Chapter 27

Many rare flowers and plants are overseas varieties. Plants such as flowers and plants are no more likely to die at sea than gems and cloth. The more precious the species, the easier it is to die.It needs to be carefully maintained on land. The conditions at sea are poor, and it is difficult for delicate plants and animals to survive.

The farther the distance, the more precious it is. I don't understand why rich people spend a lot of money on it.

After the money is spent, even if the strange flower smells bad, it is still a 'special feature'.

Lu Youkang didn't report, so he opened the door and entered the house. I guess the situation of leader Lu is not optimistic.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the room, he saw a haggard old man lying on the bed. His face was sallow, with white in the yellow, and black air in the white...

It's not that his situation is not optimistic, he is about to die!
"For the past three days, my grandfather has been like this, and he didn't respond to screams, but the doctor said that the poison in his body has not deteriorated."

"It's difficult." This is the truth. Leader Lu's situation is very complicated. It's not just as simple as being poisoned. He was parasitized by poison, but this thing is not a Gu worm.

This poisonous creature is parasitic in his body. On the surface, he just can't move and doesn't respond to the outside world.

In fact, the creature was 'replacing' him, and it secreted an anesthetic fluid, putting Master Lu in a state of sleep.

No matter how his body changes or how his internal organs feel uncomfortable, he will not wake up.

And that thing was in his body, creating a false prosperity to 'paralyze' the doctor and Lu Mengzhu's family.

That thing and Master Lu are already "I am in you, and you are in me".

It is not difficult to remove that thing, but at the same time, it is very difficult to save the life of Lu Mengzhu and make up for his lost internal organs.

He may die during the repair process at any time. This world has no emergency facilities, no blood transfusion kits, and no drugs such as cardiopulmonary needles.
"What? Did you find a clue to the poisoning? This poison is hard to cure?" Lu Youkang asked with concern.

As far as he is concerned, Lu Mengzhu just looks bad, and he can survive for a while.

But the fact is that leader Lu can't even survive tonight.

In a few more hours, the parasitic poison will be able to complete 50.00% of the fusion, and leader Lu will die, but for the others, he is not dead...

He will turn into a walking monster. I have seen many monsters in the original world. Humans who come out to look for food are often parasitized by plants and transformed into strange things in human form.

Lu Mengzhu's situation is similar, but the creature in his body is more troublesome.

It pretended that Lu Mengzhu was still alive, and delayed the treatment. When the doctor's family members found out that the situation was wrong, Lu Mengzhu was already a moving corpse.

"It's difficult, even if the medical fairy is there, he is still helpless."

Lu Youkang's complexion changed suddenly, and he said anxiously: "The doctor said that his condition is stable, grandpa—"

I raised my hand to interrupt him: "The poison in him is extraordinary. If you don't start treatment, you won't survive tonight. Your family members can discuss it among themselves and sign a life-and-death certificate. I can give it a try."

After a pause, I went on to say: "If you don't trust me and want to invite others, that's fine, but don't blame me for not reminding you, let's start with the ugly words, be a quality person, don't be a doctor."

Regarding the life and death of his loved ones, Lu Youkang did not dare to make arbitrary decisions.

Although he is the successor Lu Mengzhu intends to cultivate, he is also a junior in the family.

Whether or not to sign the life and death certificate to treat the disease, he can't decide by himself.

I didn't want to embarrass them, but the opportunity to save people is fleeting, and people may be killed later, if the leader Lu can't survive it and die, their Lu family is the leader of the entire martial arts, and a sect like the Golden Gu Society different.

If the Lu family blames me, there will be no stable life in the future.

Lu Youkang ordered the people outside the courtyard to guard the courtyard, and he went to the elders and uncles at home to discuss detoxification.

I can't leave the small courtyard, because I know something that can shake the entire martial arts world - the leader will not survive tonight.

Lu Youkang politely asked me to stay in the courtyard and wait for a while. Without the consent of the family members, I will not touch Leader Lu.

If it can be cured [-]%, I will cut it first and then play it. However, I am not sure, League Leader Lu may die at any time during the treatment process.

In this case, I can only wait for the family members to sign the certificate of birth and death.

Fortunately, in this world, both the martial arts and the government recognize the status of life and death.

Lu Youkang didn't dare to delay for a moment, and it took an hour to discuss the result.

They first brought in three doctors to examine Lu Mengzhu in the usual way.

Later, a disciple of Yaoxian Valley was invited, and the two waves of people came to the same conclusion, believing that Lu Mengzhu's condition is very stable, and his life will not be in danger in a short time.

I can understand the feelings of the Lu family. Now most doctors have the same diagnosis. I am the only one who says that Lu Mengzhu will not survive tonight.

I don't have a medical background, and I'm not surprised that the Lu family didn't believe me.

It's a pity that leader Lu lost even that 50.00% chance of survival.

Lu Youkang invited me to the side hall alone, his eyes were red, he seemed to be in a hurry, his breathing was short of breath, he was no longer as relaxed and calm as before.

He stared at me, and asked me if I dared to use my own life and Yunzhou's life to guarantee that everything I said was true.

Ordinarily, I am not qualified to add Yunzhou's life, but I have confidence in my ability, so I nodded.

After all, without my protection, Yunzhou and guard Jia are no match for the assassin.

If I die, those who want to kill Yunzhou can do it with confidence.

And if I die, it must be because the Lu family doesn't believe me. If they kill me, even if they let Yunzhou go, they won't send someone to protect him.

Without the protection of me and the Wulin League, Yunzhou's master and servants would not live long.

Lu Youkang signed the certificate of life and death in his name, asking me to detoxify Lord Lu. If Lord Lu dies during the treatment, he will bear all the responsibilities, and the Lu family will not hold me accountable.

He must have made a fuss with the elders. He is the beloved grandson of Leader Lu and the future heir of the Lu family.

As many people want him to be safe, as many people want him to have an accident.

Those who want him to be safe will definitely try their best to prevent him from signing this certificate of life and death, and those who want him to die will be happy to have him sign it.

I didn't see what was going on with their family, but two hours later, Lu Youkang took the signed certificate of life and death and patted it on the table.

I pressed my fingerprints on it, and there are two copies, each of which is kept by Party A and Party B.

At this time, there was not much time left before Lu Mengzhu died.

I locked the door of Leader Lu's room. This is the condition for my detoxification. No one can be present or disturb.

Because as long as there is a third person present, I will inevitably be distracted.

The creatures in Lumeng's main body are very difficult to deal with, and I must concentrate all my attention.

It is easy to kill the creatures in his body with abilities, but the risk is too great.

I cut off the creature's main organs with the 'air blade' first, similar to twisting off its head first.

Let its brain have no time to give orders to its limbs, so the head and body are separated.

(End of this chapter)

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