a very dark dark guard

Chapter 25 Wealth Code

Chapter 25 Wealth Code
According to my guess, either there was an internal problem in Yaoyue Terrace, and Liu Yanyan had no choice but to leave there with the treasure of the town gate.Either there was something wrong with Liu Yanyan, and she fled with her treasure.

Both of these situations may lead to news leaks, and those who oppose her will disclose her whereabouts to people in the world, hoping that they will rob and kill her along the way.

It is inevitable that outsiders will benefit from things like internal fighting.

"I'll help you ask for someone, and bring your men back. I don't believe that the Lu family will not be honored by the Divine Soldiers Guild!" Bai Mudan got up and was about to leave, so I hurriedly called her to stop.

"Princess, don't be impulsive, your current identity..."

"What are you afraid of? Martial arts affairs are managed by the Lu family of the Martial Arts League. I'll go to Youkang, and he will definitely bring your people back."

This title has become "Youkang", and I secretly sigh at the speed of the relationship between the two.

A Zhao said that the two of them saw their true love in adversity, because the incident of falling off the cliff last time was deeply rooted, and they revealed their identities in the village. During the recovery period, their relationship heated up, and when they came back, they decided to agree to the family's arrangement, and they upgraded from an arranged marriage to a free love.

"It's just a small matter, don't disturb Mr. Lu to come forward, I will solve it myself." Adding the Lu family, the matter will only become more complicated.

"You are our savior, if we just sit back and ignore you, what kind of people will we be?"

"Hey, the savior can't afford it. I'm collecting money to do things. The princess doesn't have to worry about it."

"Having said that, according to the situation at the time, even if Ah Zhao offered a thousand taels of silver, no one dared to take it. Everyone was afraid of the Golden Gu Society's revenge, thanks to you."

I glanced at Azhao, and wondered if his princess had been pierced by a soul?

Why haven't seen each other for so many days, it seems like a different person?
The human setting collapsed, okay?
"Afterwards, Kang explained the pros and cons to me, and I realized how much risk you took. Now it's time for us to help you." When Bai Mudan mentioned Lu Youkang, her pretty face flushed slightly.

"Yeah, later we learned that the Golden Gu will capture the Princess to refine a poisonous Gu. Once the Gu is refined, the entire royal family of the Jiushuang Kingdom will suffer, and the Princess will be worse than death." , become their Gu people, now that I think about it, I am afraid, money is the least important thing, you saved the princess, destroyed the plot of the Golden Gu Association, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are the benefactor of our Jiushuang Kingdom .”

"You two are serious. In this case, my two subordinates who were imprisoned in the dungeon of Ou's family, I asked Mr. Lu to rescue them. One of them is Jia Daniu and the other is Xin Zhuzi." This is not what I gave them. Their nicknames are their real names. When they were young, they were children of poor families. Their parents had no education. They worked hard to save some money and sent them to a small sect to learn martial arts.

After studying for a few years, they looked for connections and jobs everywhere. They studied in the school and had no income at all.

After finally gaining a relationship and stuffing money, he finally found a position in Yunzhou's mansion.

The money is naturally borrowed from parents. After they join the job, they just want to work hard and perform well. Maybe they can get a reward from the master and pay off the family debt.

When Yunzhou transferred them to his side, he should have checked their backgrounds and knew that their family was poor and owed debts for job hunting, so he allowed them to 'advance' their wages and pay off the debts within a year.

Therefore, they are very grateful to Yunzhou. If Yunzhou didn't know how to manage humanely, their parents would probably only be able to live a good life for a few days when they are a lot older.

They said that Yunzhou was very kind to his servants, and he always helped them in a tactful way, which not only solved their difficulties, but also did not lose face, and made him shorter in front of others.

Yun Zhou respected his subordinates and servants, and made them willingly follow him and protect him, even if it meant sacrificing their lives, they would not hesitate to do so.

I can understand them, Yuanzheng's former boss never treated her as a person, she was willing to live and die for her, and would not frown for her.

If her former boss treated his subordinates as well as Yunzhou, Yuanshen would probably be able to set herself on fire, and use it as a humanoid firework to cheer Yunzhou up.

Yuanshen already knew that Yun Zhou was a good person, otherwise I wouldn't regard him as the goal of doing good deeds every day.

If he was a libertine who hates cats and dogs, I would have already thrown him into the mountains to feed the wolves by now.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to Youkang about it now."

I didn't want people from the Lu family and Jiushuang Kingdom's royal family to get involved, but thinking of Liu Yanyan's purpose for going down the mountain, I changed my mind.

The reason why Ou Yong acted secretly was because he wanted to keep Liu Yanyan's affairs a secret, how could I do what he wanted?

Anyway, if the world is going to be chaotic, I don't need to contribute to it alone.

They are all busy, so I can live in the countryside with peace of mind.

After Bai Mudan went out, I sent Yun Zhou to the guest room and left quietly.

A Zhao asked me where I was going, and I said to buy some snacks and supper for Yun Zhou, the ones prepared by the house might not be enough for him to eat.

Ah Zhao knew Yunzhou's appetite, so he wanted to send someone to go with me so that he could help carry things.

I didn't refuse, and took two maids out.

Walking a few streets, there is a commercial area. At a crossroads, I made an appointment with the maids and assigned them tasks. The three of us split up and went shopping in different shops.

An hour later, I went back to the crossroads to gather, I shared the money with them, and the three of them went to the same street.

The purpose of my coming out is to find the marks left by Wan'er and Ding Kai. They have been in Yuancheng for several days, so I don't know if I have found any news.

Yuancheng is a place where martial arts people gather, and there are hidden piles everywhere. Whether it is on the ground or in the air, it is not convenient to make marks and release pigeons.

Even if a code is left, it will be erased and destroyed.

The secret code that Wan'er and I discussed is the bookstore, where we sell specific picture albums.

These days, some people also pay for the printing of books themselves, and then pay for the rent of the space, and the bookstore sells them on behalf of them.

As long as the money is in place and there is no violation of laws and regulations, the bookstore does not care about the content of the books.

I didn't specify the content of the book for Wan'er either, but the title of the book must be called Wealth Code.

There is no book in this world with such a name, so I guarantee you won’t make a mistake.

I stepped into the bookstore, and sure enough, there were a few copies of "Code of Wealth" on the most conspicuous position of the consignment shelf.

I went straight over to pick up a copy, opened it, and saw that the content of each page was very simple, basically only one sentence, with a LOGO attached.

For example, on the first page, a tree is drawn on the header, and below it is written 'If you want to be rich and have fewer children, grow more trees'.

On the second page, there is a picture of Xiao Wangba on the header, and below it is written, "Bao Wang is good, making a fortune is indispensable".

I turned to the last page, and there was a small black figure drawn on the head, like a ninja in night clothes, with the words "Mrs. Morning, look for it in the Confucius Temple in Dongcheng".

In the morning... Dongcheng Confucius Temple...

I took out my money and bought these books from the boss.

The bookstore in Yuancheng has the most complete variety of books. After buying these coded books, I went shopping for a while and bought a few more books related to farming.

(End of this chapter)

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