan Shize will go home two months later, when her stomach is already big, and it's Wan Shize's, and Wan Shize is not stupid.

And two months was not enough for her to give birth to the child.

In ancient times, there were no baby first aid equipment and incubators that premature babies needed.

She discussed with Mo Ai, who knew that Mo Ai actually wanted her to give birth to a child, which was his flesh and blood, and it was another boy, and he was reluctant to lose this son.

He thought of a way for Mo Qiwei, since Wan Shize could leave home, so could Mo Qiwei.

He asked Mo Qiwei to go to their offline home to wait for delivery on the grounds of a business trip.

It is said that it is to inspect the autumn harvest in various cities and come back after giving birth to a child.

Mo Qiwei agreed, and the two of them took people out of the city when they were ready.

They hid in a remote city in Feng Province, where the richest man and city officials belonged to them.

Three months later, Mo Qiwei had a miscarriage for no reason. Not only did she not keep her baby, but she also injured her body and almost died of bleeding during childbirth.

To the public, they only said that Mo Qiwei was unfortunately poisoned by an assassin. Although her life was saved, her body had been damaged by the poison and it was difficult to recover.

For this reason, Mo Ai has always blamed himself and felt guilty, and he loves and protects Mo Qiwei even more. He once swore that if something happened to her, he would never live alone.

"You know this? The relationship between the two of them is shady, and I swear that this kind of thing must be behind other people's backs." I heard Yueba say it as if she had seen it with her own eyes, and I doubted the authenticity of the content.

"Being behind others, not her most trusted nanny, Mo Ai died, Mo Qiwei was repaired, her mother's family knew what she did, and they had severed ties with her, and she was imprisoned in the Yulan City Prison , seeing that there is only one breath left, it is not easy for her nanny to speak?"

The nanny has been with Mo Qiwei since she was young, and followed her to Magnolia City, and won her trust. It is not surprising to know this.

It's just that Yueba spent half a month using her profession to eat melons. I don't know what to say about her.

The source of the abduction has been solved, and this matter is over for me.

Mo Qiwei and Mo Ai's crimes must be reported to the official by their own downline.

The subsequent matters should be resolved by the government, such as finding family members for the murdered 'doll' and so on.

The sorcerer who was hidden in the courtyard by Mo Qiwei had also died under the sword of darkness.

A few days ago, Mr. Guan was dying of illness. When he heard that Mo Ai was dead and Mo Qiwei was arrested, he immediately jumped up from the bed and ran to the Yamen to be promoted to the court for trial.

The first thing he announced was the news that the witch was dead, so as to appease the hearts of the people, so that the people would no longer be afraid.

The sorcerer appeared, and the witchcraft murder case was naturally solved. The murderer was killed by the guards of the city government while escaping.

Among the few cases that tortured the officials and lords, only the case of the three waves of gangsters fighting has no clue.

I took out the badge I found from 'Huokou' and handed it to Xiaojiao, asking her to go to the Yamen and hand over the badge and my letter to the official.

The next day, the Jianghu murder case was also solved. The government announced that two of Mo Ai's enemies had sent two teams to seek revenge on him, and Mo Ai had sent a team of killers to strike first.

It was just a coincidence that the three teams chose to fight on the roof of the medical hall.

For several days, one big melon after another knocked the people of Yulan City dizzy.

Witchcraft, rebellion, green hat, Qilian, mystery solved...

The people lamented that such a dramatic and explosive event had never happened since the establishment of Yulan City.

They can't help but think that a series of events coincides with the appearance of a certain person.

The city official took over the affairs of the province again, and the official of Yulan City was still investigating the accomplices of the Mo family siblings.

The rebels were not sentenced to death, and their military status was cut and sent to the frontier.

When all the dust settles, my clinic will be completely closed.

On the day before we left, the four of us had just stepped out of the city gate when we were stopped by a group of people.

"Yeah, Mr. Wei? Long time no see." I greeted Wei Mao in a low voice and a tone that was not to be beaten.

Yue [-]th and Nan [-]th had already found out about his situation.

His younger sister is the concubine Wei who is being favored in the harem. The Wei family is a big family in Tengxue Country, and every generation produces noble concubines and generals.

Mrs. Wei is his biological younger sister. The two of them have one mother. They were carefully raised since childhood. It is said that Concubine Wei was born with a natural beauty and is the number one beauty in Tengxue Country.

"Where are you going, Doctor An?" Wei Mao didn't bring many people with him, only four ice armor guards followed behind him.

"Go to the Devil's Cult. I've joined the Devil's Cult. Do you want to come with Master Wei?"

"Doctor An is really frank." Wei Mao was obviously stunned by my straight ball, and he organized his words before boasting.

"Master Wei is waiting for us here, is there anything wrong?" I asked.

"His Royal Highness once again sincerely invites all of you to visit the Princess Mansion." Wei Mao said this, actually quite reluctantly, and his expression was very resistant.

"Oh, her, you go back and tell her, if you bother us again, I'll turn her into a toad, it's not a joke, An Mou will do what she says." I didn't have any feelings for this person at first, but she stimulated Yun Zhou and couldn't help it. Give her a chance to get ahead.

"Doctor An, at least to save face for you, I will only go to the Princess Mansion for a short stay for a few days. If you want to leave after that, Your Majesty will never stop you."

Wei Mao lowered his figure to 'request' and lifted the monarch out.

"Master Wei, do you know that sometimes persistence is not a good thing, I am not a good-tempered person, the princess may be wronged by me."

"Doctor An, your honor is more important than anything else. If you insist on refusing, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of Fengxing."

"His face is more important than everything else?" It's so arrogant. I have met such people in the original world. In the end, I trampled on their face as if it were an insole.

As a strong person in the original world, I couldn't accept the low-browed and pleasing life of the original body.

I am even more disgusted that someone forced me to bow my head for the sake of my own face. Do I want to lose face?
I wanted to be a good person, but someone always forced me to be a villain, helpless.

"Yueba, send Xiaojiao to the Devil's Cult, bring our money, and Yunzhou and I will go to the princess mansion as guests, and we will leave in five days, and tell elder brother not to worry about us." I handed the burden to Yueba.

"An, doctor! I won't go, I'll go with you." Xiaojiao refused.

"No, there are a lot of servants and eunuchs in the princess, they will take good care of us, you should take a vacation and wait for me at the Devil's Cult first, but you have to read the medical books every day, don't be lazy."

Xiaojiao wanted to say something else, but Yueba grabbed her and left. I waved at them and told them, "Be careful of the money, don't lose it!"

Yue Ba responded, and pulled Xiaojiao away.

They're both good at hiding, and I'm not worried about anything happening to them along the way.

And there are our people in the dark, it is safe for them to go together.

"Doctor An still loves money so much." Wei Mao mocked.

"If you love money, you need someone to let me get it. Tell me, there are always people giving me money. Can I not? Don't be too embarrassed, the kindness is hard to turn down."

Wei Mao may seldom fight in line with others at ordinary times, and he can use his hands without using his mouth, so when he wants to use his mouth, he doesn't know what to say, and he can't fight with his hands.

He makes me unhappy, and I can't make him happy.

Yun Zhou is very sensitive to my emotional changes, and he will also show hostility to people I hate.

On the way to the Princess Mansion, he kept staring at Wei Mao. No one knew how he could not blink, keep his eyes steady and output murderous aura, but I knew that Wei Mao was quite uncomfortable.

He is a warrior, and he has an instinctive response to the gaze of others, even if someone is staring at him from behind, he can still feel it.

Now that Yun Zhou's eyes are wide open, staring straight at him without dodging at all, he can definitely feel the discomfort of being stabbed in the back by the eye knife.

(End of this chapter)

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