a very dark dark guard

Chapter 71 Ready-Made Works

Chapter 71 Ready-Made Works

Mr. Zhang pretended to be nervous on purpose, but he didn't want us to appear too calm and cause suspicion. After Xiaoer's brief explanation, he accepted his statement.Rainy days, closed inns, bizarre murder cases.

The residents in it are not so easy to be appeased, because the murderer is in this inn.

There are quite a few residents, which means that the murderer is still among us.

Everyone didn't think the murderer was a stranger they had never seen before, sneaked into the inn to kill, and then left quietly.

A resident on the third floor woke up hungry at five o'clock in the morning. He had an argument with his roommate last night and was so angry that he didn't eat dinner.

In the morning he woke up hungry and went downstairs to the kitchen to find something to eat.

He went from the third floor to the first floor, and then to the kitchen, without seeing any wet footprints all the way.

The roommate of the deceased said that someone knocked on the door in the middle of the night last night, and the deceased was woken up, complaining that ghosts came to stay so late.

That is to say, when the woman came, the deceased was still alive.

Then when the guests who woke up from hunger went downstairs to find food, the murderer could only start during this period.

There was not much difference in time, so if outsiders killed people, they would definitely leave muddy footprints.

They were analyzing outside, and I listened in the room, and felt that their analysis made sense. However, the woman went upstairs last night and did not make a sound. No shoes, bare feet, and walking on tiptoes.

She had time in the kitchen to take off her shoes, dry the soles of her feet, and go upstairs barefoot so she wouldn't leave muddy wet footprints.

The residents are also guessing wildly, with different opinions and no conclusions.

In the room of the dead, three people live, one sleeps on a couch and two sleeps on a bed.

Now someone died in their room, still quietly, and the other two people were more afraid than other residents.

They suggested that everyone gather in the lobby downstairs and look at each other to prevent the murderer from committing another murder.

The guests in the other VIP rooms all agreed, and they believed that doing so would also prevent the murderer from escaping.

In fact, what they are afraid of is that the murderer hates the rich, and only picks and kills the rich who live in the VIP room.

Because all the belongings of the deceased were there, there was not a single piece of luggage missing in the room, and it had not been tampered with.

In order to stabilize people's hearts, the proprietress intentionally guides everyone to think in the direction of vendetta. If it is a personal grudge, it will have no effect on other people.

After killing one person, the murderer will not kill others.

At this time, some people objected to the gathering of the people in the lobby, fearing that they would anger the murderer and kill everyone.

Now they want to know who the murderer is, but they are also afraid of knowing, for fear that the murderer will kill and silence them.

Two people with different opinions stood in the corridor outside the door and quarreled.

In order to appear gregarious, Mr. Zhang interjected occasionally, most of which were kind words.

The proprietress ran into the back kitchen and came out with a kitchen knife in her hand.

Out of business considerations, she decided to gather everyone in the lobby.

It doesn't matter if someone died in the inn, but if someone died and the murderer ran away easily, then no one would dare to stay in her inn for a long time to come.

Those people on the roof were still there. I was really worried that they would kill people to silence them. I wanted to persuade the proprietress to forget it, but the proprietress immediately said, "Anyone who doesn't come down has a guilty conscience and is a murderer."

We are not good citizens, and now is not a high-profile time, so we can only follow the crowd.

Together with the cook, Xiaoer moved tables and chairs, arranged seats in the lobby, and invited guests from each room to come down and sit according to the number of tables and chairs.

The number on the table is the room number, so it is clear at a glance who is sitting in which room.

The proprietress took out melon seeds, peanuts, and tea and put them on everyone's table. Yun Zhou didn't have to eat fried soybeans anymore, but happily picked up the peanuts and peeled them.

He only eats when he saves up a bunch, and no one in the lobby is in the mood to do it except him.

The person who slept in the same bed with the deceased was a bit out of his mind, and he scratched his body a few times from time to time, either on his neck, or his arms, or his calves.

There is nothing wrong with his body. Such a reaction is purely psychological. He may suspect that the deceased had some malignant/infectious disease.

The residents looked at each other, trying to find out suspicious people, some simply attacked personally, and suspected people who did not get along with them.

In the past three days, four of the residents had quarreled. They took this opportunity to trouble each other, suspected each other, and said that the other was the murderer.

The four of them quarreled more and more fiercely, and they were about to grab each other by the collar and start a fight. The proprietress gave a loud voice, which shocked them all.

"Why are you arguing? You made a mess and let the murderer escape. Who will bear the responsibility? Who will pay for the loss of the old lady?" The proprietress put her waist, and her high-octave voice echoed in the lobby, which was better than beating a gong.

Normally, the proprietress always used a coquettish tone to face the distinguished guests, and treated the poor guests with a bitter attitude, but now it was the first time for everyone to see the posture of the thieves descending the mountain.

The four people who were about to fight loosened each other's collars, and sat back to their original positions with two grunts.

And some people have been staring at the woman who suddenly appeared last night, asking her where she came from, where she is going, what is her last name, what is her name, does she have a husband's family?

"My family's surname is Ye, and my name is Fengniang." The woman's tone of voice, tone of voice, and articulation are all like the hands of a luthier, touching people's heartstrings.

She claimed to be from the Luofeng country, and married to Sheng Yu country at the age of 16, but unfortunately her husband died early, and she became a widow at the age of 20.

Because she married into her husband's house for a few years and had nothing to do, she was hated by her mother-in-law and squeezed out by her sister-in-law. Once her husband died, she was kicked out of the house.

She wanted to go back to her hometown to join her elder brother, but learned that her hometown was hit by a flood not long ago, and the whole village, including her brother and sister-in-law, were also washed away by the flood.

A young widow, helpless, pitiful.

These words of hers are all true and she did not lie, but she must have omitted some content, for example, she later joined Zhai Xing Lao Yue Lou and became a killer.

From her marrying far away to another country, to her husband's early death, and to her learning of the death of her relatives, this background should be true.

She looks like she is in her early twenties, but it may not be her actual age.

Most of the men in the lobby gave her pitiful looks, no matter how old or young they were, they all sympathized with what happened to her.

Only Manager Zhang was peeling the melon seeds for Yue Nanxiang and didn't pay attention to her, and Yun Zhou was dividing the peanuts, so he didn't pay attention to her.

Yun Zhou divided the peeled peanuts into four portions, each of the four of us had fifteen pieces.

The proprietress snorted coldly, and said in a moderate voice: "Who has never died a man, this woman can't rely on dead ghosts or living enemies, and has to rely on herself."

At this time, a resident said: "The proprietress is strong enough to fight tigers, of course she can rely on herself, this little lady is so weak, she should find a place that can shelter from the wind and rain."

He spoke cryptically, but everyone present understood.

Isn't it just to find a man to rely on? The key is which man is suitable?
There are mostly male residents in the inn, but there are only four females, the proprietress, me, Yue Nanxiang and Ye Fengniang.

When Ye Fengniang didn't come, the male customers were joking with the proprietress, but when Ye Fengniang came, the men's eyes were attracted by her, and the charming proprietress became a "tiger-fighting hero".

The so-called forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds. The four of us didn't say a word, but some people groaned and insisted on bringing the topic to us.

Ye Fengniang is not the only one who is pitiful. If a good girl marries a fool, wouldn't her life be ruined?

This idiot is still a son-in-law, it's really strange, our family is like that kind person, did we owe the idiot some lives in the previous life?
The person who spoke was sitting next to us, and there were two people at the same table with him, and the three of them sighed and gasped, and they were very annoying.

Yun Zhou now knows that 'fool' is referring to him, but he doesn't quite understand what 'stupid' means, so he thinks it is a title.

"Shut up." I glanced sideways at them, glanced at the faces of the three of them, and looked at them one by one, with a clear warning.

The three of them carried a few bags of fur goods on their backs when they lodged. The leather goods are good in the north, and there are often fur dealers who come and go in the mountains to sell leather goods.

They lived in a few hours later than us, and they went from the north to the south.

Their guest room was on the first floor, directly below our room.

In the past three days, they seldom left the room, because there was a treasure in the cargo they shipped this time, and the three of them dared not leave it, and kept taking good care of it.

If there hadn't been a murder case today, they still wouldn't come out.

According to my investigation last night, I think the biggest suspect is Ye Fengniang. She sneaked to the third floor last night and stood at the door of the deceased's room for 10 minutes.

Although she didn't enter the house, if you use poison, you don't have to see the target, and you can also cast poison in the air.

In the beginning, everyone was in the lobby, talking about what they had, but after a long time, everyone was so bored that they couldn't sit still.

Someone started to analyze the case, looking for the murderer, and playing reasoning games.

Ye Fengniang is the most suspicious person, but some residents are unwilling to suspect her, the reason is very simple, she is so weak, and murder is a physical labor.

"The deceased was poisoned to death. What kind of physical strength is needed to poison?" A middle-aged man in common clothes with a bit of a 'mother' expression said, rolling his eyes.

"You guys, if you're guessing here, why don't you ask me to do an autopsy." Ye Fengniang picked up her teacup and took a sip.

"This damn weather, where did you come from?"

"That's right, the nearest yamen is far away from these three hills, and the rain is so heavy that birds are flying over, let alone people."

"The ready-made doctor is here, isn't it, Ann...doctor."

Just when I thought Ye Fengniang was going to call out the word "God Doctor", she suddenly changed her words and changed to a more low-key name.

She watched me speak, and everyone turned their eyes to me.

"Is she a doctor?"

"No, isn't this a peasant woman?"

"I thought it was wrong a long time ago. She is dressed like a peasant woman, but she doesn't have the same temperament."

"Just the way she looked at me just now, she doesn't look like a doctor, let alone a peasant woman, she looks like a killer!"

At this moment, the proprietress shouted again, suppressing the different voices in the lobby, she came to our table, her attitude was very different from usual, and she asked with a smile:
"Is this sister-in-law really a doctor? Can she do an autopsy?"

"An autopsy is fine, but a doctor dare not be a doctor. A mountain doctor in the countryside can't cure diseases, but has a little research on human body structure." I have already confirmed that Ye Fengniang recognizes me. If I deny my identity, I am afraid that I will get more entangled.

Simply admit it, but put the ugliness first, don't think about medical treatment, an autopsy is fine.

The proprietress shouted "OK" and immediately took me to the autopsy. The body was moved to the ice cellar in the backyard. The weather was humid and hot, and it soon stinks in the house. Er and the cook carried the body into the ice cellar.

It is not easy to make an ice cellar, and it is rare among the people, and it can only be seen in the palace.

The proprietress said that this mountain is peculiar, and the reason why ice cellars can be built underground is because there are several ice caves in the mountain.

When I saw the corpse, I was still wondering why Ye Fengniang called me for an autopsy.

Isn't she a murderer?

Moreover, Zhaixingyuyuelou has a mission and withdraws after completion. If they can come in the rain, they can naturally walk away in the rain.

Why don't you leave and ask me for an autopsy?
At first I thought they still had a mission target to kill, but in that case, they shouldn't be asking me for an autopsy.

"Doctor An, look at the corpse carefully, help me find the murderer quickly, otherwise I can't do this business, don't worry, I will pay the reward."

"Miss Boss, is there anything in your store that is not a person or a living thing, but can move?"

I took a 'thorough' look at the corpse, he was indeed poisoned to death, the poison entered through his ears and penetrated into his brain.

But there is no living thing in his body. Something should have poured the poison into his ear, and he needs to keep a very close distance to do so.

His bedmate was the most suspected, but that person didn't lie, he really didn't know how his companion died, and he was more afraid than everyone else that he would be the next to die.

The deceased was sleeping on the inside of the bed, and Ye Fengniang had to pass the person sleeping on the outside if she wanted to poison through the door.

The technical requirements are a bit high. The weight of venom in the ears and brain of the deceased cannot be moved by ants or spiders.

After I checked what needed to be checked, I left the ice cellar and went to the dead man's room on the third floor.

I was lying where the deceased was sleeping. The proprietress was frightened by my question just now. She rubbed her arms and told me not to scare her. Her store was very clean and there was never any dirty things.

"You misunderstood, I mean man-made things, such as machine man." I know that there are machine skills in this world, but they are relatively simple. People have heard of machine birds, which are more complicated than kites.

"No, I've never seen anything like that before." The proprietress shook her head.

That's interesting, I thought it was the killer on the roof uncovering the poison from the tiles.

But the VIP room is different from our barn. It has ceilings, hanging canopies, and silk decorations. To poison from the outside roof, these decorations have to be removed.

The dust on the silk cloth is all there, and no one has touched it.

So the murderer didn't start from the roof, he didn't start from outside the door, it...is still in this room?
I sniffed it carefully, looking for other clues, but found that the window of the room was open.

"When you came this morning, was the window open?" I asked the proprietress.

"No, it's closed. At that time, I suspected that some thieves came in through the window to commit murder. I checked it on purpose and saw that it was closed."

The two people in the same room were the first to run out to call for help, but they did not dare to enter the room again. The proprietress entered the room after they ran out, so they were not the ones who opened the window.

Other guests wanted to go in and see, but the proprietress refused to let them in.

Then only Xiao Er and the cook had entered this room, and they were the two who carried the body to the ice cellar.

Before I could say anything, the proprietress immediately called Xiaoer over and asked him if he opened the window?
Xiao Er also admitted quickly, saying that he was afraid that the poisonous gas had not yet dissipated, so he opened the window to let in some air and diffuse the smell, so as to avoid further victims.

(End of this chapter)

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