Chapter 26
The rest are all kinds of snack shops, I will go in when I see a shop, and I must carry two paper bags when I come out.Back at the meeting point, two maids were waiting for me.

The three of us met and walked back to the house where Bai Mudan lived. On the way, the secret guards sent by Ou Yong followed me, and did not go with the other two maids.

When they entered the house, they didn't dare to follow in and stood guard on the big tree outside the house.

Two maids helped me deliver the things to the guest room, I thanked them, and then 'unboxed' with Yunzhou.

There are hundreds of snack shops in Yuancheng, and there are ones on every commercial street. The snacks and preserved fruits here are much better than those in small towns and counties.

The key is to use sufficient ingredients and complete accessories. Fresh milk is used instead of water, and honey is used instead of sugar.

It is said that Yun Zhou has not eaten any good food?
As long as he wants, there is no snack that he can't eat.

But his current performance would make people mistakenly think that he used to be hungry every day and never ate good food since he was a child.

No one else was present, so he ate boldly and wolfed down.

I tasted one piece at a time to remember the ingredients, and I also bought a bunch of pastry-making books. Selling them every day is not a long-term solution. After that, he will farm with me, so how can he go to the city to buy snacks every day? It doesn't look like the days are passing, so I plan to wait until it stabilizes and make snacks for him at home, which is clean and hygienic and saves money.

Whether it's lo-mei noodles, dried meat or dried fruit, even candied haws, I make it for him at home.

I know that the secret guards sent by Ou Yong will definitely go to the bookstore to find out what books I bought after I leave.

I have bought out all the wealth codes, and they cannot get books, but they can find the same books on farming and recipes.

At that time, Ou Yong will be rewarded, and I don't know what secrets can be deduced from it.

At noon of the next day, Yun Zhou was eating and drinking, and the guards Jia and Xin, whom he had forgotten about, were led in by Lu Youkang.

The two of them saw Yunzhou as if they were relatives. Yunzhou just subconsciously protected the rice bowl in front of him, and quickly stuffed the piece of braised pork in the bowl into his mouth.

How could the two of us who have lived with us for a few days not understand what Yunzhou meant, they quickly waved their hands and said, "Don't grab it, don't grab it, son, take your time."

I observed their expressions, and saw that they were strong and strong, with no injuries or torture.

It seems that Ou Yong didn't abuse them while we were away.

Yun Zhou only cared about his braised pork. The guards Jia and Xin saw that the master could eat and drink, and knew that he was fine, so they were relieved.

Lu Youkang saluted me, I don't like to do these kind of formalities, the original body is not in the habit, the main thing is that she only salutes to her master, other people can't see her face at all, and those who have seen her face are generally It was her assassination target, she never missed it...

"Hello." I decided to greet people in the way I am used to.

Lu Youkang was slightly stunned, then smiled and said, "The master is still so indifferent."

He escaped from the room where the Golden Gu Society imprisoned him entirely by his own ability, but he called me an expert and wore a tall hat for no reason. He must have dug a 'pit' behind him and waited for me.

When Lu Youkang came, Bai Mudan got the news and immediately rushed over from her yard, her daughter's reservedness could not be found in her.

As soon as I met Lu Youkang, I held his hand, and I had to hold hands when talking.

I suddenly felt that the sweet and sour fish for lunch had too much sweet and sour sauce, so sweet that my throat was sour and my teeth were sour.

The two people who showed affection didn't realize that there was any problem, their hands held together seemed to be glued together, and they didn't let go when they sat down to talk.

The two sang together, leading the topic to 'cure'.

Because no matter what homework they pull, I am a listener, and I don't express my opinion or participate in it.

Yun Zhou was dipping the vegetable soup on the plate with steamed buns, he didn't waste his food at all.

Lu Youkang said that he wanted to go to Yaoxian Valley to seek medicine, and Bai Mudan said that she would try her best to catch the poisoner.

But the current progress of the two is not going well. Lu Youkang asked the disciples of Yaoxian Valley, and this time the martial arts conference was also sent by Yaoxian Valley. Now there is no detoxification master in the valley.

Bai Mudan also sighed, and mentioned her difficulties. She sent people to check all the people who could get in touch with Leader Lu.

However, they have not been infected with the strange poison of the leader. The Lu family has systematically trained domestic dogs. Whether it is tracking people or distinguishing smells, they are all professional.

"If the poisoner can cast poison from a long distance, then the scope is too large. Finding the murderer is like finding a needle in a haystack." Bai Mudan looked sad, Lu Youkang held her hand, exerted a slight force, and pressed her with the other hand. With the backs of their hands, the two looked at each other, flirting with each other.

"I can help, but there is a fee." Since I have been involved in the chaos of the world, I can't get it for nothing, I have to get money.

"You can set the price as you like!" Bai Mudan and Lu Youkang said in unison.

"It's reasonable to double the price of saving the two of you, right?" Leader Lu is their elder, so it's worth the price anyway.

"Deal!" The two rushed to agree as if they were afraid of my change of mind.

"I have to take care of the food." I added.

Bai Mudan and Lu Youkang glanced at Yun Zhou who was scratching the plate, and nodded heavily: "Must!"

Compared with tracking down the murderer, it is more important to detoxify Lu Mengzhu first. I prepared toys for Yunzhou, asked the guards Jia and Xin to play with him, and settled him properly, so I followed Lu Youkang to Lu's house.

I only said that I would look for clues to the poison from Lu Mengzhu, but I didn't say that I would cure the disease and detoxify it.

Lu Youkang claimed to the outside world that I was a distant relative of the Lu family and came to the martial arts conference to join in the fun.

When others called me 'Big Cousin', Bai Mudan followed suit.

Although it's three thousand miles away, at least they are relatives who can fight with eight poles, servants of the Lu family, relatives and friends, and they will greet me politely when they see me.

I carry a 'gift' in my hand, relatives can't come empty-handed when visiting relatives, I bought a sword on the way here, this thing is carried on my back, people don't need to guess what gift I gave.

Lu Mengzhu's residence is guarded by special personnel, and no one is allowed to enter unless there is a token.

The news of his poisoning was blocked from the outside world, and the people guarding the yard were absolutely trustworthy people.

Lu Youkang explained that he suspected that there were ghosts in the Wulin League and even in the Lu family, so it was inconvenient to arrange manpower to investigate.

When their own people have problems, they can only turn to 'outsiders' for help first.

People who have nothing to do with the Wulin League and the Lu family.

I am the best candidate in their hearts, and I have nothing to do with any martial arts sects, and I have no conflict of interest with the Wulin League.

They were strangers to the Lu family. If they could use money to do things, they would be at ease. As long as money can solve the problem, it is not a problem in the eyes of Lu and Bai.

I stepped into the courtyard with the big sword on my back, Lu Youkang led the way, but Bai Mudan didn't follow.

The small courtyard where Lu Mengzhu lives is secluded and elegant, with flowers and plants, small bridges and flowing water, and the smell of "silver" everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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