Chapter 69
Manager Zhang is not the kind of hot-headed person. As he walked on the road, he thought about how dangerous the situation just now was that he had seen with his own eyes.He was responsible for his and Yue Nanxiang's lives.

I turned my head and looked in the direction of Yuancheng, where thick smoke was rising, and the sound of shouting and killing was faintly connected.

I put up a wooden board outside the shop door to remind passers-by that there is a secret passage under the shop to get out of the city.

There are endless battles in the city. Ordinary people are innocent after all. I hope they can find the sign I left when they are running for their lives.

After leaving Yuancheng, we rushed to the agreed place to meet the guards Jia and the others.

Manager Zhang thought about it for a day, and finally decided to follow me to the end.

As if to test his determination, as soon as he expressed his determination to me, we were surrounded by a group of people.

The ones who came back this time were not from the Demon Fort, not from the Golden Gu Society, but from the Divine Soldiers.

"The surname is An, take your life!" They didn't talk nonsense, and they did it directly.

The clothes they wore said everything, and both parties knew it in their hearts, so there was no need to say more.

But to seek revenge, you have to inquire about the details of your opponent, right?

To be so reckless is to take life as a trifling matter.

It didn't work, I took a shot, Yun Zhou's bag of snacks solved them.

Peanuts, melon seeds, and fruit sugar are all deadly weapons.

The people in the Shenbing line know weapons best. Eighteen kinds of weapons and all kinds of hidden weapons are all commodities within their business scope.

But they probably never imagined that one day they would die under the fruit candy.

The head will be pierced by melon seeds, the ribs will be broken by peanuts, and the candy will pass through the chest.

The various weapons they used did nothing to us, but Yun Zhou's snacks did them.

I stood in front of Yue Nanxiang and Mr. Zhang, protecting them from poisonous needles, poisonous darts, poisonous smoke, short arrows and other weapons.

Shenbing uses heavy equipment, similar to the Golden Gu Society, they rely on high-end weapons, and their own martial arts are mediocre.

If Mr. Xiaoyao had come out in person, he might be able to do a few tricks.

Sending disciples who have not been in the game for a few years, do you think that if you have a large number of people, you can win?
"Let's go." I glanced at the corpses all over the ground. If they don't go back to report, someone will come to look for them.

Manager Zhang stared at Yunzhou for a long time before asking me, who is he?

I really don't know who Master Yunzhou is. His method of killing the enemy with no tricks wins with tricks. Although the moves are not beautiful, their lethality is huge.

For example, that handful of melon seeds can accurately hit the enemy's vitals when thrown out.

No misses, I don't know how he aimed.

It can only be said to be a point-and-shoot launch, similar to using a point-and-shoot camera.

"My lord, you are also being chased. The people who chased me and the people who chased him may appear in turn." I don't have the identity of Daoming Yunzhou, so I just explained the current situation to Mr. Zhang.

Double the pursuit, double the danger, Mr. Zhang was thoughtful after hearing this, he frowned, raised his eyebrows, hissed, and nodded.

The struggle of thinking was fierce, and then he smiled lightly and said to me: "Don't worry about An Shen doctor, from now will be fine."

After saying this, there was another wave of people blocking us, the leader was Lu Peng, he was not in a hurry to fight, first asked me where Lu Youkang went?

Lu Youkang returned to Jiushuang with Bai Mudan!

Although I thought so in my heart, I didn't say it out loud.

"We've been in Qunfang Pavilion, I don't know where he went." I replied.

"He left Yuancheng, so he could only go to Jiushuang Kingdom with Bai Mudan. I have sent people to wait for many days on the roads to Jiushuang Kingdom, and I also sent people to search along the way, but there is no sign of them at all. Are you Don’t you have other plans? Speak out, and I’ll keep them alive.”

The "they" in his mouth refers to Yunzhou, Yue Nanxiang, and Manager Zhang.

That means the three of them can live, but I will die if I say it or not.

"Lu Youkang has become like that, what other plans can we have? You should be the most aware of the poison you poisoned, Bai Mudan can only take him back to her mother's house for refuge."

If Lu Youkang hadn't been poisoned, we might be able to turn things around if we make some plans.

But he has become like that, how can we persuade martial arts people to support him as the leader of martial arts?
Bai Mudan is the daughter-in-law of the Lu family. She is a woman, and it is useless for her to stand up. Those old men and women will not listen to her.

"You are a genius doctor. You have two skills. I know the poison I gave you, but I have to ask you whether he is cured or not."

"I'm not cured, why don't you go look for it again?"

Lu Peng snorted coldly and said with a strange smile: "Kill you first, then find him."

After Lu Peng finished speaking, he beckoned, and a group of people were escorted by his men. They were hiding in the dense forest by the roadside.

These people are under the influence of parasites, emotionally irritable, and in a state of losing their minds.

Lu Peng asked his men to release the shackles on these people, and they retreated quickly, and these people rushed towards us.

I held down Yunzhou's arm to prevent him from using edible weapons.

I pulled him and Yue Nanxiang to turn around and run away, Manager Zhang immediately followed us.

We fled into the woods, and the parasites chased after us, but Lu Peng and his men did not follow.

Director Zhang asked me why I ran away, why didn't I deal with them like I did with the previous enemies?
"I want to save them." I replied while running, feeling that the distance was far enough, I told Manager Zhang to lead Yue Nanxiang to continue running, but not too far away from me, keep the distance between people who can see me. Can.

Director Zhang still wanted to ask, but he knew it was not the time, so he led Yue Nanxiang and continued to run forward. Yunzhou and I stopped together and faced the pursuers behind.

The parasites in their bodies are dying, I don't have much time, and I'm not sure if I can succeed.

I first released the 'qi' thread to penetrate into their bodies, and took the lead in controlling the parasites in their bodies.

Wrap them with 'gas', after they die, they will not release harmful substances to hurt the host.

Yun Zhou helped me block their attacks, his moves were still so simple and unpretentious, like the bastard fists commonly used by country women, when he hit someone with a swing, the person immediately took a few steps back.

I didn't dare to be distracted, and focused on controlling 'Qi' to heal the parasites present.

The toxins produced by parasites will affect them, and I will purify them little by little.

At this time, those creatures were dead, and they turned into liquid. Fortunately, I wrapped them with balloons.

I stunned them and opened their bellies one by one to remove the 'fluid'.

At the same time, it also purifies the toxins in their bodies. I ask Yunzhou to guard me, and don't let anyone or animals get close to interfere with my work.

Yun Zhou climbed up the tree, which he practiced on picking jujubes from the tree before, and he guarded the wind for me, so I feel relieved to treat these people.

Take the 'effusion' first, then treat the incision of the incision, and then remove the residual toxins in the body.

After all three steps are completed, the person can sleep and recuperate.

I saved their lives as quickly as possible, and Manager Zhang found a cave nearby.

We worked together to transport people into the cave, and it was safe in the cave. I asked Director Zhang and Yue Nanxiang to watch over the patients, and I went back to the place where they were operated on.

I wanted to deal with the scene, there was too much blood, I was afraid that the smell of blood would attract wild animals.

But before they could clean up, Lu Peng brought someone in.

I hid, and they found a place with blood, Lu Peng sneered: "This is it, they must have died here, the one named An was afraid that the body would be exposed, so he hid the body."

"Hiding the corpse... Leader, won't she guess your plan?"

"Yes! Leader, this woman is full of tricks. She first gained the trust of Mr. Lu, and then got along well with Emperor Tiangong. She has deep thoughts. If she knows how to hide the corpse, she must have guessed your plan." !"

The two people around Lu Peng analyzed it for him.

"So what, the direct disciple of the head of the Eight Great Schools died tragically under her hands. From now on, the righteous way of martial arts will not tolerate her anymore. She is the murderer who killed the old alliance leader, and she is the secret guard of the evil emperor of Tiangong. The evil emperor has gone mad. Who can prove that Her identity?" Lu Peng raised his head to the sky and laughed when he said that he was proud.

The people around him echoed, laughing along with him.

They laughed for a while, looked at the blood everywhere, nodded in satisfaction, and turned to leave.

I came out to clean up the blood and returned to the cave to continue healing the patients.

Manager Zhang met Lu Peng and knew that after the collapse of the Lu family, he took refuge in Tiangong Dijun.

He also heard the rumors that I murdered the old leader Lu. He thought that I really killed the old leader Lu, so he became enmity with Lu Peng, and because both sides joined the Tiangong Alliance at the same time, Lu Peng had concerns and did not seek revenge from me. Now Tiangong The situation with Dijun was unknown, so Lu Peng took the opportunity to seek revenge on me.

"No, that's how it happened." After listening to Mr. Zhang's guess, I decided to correct a few points.

First of all, the person who killed Lu Mengzhu was either sent by the emperor, or Lu Peng did it himself.

Secondly, it is true that Lu Peng and I have a grudge, but the grudge between us is not because I killed the old leader Lu, but because I saved the old leader Lu and Lu Youkang, which affected his plan.

He didn't seek revenge on me when he was in Qunfang Pavilion, it may indeed be because of Tiangong's face, I am Liu Yanyan's apprentice, I am the apprentice of Xueqin Master, and I was the guest at the emperor's celebration banquet.

If Lu Peng troubled me at that time, it would be to disrespect these big villains.

Last point, he didn't intend to kill me. He appeared here and sent parasites to attack us. His purpose was not to kill me, but to confirm the rumors that I was a murderer. He wanted me to take the blame for killing the old leader Lu.

"You left the lives of these people to testify for you?"

"Yes, they are the direct disciples of the Changmen of the Eight Great Schools. Lu Peng hopes that I will kill them, and hope that I will have a complete enmity with the famous sect." It is best to fight when the hatred is so deep that we don't give a chance to explain it.

I guess he will also release news that the disciples of the Eight Great Sects found me to avenge the old leader Lu, but they were killed by me.

This not only left a righteous name for the disciples of the Eight Great Sects, but also stabbed the ink on my body. The big "bad" tattooed on my body could not be washed or wiped off.

"How did you see Lu Peng's strategy?"

"Maybe it's... after they were poisoned, the location where the poison gathered reminded me of the death of the old leader Lu. If they died in the same way as the old leader Lu, and I was the rumored murderer, then wouldn't they be the same?" Did I kill it?"

In fact, I didn't think so much at the time, I just felt something was wrong, and I subconsciously didn't want to see them die in the same way as the old leader Lu.

I never thought of staying alive to prove my innocence.

The parasitized people woke up one after another. Fortunately, they did not lose their memory. They still remembered being caught by Lu Peng and forced to swallow the bugs.

I revealed my identity to them. For the time being, I can't prove that I am not the murderer who killed the old leader Lu, but the poisonous insects that can corrode people's internal organs are in the hands of Lu Peng. I don't have this thing, so who is the one who killed the old leader? The real murderer is obvious at a glance.

Lu Peng forced them to swallow the poisonous insects, causing them to lose their minds and become violent parasites.

And I rescued them, not only detoxifying them, but also helping them escape Lu Peng's clutches.

They have seen Lu Peng's true face and are going to return to the sect to report truthfully.

We rested in the cave overnight, and the next day we made sure that there was no one nearby. I said goodbye to the disciples of the Eight Great Sects, and they went back to their respective sects. We went to meet the guard Jia and the others.

Manager Zhang couldn't help sighing, it would be very difficult for me to follow me back to my hometown to farm.

He said that it was impossible, so we just disguised ourselves. We have used this method a long time ago, and sometimes it doesn't work.

Now that he suggested it, I thought it would be worth a try, so in the next village, we bought some clothes, refitted them, and set out on the road.

For the four of us, our disguised identities do not conflict. Mr. Zhang pretends to be the father of the family, Yunzhou and I are his daughter and son-in-law, and Yue Nanxiang is his youngest daughter. She should be called An Xiaoxiao now.

Manager Zhang also had to give up his identity, so he simply took my surname and changed his name to Anbao.

His original intention was to protect the people he wanted to protect, but I was speechless when I heard this name.

But this era does not have the title of security personnel, and I can't correct him.

The four of us pretended to be ordinary villagers, bought a donkey cart and drove on the road.

The counties and towns around Yuancheng were originally sealed off. After Tiangong seized power in the city, the guards of the counties and towns were replaced by Tiangong people.

Now these entrances and exits are also engaged in fierce battles. Crowds who can't distinguish between factions and forces are fighting at the gate of the city. We took advantage of the chaos and sneaked out through the city wall next to it.

It's not over the wall to get out, because Yue Nanxiang found a hole in the earth under the city wall.

It is big enough for a grown man to pass through, and Manager Zhang just doesn't know how to kung fu. The running around in the past few days is enough for him. Of course it would be best not to climb the wall.

The road to the north is the most difficult among the four countries. It is blocked by majestic mountains. In this era, there is no shield hook machine. Digging mountains and tunnels to build roads is a fantasy.

People can only dig winding roads on the mountain, and some sections of the road are plank roads.

Every year, there are passers-by who fall from the cliffs and plank roads and die.

We have to cross three mountains to reach the rendezvous point left by the guard Jia, which is not under the jurisdiction of Yuancheng.

Unfortunately, we had just climbed over a mountain and got stuck between two mountains.

A few days ago, heavy rains caused mudslides, which washed away the mountain road and blocked it.

It will take time to clear the mud and rocks and build a temporary wooden bridge. There is an inn between the two mountains, and the four of us had to stay here.

It was still raining heavily when we stayed, and it continued to rain after that.

It is not safe to go back, and there is no way to go forward. We are stranded here, and we don't know when we will be able to get on the road again.

There were also some businessmen and tourists who were stranded with us. Due to the tightness of the room, the four of us could only squeeze into a small room.

Manager Zhang and Yue Nanxiang slept on the bed, Yunzhou slept on the floor, and I slept on a chair.

(End of this chapter)

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