Chapter 57

Ou Ba knew the inside story, but he was suddenly told the truth by me, and his brain was confused for a while.Bai Mudan and the others didn't know about the poisonous ants, so the guard Jia acted as a class representative and told them what happened just now.

"What? You said that Chen Lingdu jumped up after eating the elixir—" Bai Mudan was born in the royal family, and after all, he didn't say all the two indecent words.

"I thought dungeons smell like this, so it's him!" Ah Zhao covered his nose with a handkerchief, and cast a disgusted glance at Chen Lingdu, who was lying dead in the passage.

"Is the matter of ascension true or false?" asked the fairy swordsman.

He protected Cheng Fei and stood at the door of the cell, not going into the man's room.

"That depends on whether the elixir Chen Clan Master eats is the same type as Chen Lingdu's." I can travel back from the wasteland era, and there is nothing impossible in this world, maybe Ascension is real.

But Chen Lingdu's elixir had nothing to do with Feisheng [-]%.

The guard Jia was concerned about the situation outside. I also opened the door of their cell. He asked Immortal Swordsman and Cheng Fei to rest in his cell and asked them about the situation outside.

The clothes of Immortal Swordsman and Cheng Fei were covered with muddy water, as if they had rolled in a mud puddle.

Guard Jia put the quilt on Cheng Fei. Cheng Fei had just recovered from a serious illness, but his body was still a little weak, and his face was pale from the rain.

The guard Xin simply asked him to lie down on the bed. He had put the teapot next to the brazier before, and the tea was still hot now.

Guard Xin poured Cheng Fei a cup of hot tea to drink, and Cheng Fei lay down on the bed and went to sleep after drinking.

The tea in our room was given to Bai Mudan. Her female elder was not in good spirits, and she lay down on the bed in that room after entering the dungeon without saying a word.

Bai Mudan's reaction was very subtle, she ran for her life and took the elder with her, but she didn't care about her physical condition, and didn't say a word of care.

Ou Ba has been silent since I guessed the truth, and sat under the wall to minimize his presence.

I ignored him, someone else was looking for him, Bai Mudan listened to my words, she winked at A Zhao, A Zhao immediately went over to sneak Ou Bati up, and carried him to Bai Mudan.

Facing Bai Mudan, Ou Ba still had little fear in his eyes. When A Zhao asked him something, he didn't answer, and put on a gesture of resistance.

Ah Zhao squeezed his shoulders to put pressure on him, don't look at Ah Zhao's hands that look like soft tofu, they are also Lian Jiazi's hands, they can crush a person's bones.

Ou Ba screamed in pain, his cry woke up Ou Yong and the others, and Chen Lingdu barely opened his eyes.

They saw a group of people suddenly appeared in the dungeon, and they didn't know what happened. Ou Yong found out that the screaming people were his subordinates, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

"What are you doing?" Ou Yong got up and pushed the people around him. His subordinates were knocked out by him in the Hulk state. His strikes were not serious. Some of them were concussed by him, but he should do not know.

His subordinate passed out and did not wake up, and he was powerless. At this moment, he is a fish to be slaughtered.

He woke up now, the taste of the 'antidote' still lingered in his mouth, he couldn't help retching just after he said a word, and vomited faintly by the wall.

"Alas? Can this house still treat people? Mr. Ou, what's the matter with you?" the guard Jia asked knowingly, and smiled gloatingly.

Chen Ling jumped up, he vomited, the hygienic conditions of the VIP dungeon let them down.

Ou Yong was so brave that he was about to vomit blood, and A Zhao continued to torture Ou Ba to extract a confession, but he seemed helpless.

They can only threaten weakly, saying that Ou Ba is a soldier of the gods, and no matter how high Bai Mudan's status is, he can't hurt people for no reason.

Bai Mudan sneered and said: "No reason? Why did you bring a group of men down to the dungeon of the Lu Family? You didn't want to kill Miraculous Doctor An, and you didn't weigh yourself. If you hurt others, you hurt yourself. Now I have the face to say that I hurt others for no reason." ?”

Ou Yong immediately retorted: "I came to ask Dr. An about something, how come I want to kill her?"

"You clearly released the poisonous ants to poison my young master and wife. Looking at your ghostly appearance, you can tell that the poisonous ant is extremely poisonous. If it weren't for your own mismanagement and the poisonous ants backfired, it would be our young master and madam who suffered. Didn't you intend to murder what?!" The guard Jia asked with his waist in his arms.

Hearing the word 'murder', Chen Lingdu, who had his eyes open, hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

Ou Yong couldn't answer because Ou Ba had already admitted that he released the poisonous ants under the pressure of A Zhao.

It would be too late for him to push the matter of poisonous ants to me, bite back, and turn black and white.

So he changed his words and said that I was the murderer found by the second master Lu, who brutally killed League Leader Lu. He has always admired League Leader Lu, and a villain like me can be punished by everyone.

He was just avenging Lu Mengzhu, what's wrong?
Chen Lingdu, who was pretending to be dead, suddenly cheated on the corpse, and echoed: "Yes, I want to avenge the leader Lu, and the origin of this witch is unknown, and she is full of demons and sorcery. Getting rid of her is to eliminate harm for the martial arts!"

"Put P—" the guard Jia cursed angrily, and wanted to rush over to beat them, but was stopped by the guard Xin.

"Even if you are avenging League Leader Lu, how do you explain the matter of the poisonous ants?" Bai Mudan fixed her gaze on Ou Yong, not following his train of thought, but still clung to the source of the poisonous ants.

The poisonous ants are related to the murderer of the serial murders in the city. Ou Yong possesses the poisonous ants, so he must be related to the murderer.

In order to get rid of the connection with the murderer, Ou Yong confessed another organization - Wan Zhen Ji.

The name acquisition is like that, but it is actually a black market.

There are treasures, dirt, and illegal/prohibited/prohibited products that are prohibited from sale by various countries.

But all the things that are not allowed to be sold on the surface, can be sold in Wanzhen Collection.

Ou Yong said that he sold the poisonous ants from the collection of treasures, and that the famous families used the illegal/forbidden/poison/things bought on the black market to hurt people. It is really embarrassing to say it, and it is enough to discredit Shen Bingxing in front of his fellow martial artists.

What he said is tantamount to breaking his arm to survive. If he bought the poisonous ants, no matter whether they came from a proper way or not, Ou Ba would not be scared like that.

Besides, he once reminded Ou Ba not to talk too much, which meant to remind him not to harm everyone.

I understood what he meant, if Ou Ba dared to tell who the maker of the poisonous ants was, the entire Ou family would not be able to survive.

Now Ou Yong only admits that he bought the poisonous ants. Although it is embarrassing, it will not expose the person behind the scenes.

He said to death that he bought it from the black market, and he didn't know where the source of the goods came from.

Seeing that he woke up, Ou Ba refused to reveal another word.

After all, Ou Yong's father, Ou Changming, is in charge of Shenbingxing. If there is no evidence to kill Ou Yong, even the Wulin League is not easy to explain to Shenbingxing.

It is impossible for Bai Mudan to really kill Ou Yong. For the time being, all she can do is to question his subordinates.

Now Ou Ba refuses to speak, and Bai Mudan has nothing to do with Ou Yong.

Bai Mudan felt very sorry for me, she is now part of the Lu family, and I worked so hard to organize a banquet for the Lu family, but I was wronged for no reason and thrown into a dungeon.

She was almost killed by Ou Yong and Chen Lingdu. She really wanted to vent her anger on my behalf and uphold justice, but tonight is really not the time to distinguish right from wrong. The whole Lu family is in chaos.

Bai Mudan hesitated to speak, but Ah Zhao understood her, and asked me for her if there was any way to save the Lu family from suffering.

She knows that the Lu family did not behave properly today, and she will ask me to help her again, she is not that thick-skinned.

Ah Zhao is anxious about what his master is anxious about, so he can be shameless.

"There are so many guards and hidden guards outside who can't stop the killing god, and I can't solve it." This is the truth, and I can distinguish right from wrong. The person who cheated me is Lu Erye, and it has nothing to do with Lu Youkang and Bai Mudan.

If there is a way to save them, I will not stand idly by.

The problem is that the killing gods outside have too many backgrounds, and I will send an extra head if I rush up.

Her sonic skills can bounce off my 'Qi', maybe I can break through her sonic wall after a few more years of practice, but definitely not now.

At around 12 midnight, a group of people surrounded the entrance of the dungeon, and someone knocked on the door.

The person who knocked on the door called the person inside to open the door, saying that the second master is here!
Bai Mudan suddenly became nervous and looked at Lu Youkang who was next door to her. I guess she was worried that Lu Peng was coming to hunt and kill Lu Youkang.

However, when I heard the shouts of people outside, my emotions were not the emotions of chasing and killing, but rather like avoiding chasing and killing.

They didn't seem to know that the gatekeeper had escaped, thinking that there were guards from the Lu family inside.

Bai Mudan didn't intend to open the door for them, but Ou Yong and Chen Lingdu seemed to have seen a savior. Ou Ba's arm was broken by A Zhao, and Ou Yong got up to open the door by himself.

Bai Mudan wanted to stop her, but her female elder suddenly coughed lightly, and coughed up what Bai Mudan was about to say.

I watched from the sidelines, watching the interaction between them, and neither objected nor stopped Ou Yong from opening the door.

The guard Jia wanted to stop me, but the guard Xin looked at my face, and held the guard Jia so that he did not let him speak.

Yunzhou, on the other hand, took out the stewed chicken feet at some point and held them in his hands without chewing them.

I quickly snatched it off, put it in an oil paper bag, and put it in my pocket.

Lu Peng also led a group of people, who were as embarrassed as Bai Mudan and the others.

Several people had their bones broken and walked in with barely enough support.

When Lu Peng entered the dungeon, a guard didn't see him, so he hesitated in his steps.

Ou Yong kept asking him to come in and rest inside.

However, the four VIP cells were all full of people, and there was no place for them to rest.

He was taken aback when he saw that the doors of the four cells were all open. Although the living conditions in the VIP cells were good, the door locks were the strongest and special among all the cells.

The guards only have the power to lock the door, not the key to open it.

Only the head of the Lu family has the key to the door of the VIP cell.

The key should be with Lu Mengzhu, and no one else can find the place where the key is placed.

I guess Lu Peng didn't have a key either, that's why he was so surprised.

Apparently, he locked us up to die.

Lu Youkang's room was occupied by Lu Youkang, and he was in a state of not getting close to strangers, so it was not easy for Lu Peng to squeeze a room with him.

Bai Mudan's room was full of female relatives, so it was inconvenient for him to enter.

There was Cheng Fei occupying the bed between the guards Jia and Xin. The child was weak and shivering under the blanket. How could he go in and grab the child from the bed in full view?

Even if he wanted to, the fairy swordsman couldn't let it go.

As for me and Yunzhou...

I had absolutely no objection to his coming in, and even smiled kindly at him and asked him to come in and sit down.

But he refused, and the warmer I invited, the farther away he was.

Chen Lingdu kindly reminded him that he should stay away from me, I know magic arts, so don't get close to me.

The appearance of Lu Peng gave Ou Yong and Chen Lingdu confidence. It's a pity that the two of them are in a terrible state right now, and all their energy is spent on talking. Ou Yong is shaking while walking, and Chen Lingdu still can't stand up at this meeting.

Lu Peng has been away from home for many years, and he was middle-aged when he returned.

His energy field is very chaotic. I have been in this world for some time, and by observing people's energy field, I can know which people are Lianjiazi and which are ordinary people.

Who is strong and who is weak.

Who is practicing righteous martial arts, and who is practicing evil martial arts.

What Lu Peng practiced was the last one, and he was already at the stage of becoming obsessed.

Others can only know by touching his body and probing his meridians, but I only need to 'see' with my eyes.

He was well disguised on the surface, his eyes were calm and calm, and his breath was steady and long.

He led his men to sit on the floor in the corridor, there were still empty cells underground, they didn't go, they gathered in the VIP cell.

Ou Yong anxiously asked about the situation outside, Lu Peng shook his head, saying that the disaster of martial arts is coming, and the prophecy a hundred years ago has come true.

After hearing this, Ou Yong looked blank, and then asked what prophecy?

He didn't know, but I did, so I opened my mouth and said, "The sound of magic is shaking all directions, and the sound of martial arts is evil."

Ou Yong was still puzzled, Lu Peng suddenly widened his eyes, and looked at me with complicated eyes.

If it is drawn as a circular chart, it is one point of dumbfounded, two points of shock, three points of suspicion, and four points of fear.

Except for Lu Peng, no one else understood.

"Who are you?" The peace and calmness in Lu Peng's eyes receded, and the violence overflowed, and he asked in a gloomy tone.

This question is difficult to answer, I pointed to Yunzhou, and answered him with the simplest identity: "His secret guard and wife."

"No, this prophecy is not something that the little dark guard can know. Who are you?" Lu Peng gradually became mad.

"The dark guard knows the most secrets, why can't the dark guard know it?" The dark guard who is despised by the masters and whose life is like nothing, is actually the one who holds the most secrets in the world.

Lu Peng was in doubt, and he hesitated when I said this.

"That depends on whose hidden guard, his hidden guard? Hmph, it's impossible to know." After a little thought, he came to this conclusion.

When he looked at Yun Zhou, his eyes were contemptuous and contemptuous, as if he was looking at an ant.

"What's wrong with our son? Do you know who he is?" The guard Jia asked immediately, not knowing that his master was underestimated.

"So what if you know, because you know, I'm sure that you are not qualified to know this secret, because even he is not qualified to know." Lu Peng's tone was so crazy that I felt that he was going to heaven.

"Oh, who are you? What a big tone!" The guard Jia lost no one, and was full of fighting spirit and wanted to confront Lu Peng.

"That's right, Second Master, her identity must not be as simple as it appears on the surface, this woman..." Ou Yong moved to Lu Peng's side and whispered.

Lu Peng frowned, put his hands against his nostrils, and patiently listened to Ou Yong's words.

"I know the origin of the poisonous ants, so there's no need to hide it." I broke through the content of Ou Yong's whisper and looked at him amusedly.

"It's something that is kept a secret from others, but you take the initiative to report it to Master Lu to know. What kind of deal do you have?"

(End of this chapter)

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