a very dark dark guard

Chapter 15 Origin

Chapter 15 Origin
Yin Hanxing chuckled, flew away, and left a sentence of 'there will be a period later'.As a secret guard, there is no distinction between good and evil. They work for the master, let good deeds do good deeds, and let bad deeds do bad deeds.

In the heart of the dark guard, there are only orders, no black and white.

I hit Yunzhou, Yin Hanxing probably already saw that I was not his secret guard, and wanted to find out something from me.

But Yunzhou was still throwing a temper tantrum, and he piled up hay a meter high on me.

He buried it vigorously, and I buried it with peace of mind.

In the middle of the night he dug me out again and shook me vigorously. I opened my eyes and saw his worried face. I patted his hand lightly and told him I was not dead.

He looked half-believing, and would open his eyes to look at me every hour to confirm my life and death.

Although he is stupid, I noticed that he is very sensitive to a certain state.

Every time he saw a dead person, there would be something unusual.

He was worried about me dying, an emotion that doesn't need words.

I simply held his hand. Dead people's hands are cold, only living people have warmth, so he didn't have to open his eyes to confirm whether I was dead or alive, and he could know that I was still alive through the touch.

Baili Ya and her people set off before dawn and left the small town.

Yun Zhou didn't wake up until three poles high in the sun. Although I woke up early, I was held tightly by him and couldn't get away.

I had to call Xiaoer and ask him to bring breakfast to the woodshed.

Yun Zhou didn't eat supper last night, and fell asleep again after breakfast this morning. When he wakes up at noon, he will eat twice as much.

Xiaoer charged me an extra benefit fee, and the service was naturally thoughtful.

The shopkeeper hid behind the door last night and saw me fighting with Baili Ya's subordinates, and he became very enthusiastic today.

One after another, they shouted 'Women', insisting that we move into the upper room and live in the house for free.

I didn't refuse. Anyway, we won't be able to leave in the next month. It's not impossible to force it, but it's unnecessary. My goal is always to go to the countryside to buy land and farm, and I don't want to challenge the authority of the Wulin League.

The shopkeeper of the inn is enthusiastic, and the waiter runs frequently, delivering hot water for a while, and tea and snacks for a while.

If I hadn't known that there was no poison in the tea, I would have thought they were going to make human flesh buns out of the two of us.

The martial arts conference was held as scheduled, and new guests came to the inn one after another.

Xiaoer ran to our house frequently, and could speak a few words when he came and went.

After getting acquainted, he asked me where Yun Zhou and I came from, which sect we came from, and what martial arts we practiced.

The inn is a convenient place to collect information, so close to Yuan City, this small city is also an information exchange center.

I didn't mind Xiaoer's snooping. I told him that I had no family or sect, and I was practicing martial arts with an unknown master. After the master died, I went down the mountain to find a place to farm.

Yunzhou is a strong laborer I picked up halfway. His brain is not flexible, but his limbs are sound. He can do rough work like carrying sacks and sand.

Xiao Er laughed and said that I am so strange. Others who practice martial arts will go down the mountain to become famous, or join the big sect to make a lot of money, but I have extraordinary skills, but I want to farm.

I replied to him 'everyone has his own aspirations', but he didn't say anything more.

In fact, although I have never experienced prosperity and wealth, I have a deep understanding in the original body. She has seen everything and knows everything with her former boss. A noble person like her boss is still unhappy. get.

Moreover, in that class, the probability of premature death is too high, and it is rare to live past fifty.

There are no more opportunities to be born and landed.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but look at Yun Zhou, how did he grow so big?It must be difficult...

Yuanshen had never seen him before, but if he went back ten years, the two still had a 'relationship'.

The original body participated in a field survival training and almost died in the mountains.

It was a knockout match, and the result of being eliminated was death.

The half-grown children who could not see the sun in the dark guard camp were directly thrown into the mountains, where they fought hand-to-hand with wolves, insects, tigers and leopards in the forest, and snatched food from the mouths of beasts.

No clothes, no food, no weapons, only those who can get out of the mountains are eligible to join the next round of training.

There is no friendship between the dark guards, and no one will help others or drag themselves down.

The original body was quite unlucky. She had a fever on the day of the launch. She would have recovered after a night of sleep in the training camp. However, in the wild, there was no tile to cover her body, no quilt to cover her body, and she had to find water by herself. Her illness became serious. .

She found a safe place to hide. At night, she burned until she became unconscious, and she heard the faint sound of fighting.

She was hiding in a tree hole, and when she heard the sound of fighting, she thought it was other dark guard trainees fighting.

Fights over food happened from time to time in the camp, and it was not uncommon in the wild.

But after the sound of fighting stopped, the sound of conversation came again.

She couldn't hold back the itching in her throat, and coughed a little.

The two parties in the conversation immediately found her. The high fever had consumed her physical energy. If she did anything at this time, she would die.

But the people who were talking in the woods just walked to the tree hole and checked, and found a little girl curled up inside, burning hot and having a high fever.

The other party didn't kill her, not only didn't kill her, but also left her a leather bag of water and a bag of dried meat.

It was a silver-haired boy who went to the tree hole to check her situation, and the silver-haired boy reported the situation to the people behind him.

The person behind was standing on the tree, the original body couldn't see him, but he could tell that he was also a young man, he ordered the silver-haired boy to leave water and food, and not to disturb the little girl.

Yuanshen memorized that person's address, and later she became the former boss's secret guard, and only after receiving more information did she know who the former 'good-hearted person' was.

But knowing what to do, she is just a tool of the former boss, unable to have her own thoughts, whether it is revenge or gratitude, it is impossible.

Two years ago, the original body met Yun Zhou by chance. The two of them were wearing night clothes at the time, and in an environment where it was not suitable to make a sound, they just met each other and then went their separate ways.

But I saved him not because he was kind to the original body, but simply because I wanted to do a good deed every day.

It may be the same as his starting point for leaving water and food for the original body.

"An~" Yun Zhou shook the rattle in his hand, pulling my thoughts back.

The toys I bought for him before were all thrown away at the inn where I lived. After I came to the small town, I bought a bunch of them again for him.

Among them, he likes this rattle the most, but I warned him not to disturb the people, shake this thing properly, and don't let it become noise garbage.

"If the people over there don't come to pick you up again, you really have to go to the countryside to farm with me." I knew he couldn't understand, and I said to myself.

"Go!" He shook the rattle again, smiling brightly.


I poured a cup of tea, and as soon as I picked up the cup, a discordant voice entered my ears.

"How did you find us?" With a wave of my hand, I opened the door with my internal force, and Ah Zhao appeared outside the door twisting his willow slender waist.

(End of this chapter)

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