a very dark dark guard

Chapter 16 Secretly Become Stronger

Chapter 16 Secretly Become Stronger
Ah Zhao changed into colorful black clothes, and the black clothes on others looked so solemn, because he was 'su', but the black clothes on him were decorated like a Christmas tree.And he and the diamonds carried them, all colored diamonds, this one uses pink diamonds to embroider a cloud, and the other uses yellow diamonds to spell a bird.

There are also green trees, red flowers, purple pavilions...

"Long time no see, hero!" There was no one behind Ah Zhao, he came alone, his injuries were almost healed, and he no longer wore a human skin mask.

"How did you find us?" I asked again.

"That potato sprout said that her mouth is better than starlings." A Zhao moved the chair by himself and sat down at the table.

"Barry buds?"


"What's the matter with you?" Bai Liya went to Yuancheng, if Ah Zhao heard about us from her, then he came here from Yuancheng.

"Report you are safe, my little one, oh, my princess has woken up, everything is fine."

I raised my eyebrows at him, waiting for his next words.

The princess of his family is not related to me, and she is safe and well, so she doesn't need to report to me.

"As expected, you know. It's not surprising at all." A Zhao pulled out a handkerchief, rolled it up on the tip of his hand, and fiddled with it.

"You guys are too ostentatious, it's hard not to know."

"The princess agreed to marry Mr. Lu, but some people don't want their two families to get married. We need a helper."

The speed at which Ah Zhao changed the topic was comparable to that of Sichuan opera, but I didn't follow his rhythm.

After he finished speaking, I didn't answer and drank tea quietly.

"Give me the money." He tentatively stretched out his 'tentacles'.

If I still don't speak, will the Wulin League and Jiushuang Kingdom's royal family be short of people?

The marriage of the two families will be opposed and secretly sabotaged by others, which is something that one can think of.

Can the two prepare a bit?
For 20 taels, I can fight against the entire Golden Gu Association, but I can't do it no matter how much money I'm given.

Ah Zhao first used lures, but seeing that I was unmoved, he changed to threats.

He said that the Golden Gu Society has secret contacts with various sects in the Jianghu, and if it gets involved with the Golden Gu Society, there will be 'endless troubles'. Their people can't beat me, so they can invite experts from other sects to assassinate me.

It seems that finding a big tree to lean against is my only choice.

"If you and your master don't betray me, who knows that I will have a grudge against the Golden Gu?" I smiled, my eyes fell on A Zhao's face, looked into his eyes and said: "Tell me, you and your master... Consequences?"

Without waiting for Ah Zhao to reply, I immediately said, "If people from the Golden Gu Society come to me, no matter whether it's the information you two leaked, I will blame you. I'm not clear?"

"Where is the hero, how can you have any enmity with the Golden Gu? People who are completely irrelevant. The Golden Gu will kidnap the princess of our country. This is a capital crime. Jiushuang Kingdom will not let them go. Get rid of their lair, so that they can never harm anyone again!"


He changed his attitude, and I was happy to play dumb.

Dark guards seldom walk in the rivers and lakes, but assassination is Yuan's best skill, combined with my ability, it is still very easy to take the life of the princess.

It was originally a cooperative relationship, and after the task is completed, the money and goods are cleared, if you dare to threaten me afterwards, then don't live!
Does the princess dare to exchange one with the commoner?
Ah Zhao is not stupid, he will not fall out with me if he is not 100% sure to get rid of me.

Since I used my supernatural ability to help me practice the exercises in the sarcophagus secret book that night, my internal energy has skyrocketed in the past few days.

Even if some damage was caused to the body during exercise, it was repaired with supernatural powers.

In fact, even if I really practice magic skills, my life will not be in danger. Even if my body is riddled with holes, the healing ability can be fully restored.

What's more, it is a miraculous skill with no side effects, and it can be practiced casually for ten years of hard work by others.

And I was practicing very seriously, I hadn’t been out of the house in the past few days, and I would find Xiao Er to run errands for anything I wanted to buy.

Yun Zhou played with his building blocks, and I meditated and practiced.

Ah Zhao probably never imagined that my martial arts had improved so much after a few days, even if my martial arts remained at the level of a few days ago, he would not dare to turn against me face to face.

He obviously didn't want to make a one-shot deal. There was no agreement on this matter, and there would be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

He paid Xiao Er to buy a table of food and wine, and invited Yun Zhou and me to dinner.

Tried to lighten the mood and blew a bunch of rainbow farts to calm me down.

After drinking three times and cooking five flavors, he was a little over the top, his face was as red as a monkey's butt, his hand holding the wine glass was dangling, and he spilled half of the glass of wine before it reached his mouth.

"Hero, have you heard? What happened in Yuan City!" His tongue was a little stiff, and his speech was slurred.

The Martial Arts League sealed off Yuancheng and its surrounding towns, prohibiting anyone from leaving the city. There have long been rumors that something serious happened in Yuancheng.

But the quacks in the small town left in a hurry, and I wasn't interested in inquiring, so I still don't know what happened.

I shook my head, picked up the scallions, dipped some sauce into my mouth.

Recently, I am practicing to eat food with strong taste, such as scallions and miso. The original body is determined not to touch it. Her body has developed some instinctive habits, and I am slowly getting rid of them.

"The old leader has been poisoned~" Ah Zhao told me 'quietly' after drinking too much and not forgetting to lower his voice.

He grinned: "But it was said that the Qiongyu Pavilion was stolen, and the thief was to be caught, but in reality... it was the murderer who poisoned."

"Is he going to die?" I asked.

"Yes." Ah Zhao drank a glass of wine and refilled another, "If you don't find the antidote within a month, you will die."

"The marriage thing is blown?"

"Leader Lu can't show up, so the marriage will naturally be postponed. Only a few people know about the poisoning of the leader. If this matter leaks out, it will be a mess~"

"Why did you tell me?"

"Damn...you can definitely keep it a secret, the secret guards are tight-lipped, don't tell me if you beat him to death!" Azhao's drunken eyes were hazy, and he smirked foolishly.

"Dark guard?" I have supernatural powers, and I can't get drunk even after soaking in wine, and I still don't blush or feel dizzy after drinking.

"Here~ that nobleman, you are his secret guard, Tudou Yazi said." Ah Zhao snarled at Yunzhou.

The potato sprouts in his mouth should be Bailiya, she suffered from us, she must have complained to others after arriving in Yuancheng, even Ah Zhao knew the details.

"No wonder... you are not relatives, but you have a lot of martial arts skills, but you carry a burden. To be honest~ I guess you are his child bride-in-law, and you are sold as a fool's wife to his family."

Ah Zhao was in a daze from drinking, and said everything that came to his mind, although his martial arts were high, he was not so tactful in human relations.

It is estimated that he has been in the palace since he was a child, and he rarely has the chance to come out, and in the palace, he should have a good life, and he has not experienced any setbacks.

I can use my ability to detect it to know whether he is really drunk, not pretending to be drunk.

Getting drunk in front of strangers is not very vigilant.

No wonder Bai Mudan either got separated from him or was robbed.

(End of this chapter)

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