a very dark dark guard

Chapter 56 Dungeon Safety

Chapter 56 Dungeon Safety
The poisoned short arrow pierced the cell's railing and shot towards us. The guards Jia and Xin shouted anxiously, and Yun Zhou wanted to stand in front of me.I stretched out my hand to stop him, and protected him behind me. At the same time, I condensed Qi into a shield, and then separated some strands of Qi to wrap around the short arrows, grab them and turn them around, sending them back the same way.

Chen Lingdu's subordinates reacted quickly enough to draw out their long swords to parry short arrows.

The problem is that the space outside is so narrow that no one can stand up, let alone swinging a sword.

In order not to injure their own people, they must not be able to use their movements, and those who are a bit arrogant use their arms to block, and those with poor martial arts have to avoid the vital parts, and try to let the short arrows hit unimportant parts.

Of course, it would be best to avoid it completely. The problem is that there is Hulk and his men blocking them, so Chen Lingdu and his men really don't have much room to use.

Our cell was at the end of the corridor, with the exit on one side and the wall on the other.

The exit was blocked, the walls were bare, and there was no place to hide.

Chen Lingdu was fine, he pulled one of his subordinates to stand in front of him, and the others were left to their own abilities.

They have no internal strength, and those who are not fast can only catch an arrow hard.

"Don't panic, I have the antidote." Chen Lingdu shouted in a low voice.

"Yes, yes, the young sect master has the antidote, brothers, don't be afraid." The young man beside Chen Lingdu immediately echoed.

Chen Lingdu did have an antidote, but it was an antidote. The arrows I gave back to them were not only poisonous, but also had the 'qi' that entangled the short arrows.

This 'Qi' has penetrated into their bodies, and following my command, the Qi ran wildly in their bodies, making them yell in pain for a while, and itchy for a while, reaching to the bone.

"What's wrong with them?" Chen Lingdu had already distributed antidote pills to his subordinates in time, and they took them too, but seeing that their performance was more terrifying than the symptoms of poisoning, he looked into the cell in surprise.

Compared with martial arts and abilities, I feel that abilities are better.

Ou Yong turned into a Hulk and went crazy in the tunnel, and Chen Lingdu's men rolled all over the ground.

Chen Lingdu wanted to escape, but every time he was bumped back by Ou Yong, he was kicked a few times by the person rolling on the ground.

He was angry, but he had no choice but to open the cell door and hide in the cell.

His martial arts are really not that good, Feiyunmen is a little transparent, and his martial arts are not outstanding in the world.

It's a pity that the railings and locks of the cell were specially made, and he couldn't break them with a sword.

He frowned and hesitated for two seconds. His subordinates were in too much pain, so they subconsciously grabbed him and asked him for help.

He dodged in disgust, but there was nowhere to hide, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, he took out the elixir and swallowed it.

"Ma'am..." Yun Zhou said suddenly, tugging on my sleeve nervously, even changing the address.

"Don't be afraid, they can't come in." There are more and more 'monsters' outside, I thought it was their strange appearance that scared Yun Zhou, so I explained aloud.

"Hmph, no matter what sorcery you use, when the master of this sect ascends to immortality, he will definitely beat you to death!" Chen Lingdu said and put on a pose of 'soaring into the sky'.

"Our son will be called madam!" The two people who had lost their daily focus of attention clapped their hands in celebration at this time, and their nervous expressions were replaced by joyful expressions.

"Ugh—" Chen Lingdu, who had taken the elixir and was about to ascend to immortality, suddenly clutched his stomach and groaned in pain.

"What's wrong with him?" Guard Jia was the most curious, "Would it hurt my stomach to ascend to immortality?"

"What is Feisheng? If it is really an elixir, Madam will give it back to him? Are you still so happy?" Guard Xin thought he had seen through the truth, and gave guard Jia a look of contempt.

"Oh! That's right, no matter what kind of person my wife is, she is not so easy to talk to. Snatching something from her is tantamount to taking food from a tiger's mouth."

"I'm still here." I kindly reminded them, will the relationship between the boss and the employees still be good in the future?Say I'm a tiger to my face!
The guard Jia seemed to realize that he was speaking ill of the boss in front of the boss, so he covered his mouth and pretended to be good.

There are people in their twenties, and he is the oldest among the four, so it's a bit crazy to be so cute.

They also saw that we were not in danger and no longer worried about our safety.

The hulk outside the door hit the wall, the roof fell to dust, and all his people were beaten to the ground by him.

Chen Lingdu and his people rolled into a ball, the qi in his body was unobstructed from the esophagus to the intestines, and the gastrointestinal tract was emptied very thoroughly.

"Let me just say, this elixir will jump up if you eat it." I used my internal energy as an exhaust fan to blow the smell out of the door.

There was such a commotion in the dungeon that none of the Lu family members came in to take a look.

Chen Lingdu and Ou Yong are right, no one will pay attention to this place tonight.

Fortunately, Ou Yong has a clever subordinate who is not obsessed with controlling his mad master, so he ran out to get the antidote first.

When he came back and lay down in the passage, Ou Yong exhausted all his strength, and lay on the ground and fell into a semi-conscious state.

His subordinates hurriedly fed him the antidote. In fact, the method to detoxify the poisonous ant is quite simple. It only needs one medicine to cure it, but the smell is stronger...

"What's the smell? It's so hot! You're feeding him shit!" Guards Jia and Xin's cell was close to where Ou Yong was lying. Ou Yong's subordinates came over with a big bowl, and they quickly covered their noses.

"More than that, some are dry, some are thin, they are pig excrement, just dug out from the pigsty, can it be fresh?" I took the initiative to explain their doubts.

"Ouch~" Guards Jia and Xin couldn't help retching after hearing this.

"Naturally, a strange poison needs a strange medicine to cure it, and this medicine is specially designed to overcome the poison of poisonous ants." I went to the bottom of the transom, raised my head and took two breaths of moist fresh air.

"You know how to detoxify?!" Hearing my explanation, Ou Yong's subordinates widened their eyes in disbelief.

The original body is a small encyclopedia of this world. Her boss not only collected wonderful books from all over the world for her to read, but also invited N teachers for her, Linglong was just one of them.

Her boss originally wanted to train her to be the world's number one omnipotent dark guard, without thinking but omnipotent.

Any tasks that are done in secret can be safely handed over to Dark Seven.

For another example, if the boss is poisoned, Dark Seven must immediately know what kind of poison she has and how to cure it.

The person who has done such comprehensive preparations has never considered that one day she will commit suicide.

"It's a joke, my wife is a genius doctor, and she has seen through your little tricks a long time ago!" The guard Jia raised his chest and looked at the other party through his nostrils.

"Impossible, this poisonous ant is—" The man was about to say something, but was interrupted by Ou Yong's slap.

Ou Yong didn't even have the strength to swing his fist now. After taking the antidote, he vomited again. It wasn't caused by the ant poison, but probably because the smell of the antidote was too strong.

Hearing that his subordinates are going to talk about the source of poisonous ants, stop him immediately.

"Shut up, you don't want to live anymore?" Ou Yong spoke weakly, and the slap was soft, and he tried his best to leave a word, and passed out again.

When Ou Yong's servants saw the master fainted, they should get him out immediately and send him back to the room to rest.

But he didn't move, he didn't get Ou Yong out, and he didn't get out himself.

A group of people were all lying in the passage of the dungeon. If I guessed correctly, when this person came in just now, he also closed the door of the dungeon and locked it from the inside.

He was obviously afraid that people from outside would come in. There are four VIP cells in the Lu family, but the two empty ones are locked and have beds and chairs inside. Unfortunately, Ou Yong and the others couldn't get in.

The guard Jia comfortably lay back on the bed, and now he was not worried or anxious at all.

"Open the door, open the door, open the door!"

The guard Jia just lay down for less than 3 minutes when someone knocked on the door of the dungeon.

The Ou family member who was resting in the passage was startled, Ou Yong and his men fainted, and Chen Lingdu and his men also fell into a semi-comatose state after being excruciatingly painful.

There is only one healthy person who can move in the passageway, Ou Yong calls him Ou Ba, and the subordinates around him are all named after numbers, similar to Dark Seven.

When Ou Ba heard the knock on the door, he was like a frightened bird, instead of opening the door, he covered his mouth instead, not daring to respond.

The person who knocked on the door tried hard, as if trying to break the door open.

The doors of the dungeon are naturally extremely strong. Most of the people locked in the Lujia dungeon are martial arts scum. In order to prevent them from escaping, the building materials used in the entire dungeon are special composite materials, which require a lot of explosives to break through. exploded.

"Medical Doctor An—Hero—are you there?" I didn't know the person who knocked on the door before, but I was too familiar with the voice that shouted afterwards.

"It's Ah Zhao!" Guard Xin stood up from his chair, walked to the cell door and listened carefully.

"It's probably Bai Mudan." I walked to the door of the cell, luckily entered the lock, unlocked the door from the inside, pushed the door and walked out.

The guards Jia and Xin next door, and Ou Ba outside the door, all had the same expression at the moment - stunned.

A dark guard who can be trapped in a cell is not a good dark guard in the eyes of Yuan Chen's boss.

Therefore, Boss Yuanzheng invited her a master lockpicker to explain the structure, principle, types, and lockpicking techniques of all locks in the world.

It's just that the original body needs tools to open the lock, but I use the invisible 'Qi' to open the lock.

From the point of view of practical application, my 'tool' is more convenient, and I can't find it in a body search.

Ou Ba has been defiant with his son from the beginning, but now he is dumbfounded, and the psychological gap is not insignificant.

Even now when he looks at me, there is palpable fear in his eyes.

"How did you do it, what are you doing?" The guard Jia's inversion was startled.

I'm not in a hurry to explain, I go to the gate of the dungeon to release people first.

Ou Ba regained his composure, and hurriedly stopped him: "Don't! Don't open the door, there are murderers outside—"

I ignored him, walked to the gate of the dungeon, opened the door and let Bai Mudan and the others in.

Bai Mudan still has a pending case fee. When I solve the case, I have to ask her for money.

Since I discovered Cheng Fei's relationship, since I started to investigate the strange insect case, no one in the city has died from the mouth of the strange insect.

Although the murderer has not been caught yet, Bai Mudan has achieved the desired effect.

Her wedding took place as planned and was not overshadowed by death.

Of course, tonight is another matter.

Outside the door, Bai Mudan and Azhao led a group of people, all in a mess, Lu Youkang was chained and stood behind Bai Mudan with the support of two people.

His state is still not normal, behind him are Cheng Fei and Immortal Swordsman.

"Let me just say, the safest place is where there are heroes, even if it's a dungeon!" A Zhao's hair was disheveled, and his delicate eye makeup turned into panda eyes. Seeing that it was me who opened the door, his brows were brimming with joy.

"Come in." I moved out of the way and let a group of people in.

The last people who came in closed and locked the door again. They were dressed in the wind and rain, their clothes were all wet, and their hair was dripping with water.

Some were bloodstained and others were injured.

I opened the doors of the other two VIP cells and let Bai Mudan and the others go in to rest.

The man followed Lu Youkang in one room, and the woman entered the other room. Among them was Bai Mudan's female elder.

Ah Zhao must be in the same room as the female family members, he followed Bai Mudan every step of the way.

An accompanying dark guard stood outside the dungeon, but did not enter.

If there were murderers who found the dungeon, they would be victims to buy time for the people inside to escape.

"What's the matter with them?" Bai Mudan and A Zhao are the only two people in the group who are familiar with me and can talk. Lu Youkang is now in a state of dementia and can't communicate with others.

Seeing that Bai Mudan was lying together in the passage, she went to the door to look out while arranging her disheveled hairstyle.

"They, taking advantage of the chaos in the Lu family tonight, came to kill our wife." The guard Jia snorted and said hurriedly.

"Killing the miracle doctor? Are they crazy?" Bai Mudan expressed shock, and then lost interest in those people outside.

"Genius doctor, help my husband quickly, what's wrong with him?" Bai Mudan casually brushed her hair a few times before asking me to check on Lu Youkang's situation.

The poison in Lu Youkang's life is weird, the best thing is to find the person who made the poison and use the ready-made antidote.

"I've never seen this kind of situation. It's not good for him to start treatment rashly. Let's observe first."

"But..." Bai Mudan worried: "The Lu family is now in the hands of his uncle. I don't worry about that man. Someone assassinated A Kang just now. Fortunately, we arrived in time. You said, he has become like this. Who will kill him? If Akang can wake up, the elders of the Lu family will support him, and it was decided by grandpa that he took over the Lu family."

Ah Zhao said angrily, "Hmph, leader Lu and uncle have accidents at the same time, whoever can get the most benefit is the mastermind behind the scenes."

"How can there be such a coincidence in the world, it is a deliberate murder." Bai Mudan looked at Lu Youkang's crazy appearance with red eyes.

"Have you found out the cause of Chairman Lu's death?" On the one hand, I felt that the Lu family would not lie about the cause of Chairman Lu's death, but on the other hand, I couldn't believe their words completely.

"It's the internal organs that have disappeared, and there is no wound on the surface." A Zhao replied.

During the autopsy, the Lu family originally did not allow outsiders to enter. A Zhao hid on the roof and eavesdropped on the roof with his superb lightness skills, and heard the whole process of their autopsy.

"Oh? If I'm not mistaken, the murder weapon that killed League Leader Lu should be made by the poisonous ants." My words suddenly turned to Ou Ba, and my eyes turned to him.

Ou Ba's face turned pale in an instant, shock could no longer be described, it was completely shattered by fright.

"No, no, you're talking nonsense, there's nothing wrong with it." Ou Ba shook his head in denial, but beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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