a very dark dark guard

Chapter 7 He Gives Too Much

Chapter 7 He Gives Too Much
The shopkeeper said that there are many guests recently, and all the good rooms are full, so there is only one single room left next to the woodshed in the backyard, and asked if I would mind.We have both lived in the firewood house, so naturally we don't care about living next door to it, and in order to protect Yunzhou, the two of us have always lived in the same house along the way, even if there is a spare room, I will not live in it.

I was wearing coarse clothes, and the hair tie was a hemp rope. Yun Zhou was just like me, and he was so stupid. Seeing our clothes and temperament, the shopkeeper thought we had no money in our pockets, so he kindly let us go. Room deposit.

And remind us, don't come out if you have nothing to do. Recently, there have been a lot of gangsters on the street, and they have taken up all the inns. Ordinary people must not provoke them.

After I calculated it, I knew why so many people from all walks of life gathered here.

Seven days later, the martial arts conference will be held every seven years. The conference will be held at the residence of the Wulin League, which is also the central point where the four countries meet—Yuancheng.

Qiongyu Pavilion, the residence of previous martial arts leaders, was built in Yuancheng. Whoever is the leader of the martial arts can live in it. Only the martial arts leader and his family are eligible to live in it, which is similar to the White Palace in a certain country.

The Martial Arts Conference has not only the ranking of various sects, but also the discussion of major affairs in the world, but the highlight is the election of the leader.

The position of leader is allowed to be re-elected, as long as all the 'assessments' are passed, there is no limit on the number of re-elections.

The current leader, Lu Yu, has been re-elected once. This year is his 14th year as the leader of the martial arts, and it is also his [-]th birthday.

At that time, Yuancheng must be full of celebrations and excitement.

Yuan City is located in the center where the territories of the four countries meet. It has always been self-governing, like a special small country, managed by the city lord elected by the residents.

The city lord is only responsible for the affairs of the city, and ignores everything else.

In terms of scope, his power is not as great as that of the martial arts leader.

The leader of the martial arts alliance is in charge of the Jianghu affairs of the four countries, and has many masters under his command. His eldest son, Lu Zhan, even created his own martial arts, and is known as a martial arts wizard.

It's a pity that heaven is jealous of talents. At the age of 30, he became obsessed with practicing kung fu, and died after being rescued.

His wife died of dystocia early in life, and the two of them died young, leaving a ten-year-old son who was raised and taught by Lu Yu himself.

This child's name is Lu Youkang, he is 20 this year, but his reputation in the Jianghu is not very good, it is said that he has many connections with crooked monsters.

The original body has him in his memory, so I know what he looks like, and I also know that the rumors in the world are true, he does have a 'bad friend'.

In order to prevent him from imitating his bad friends, Lu Yu, the leader of the alliance, shut him up at home and thought about his mistakes. After calculation, it has been more than half a year.

After settling down, I led Yunzhou out to eat wontons, he has a soft spot for food stalls.

When I was eating, I heard the guests at the next table chatting, and mentioned that the Lu family was actually "three joys coming to the door" for this grand event.

The re-election of the old leader is the first joy, the [-]th birthday is the second joy, and the engagement to Lu Youkang is the third joy.

Hearing the name of Lu Youkang's fiancée, I almost choked on wontons.

The original body is a killing machine with no emotions, but I am not, and the heart-pounding gossip will be unbearable for a small heart.

"Bai Mudan?" Diner A also showed surprise, and lowered his voice, "That's the princess of Jiushuang Kingdom, a serious princess, married to the grandson of Lu Mengzhu, this..."

"What are you talking about, golden branches and jade leaves, can the princess be happy? No, he sneaked away!" Diner B covered his mouth with his hands to cover his mouth, but his eyebrows and eyes were very agile, as if watching the excitement was not a big deal. Sample.

"Escaping marriage? It's a big deal. Doesn't this mean that we won't see the princess at the meeting?!"

"How can the Lu family lose such a big man? Hey, they will definitely try to cover it up."

"That's right, even if the Lu family doesn't act, Jiushuang Country has to try to save face."


I was listening intently, when Yunzhou's big hand suddenly reached out to my eyes and shook.

He had eaten all the wontons in his bowl, and there was no soup left. I looked down and saw that the wontons in my bowl were gone, and I only took one bite!
"You are amazing when it comes to cooking." I complained in a low voice, and beckoned to the boss to bring him two more bowls, and he told me that I had nothing else to do but just eat.

Eat and drink with me these days, he doesn't look fat at all, he still looks thin when dressed, undressed... also thin, I don't know where the nutrition of the food is.

"Hero, we meet again."

I ordered wontons for Yun Zhou, and just as I was about to continue listening to the gossip, there was suddenly an extra person beside me.

The voice sounded a bit familiar, I looked up at his face, and couldn't help secretly praising his enchanting, glamorous and enchanting face!
"Who are you?" However, I don't know this person. He frowned lightly and looked at me with tears in his beautiful eyes, which made me feel creepy.

Wait, those teary eyes look familiar.

"I'm Ah Zhao~" He squeezed over and sat next to me. The wonton stall was set up with long benches, and one bench could seat two people.

He flicked the handkerchief and wiped the teardrops from the corners of his eyes. His movements were delicate and smooth. I nodded, yes, it was him.

"Where's your lady? Why are you alone?" After I finished speaking, I regretted it. After finally getting rid of their master and servant, why did you inquire about other people's movements?

"My lady is in a catastrophe, so I ask a hero to save her!" A Zhao just said in a low voice on purpose, so as not to make his voice too shrill and abrupt, but did he know that it is useless to change his voice? His exaggerated and delicate movements are more abrupt and eye-catching than his voice.

The guests eating next to him, the passers-by on the street, including the owner of the wonton stand and his little grandson who just turned two years old all paid attention to him.

The hidden guards are not used to being watched by others, so I paid for the meal, grabbed one in each hand, and carried them back to the inn.

Our room is next to the firewood house in the backyard, and it is closer through the small door in the backyard.

I pushed Ah Zhao into the hut next to the woodshed. The conditions inside were slightly better than the woodshed, but there were no more than three adults standing on the ground.

I went into the room and dug out the snack bag, stuffed it into Yunzhou's arms, and asked him to sit on the pony by the door to eat snacks.

Zhao and I were talking in the house. There are stables and pigpens in the backyard. In order to prevent the smell from infecting the guests, there are no windows in the guest room facing the backyard.

It is convenient and hidden to talk here, so I didn't close the door, I just moved a bench for Ah Zhao, and told him to sit down and talk.

"Your young lady is in trouble. You shouldn't ask me for help. Doesn't she have parents or brothers? There are always servants. You might as well go home and get help."

"But the long-distance water can't quench the near-thirst. We don't know each other well, and we only know you as a friend."

"I'm not friends with her."

"Meeting is predestined, so why are predestined people not friends? Hero, you can help~ Didn't you save her last time? If it wasn't for you in the woodshed, with my young lady's skill, I'm afraid she would have been decapitated." here."

"That's by the way."

(End of this chapter)

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