a very dark dark guard

Chapter 70 The inn is dead

Chapter 70 The inn is dead

Along the way to the north, the first half is full of high mountains.The inns are mostly built in the mountains, and pedestrians are used to staying in the mountains, so there are many inns in the mountains like this, not "old and small", let alone black shops.

If you want to say "black", it is true that there are robbers in the mountains. They don't rob inns, they usually block roads.

However, if they encounter knights in the rivers and lakes, they may also be wiped out.

So before they make a move, they will inevitably send spies to find out the reality of the passers-by.

The inn we stayed in received two robbed guests.

When they came back from the Yuanti Mountain in front, all their business capital was robbed, only a little money hidden in the insole was left, which was enough for them to live in the cowshed in the backyard.

The owner of the inn is a woman in her 30s. She was a bit mean to these two people when she saw what she said. Not knowing when they would be able to leave, the proprietress brought them the leftovers from other guests on weekdays.

We have too much money on us, all of it is converted into bank notes and I keep it next to my body, wrapped in a special waterproof and fireproof leather bag, as long as I don't die, no one can take it away.

Manager Zhang was very thoughtful. Before he escaped, he prepared not only the banknotes, but also travel expenses that were not eye-catching.

All are small pieces of silver and small copper coins, divided into several parts, wrapped up and placed on each person.

He carried a few copies, Yue Nanxiang carried a few copies, and even Yun Zhou had broken wallets on his body.

He was responsible for handling all the affairs of the hotel, and the proprietress saw him digging and searching, and did not have any doubts about our identities.

For this reason, our meals are also the most common rough dishes and light meals. The proprietress is very indifferent to our family of four, and she calls Xiao Er when there is something.

The treatment of guests upstairs is very different from ours. They live in the best rooms and eat the best meals. Even if no one calls, the proprietress will go upstairs eight times a day. That is called a charming.

I didn't want to pay attention to her, but when I was practicing in the house, I could always hear her flattering yelling.

She yelled eight times a day to the "grandpas" upstairs.

There are three floors in the inn. Our cabin is on the second floor. The house is not soundproof, and we can hear everyone pacing upstairs.

Especially my ears are good, I can hear their conversations.

Very passive...I know all the guests in the inn.

If I were still a hidden guard, I would have taken the initiative to know all the information about the personnel in the store.

It seems that he is not in his position, but he really seeks his own government.

In the past few days, only the sound of rain can be heard, which makes the residents in the inn feel irritable.

I'm fine, listening to this voice is calm, which is good for practicing martial arts.

Yun Zhou is very sensible, he will eat snacks if he has the conditions, and he will not eat them without the conditions, so he won't make noise because of it.

Manager Zhang spent a small amount of money to go to the back kitchen, and personally fried a pocket of soybeans for him, mixed with salt noodles as a snack.

But you can't eat too much of this stuff, because we can't live in this house if we eat too much.

Manager Zhang gave him a handful every day, and he ate one at a time, saving his food.

The peaceful hotel life was broken by a woman.

On the third day of our stay, someone knocked on the door of the inn suddenly in the middle of the night.

Xiao Er got up to open the door, afraid of waking up the other guests, he trotted to open the door without daring to speak loudly.

There was a female guest outside the door, who said she wanted to stay in the hotel. It had been raining heavily outside for three days, and the road ahead and back could not be walked. The mountain road was full of water and slippery mud. No one would climb the mountain in such weather , Take the winding mountain path.

There is not even a guardrail on the side of the road. When a strong wind blows, people may be blown off the cliff.

In fact, no matter how difficult the mountain road is to repair, it will always be possible to build a road for the cavalry after a long time. The bad road conditions here are not entirely limited by natural conditions, but also because of the intervention of the dynasty in the north.

Such a natural danger is more effective than the city wall trap, which is why the north has never had a war with the other three countries.

A weak woman lived in a hotel over the mountains at night in heavy rain.

Xiaoer must be careful, and what he said was true. He told the woman that the shop was full, and even the cowshed was occupied, so there was really no room left.

The woman begged sadly, saying that she didn't need to live in the room, as long as she had a place to shelter from the rain, even if she sat in the hall all night, it was better than being poured outside.

The woman raised her voice, and the waiter was afraid that she would disturb the rest of the distinguished guests by her loud noise, so she took her to the kitchen. There was a large table in the kitchen, covered with leather and hay, and the woman could lie down curled up.

If Xiaoer can be ruthless, he should refuse the woman to enter the door, or he should be more cautious and report to the boss immediately after letting the woman in, so that the woman will have no chance to search around and sneak up on the VIP room on the third floor.

After the woman appeared, there were suddenly more than a dozen people on the roof. They fell to the ground with the sound of rain and squatted on the roof.

The woman downstairs tiptoed to the door of the VIP room on the third floor.

Since transmigrating to this world, I have spent more time practicing abilities than martial arts.

It is always easier to use my original ability.

So now I don't need to see those 'energy clusters' with my eyes, I can feel them even with my eyes closed.

They move, they stand still, I can feel them.

Since the woman entered the door, I locked her energy group and moved with her.

When she was sitting in the kitchen for a stick of incense, she sneaked out when Xiao Er returned to the room to sleep.

But she just stood on the third floor for a while, no more than 10 minutes.

Then she went back to the kitchen, lay down to sleep, and never got up again.

Early the next morning, the proprietress learned that someone had slept in the kitchen and scolded Xiao Er.

The woman calmed down her anger with money. Now that our Da Yun is not here, I have to find out some things by myself.

The people on the roof didn't leave. I wanted to know what their purpose was, so I took the opportunity to go downstairs to buy food and briefly contacted the woman.

Just looking at the life energy, I can't see the beauty and ugliness of people. When I really see a woman, even I can't breathe.

No wonder the men in the inn have been agitated since the morning, their life energy seems to be on fire.

A woman's appearance is not beautiful in the traditional sense, but she is infinitely charming, and even a light glance makes one feel breathless.

I passed her by with four people's porridge, porridge, and pickles. I didn't intend to talk to her, but she stopped me and gave me a faint smile. This smile can make people's souls fly away.

"Sister, can this sister do my little sister a favor?"

I personally think that there are no natural "fox spirits" in the world, and those who practice charm are all acquired hardworking talents.

I paused for two seconds, thinking about the reaction that an ordinary peasant woman should have, trying to pull out an honest and simple smile, but unfortunately I didn't succeed.

"Say." The smile failed, I broke the can, and I did what I usually do.

"My little sister is suffering from a strange disease. I have seen many doctors, but the disease is getting worse and worse. Can my sister cure me?"

"No, I only know how to care for sows after delivery." I glanced at her from head to toe.

"Sister is really good at joking, as long as you can cure my illness, you can pay the consultation fee as you like."

"It can't be cured." I carried the food and continued upstairs. The woman behind me covered her mouth with a coquettish smile, shook the fragrant silk handkerchief, and turned to go to the kitchen.

I wanted to see her, to find out about her physical condition, to see her martial arts so well, but I didn't expect that she would take the initiative to talk to me.

She seems to know who I am. My title of 'miracle doctor' is like thunder in Yuancheng. Some people know me, but I don't know them.

I took the food back to my room. For the past three days, the person who went to buy food in the morning has always been Manager Zhang. He wondered why I had to go downstairs to buy food today.

I explained to him in a low voice that someone with a suspicious identity came to the inn, and I wanted to take a look.

"Did you find anything?" He reached out to take the tray in my hand after I entered the door.

Yue Nanxiang closed the door, and the four of us sat down at the dining table. I sensed it and confirmed that there was no one around, so I replied:
"The person who picks the stars and looks for the moon."

Manager Zhang has seen a lot in Qunfang Pavilion, so he should be no stranger to this organization.

Zhai Xing Lao Yue Lou is a killer organization in the world, and it also helps people steal things, kidnap people, and find people and things.

The other killings are all disguised as various characters to perform tasks. The killers they organize don’t need this, because they have 80-year-old old lady killers and eight-year-old children/killers.

The handicapped/killer, the pregnant woman/killer with a big belly, all real, no make-up required.

In any killer organization, the boss must have some means of controlling his subordinates.

The boss of Zhaixing Laoyuelou is different from others. He doesn't use poison, Gu, and the killer's weakness to control them. His control method is to implant a small metal block in the killer's body.

Strictly speaking, this thing should be a meteorite with unknown metals in its composition.

After it is implanted in the human body, it usually has no effect, but once the boss uses the mother stone in his hand, these small stones implanted in the human body will cause trouble in their bodies.

Those who have experienced it say that life is worse than death.

I saw something that looked like a stone in the woman's body, and it could move by itself, but the woman didn't feel it at all, so I was sure it wasn't a stone.

She wanted me to treat her illness, probably because she wanted to take out this stone.

It is not difficult to obtain it, but I will offend another difficult organization in the Jianghu.

I don't want to be hunted down 360 days a year, and they are on the way to kill me for the remaining five days.

According to the current situation, we can't go directly to the northern countryside to buy land. Once the enemies know my exact location, and it's a fixed location, they will go there day and night to make trouble.

So I rejected women, it's not a problem that money can solve.

If the woman's stone removal operation is successful, what should I do if other killers come to me?
I handed over the Zhaixingyuyuelou to Huangzhi, can the boss let me go?
My name is Yun Zhou and they have to eat quickly, what can the killer organization do?
They ran to the inn in the mountain regardless of the dangers of the road in heavy rain. It must be their mission target staying here.

Maybe they will strike at any time, we have enough food and drink, and when they fight, we can go out to avoid danger at any time.

The guests in the VIP room usually get up late, at nine o'clock suddenly someone shouted 'dead', and the voice came from the VIP room.

The proprietress rushed up to check the situation immediately, and Xiao Er was responsible for appeasing the residents who ran out from other rooms to watch the excitement.

The four of us didn't go out, and I stayed by the window. This room is small, with only half a window. It was originally a storage room. The beds that Manager Zhang and Yue Nanxiang slept on were broken beds from another room. Two of the legs of the bed were broken, so I used stones as pads to make do with it.

There are a lot of sundries in the room, broken bowls and pots, old candlesticks and the like.

I asked Yunzhou and the others to take a break. I stood in front of the window, opened the window, and listened to the movement outside while paying attention to the situation inside the building.

There's going to be a massacre, so we can get away right away.

Someone died in the inn, how can the residents stay quietly, this is a relatively closed building, there has not been a single new guest in the past three days, except for the woman who suddenly appeared at midnight last night.

The residents naturally suspected her, but the honored guest on the third floor died in the room, and someone lived in the same room as the deceased. If it was a woman who committed the murder, the roommate did not notice it, which is very strange.

The guest rooms in the store are inherently tense, even if it is a VIP room, two people share a bed, and the person in the bed is killed, and if the other person is not woken up, unless the murderer makes no movement at all.

The proprietress yelled, 'Don't guess blindly', you can solve the case by guessing, why should you arrest him quickly?
They suspected that the woman who stayed overnight last night had no witnesses or physical evidence. The deceased was neither strangled nor killed by a knife, but was covered with red spots all over her body, and she was suspected to have died of poisoning.

Other guests demanded body searches, reassured only if the woman was free of poison.

It is not impossible for the lady boss to search, but the woman refused, saying that if she agreed to the search, wouldn't she be bullied?
With so many people living in the inn, everyone could be the murderer, so why only her body was searched?

If you want to search, you must search everyone before she agrees to search her.

The proprietress asked Xiao Er to knock on the doors of each guest room to see if all the guests were there.

If someone wasn't there, it could be the escaped murderer.

Xiao Er knocked on the door from house to house, but it didn't take much trouble, the commotion outside was so loud that almost all the guests staying at the inn stood at the door to watch the commotion.

Only three of the guest rooms had their doors closed, ours being one of them.

I gestured to Manager Zhang and the others, and he and Yue Nanxiang put the luggage on their backs back to their original positions.

At this time, if someone saw the four of us all carrying our luggage and looking ready to run away at any time, I'm afraid we would become the most suspicious people.

Before Xiao Er knocked on the door, Mr. Zhang took the initiative to open the door, and looked out with a probing look on his face.

Xiaoer happened to be walking towards this side, and Director Zhang asked him what happened first?
Xiaoer explained that some customers died in the store, as if they were poisoned. The proprietress was worried about the safety of the customers and asked him to confirm whether the customers were safe.

Manager Zhang pretended to be scared, and asked who died, when did he die, and what did he eat or drink before he died?
Xiao Er comforted him a few words, walked to the door of our room, peeked inside, saw the three of us sitting in the room, looked away and smiled at Mr. Zhang: "Don't worry, sir, your meals It is done separately from the guests in the upstairs room, and there will be no problem with eating and drinking."

That's for sure, the four of us have a simple meal, and the residents upstairs have fish and meat every day, and the recipes don't overlap.

(End of this chapter)

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