Chapter 8

"You can also drop by this time, look, you are in this city, and she is also in this city, what a fate, how convenient!" I know the strength, first class." I lowered my face and said in a cold tone.

Ah Zhao's words and deeds are a bit exaggerated, especially coupled with his thin body and this beautiful face, it will give people the illusion that he is very weak.

But he is a top master, with strong internal strength, light work, and swordsmanship.

If the original body without supernatural powers fought against him, he would have to pay a heavy price to win.

What's more, they are backed by the big tree of Jiushuang Kingdom. If he can't settle the matter, I can't settle it even more.

Ah Zhao had a bitter face, maybe he saw that his tear attack was useless to me, so he simply collected the tears, took out a few banknotes and patted them on the table.

The banknotes common to the four countries have a denomination of 1 taels, and he took five.

The original body has only seen 'heavy gold', but has never obtained, never used, or enjoyed it.

In my original world, money has become waste paper, and only fists and food can help a person get what he wants.

Suddenly faced with the 'corrosion' of money, I was a little at a loss.

It took me only three seconds to calm down. Is such a huge reward wages or life money?

"Don't think about it too much, my lady has always been extravagant and extravagant, no, no, she is extravagant, bold and generous." Seeing me staring at the bank note, Ah Zhao quickly explained.

He meant that the silver was not considered a huge sum of money in the eyes of Bai Mudan, and he hoped that I would not have any psychological burden.

"What's the matter with her?" I admit, my will is uncertain.

"She was robbed by someone, not from our Jiu-family, nor...cough, from her future husband's family." A-Zhao almost slipped his mouth, covered his mouth and changed his name in time.


"Where did the bandits come from in the city? Hero, they were robbed by a group of men in black. I am not their opponent."

"You can find Zhaixing and Yueyuelou." I mentioned this organization on purpose to see his reaction.

As the name suggests, Zhaixing Laoyue Building, as long as the money is in place, they can help customers get the stars in the sky and the moon in the water.

To put it plainly, they will do anything for money.

They are not alone in the work of finding and hunting people.

There is no one in the world who does not know this organization, and it is very easy to contact them.

"That group of monkeys? No, no, they are also people from the Jianghu. Now I don't trust anyone who is from the Jianghu, because I suspect that the one who robbed my a member of the Wulin League." In the last sentence, he lowered his voice, He looked out of the window and door again, obviously afraid of being overheard.

If the gossip is true, it is possible that Lu Yu, the leader of the martial arts alliance, sent someone to secretly search for the granddaughter-in-law who escaped from marriage.

After all, if the two were married, Bai Mudan would belong to the Lu family, and rumors of her running away before marriage would be detrimental to the Lu family's face.

The Wulin League's status in the arena is higher than that of the royal families of the four countries. The leader of the alliance said nothing, so who would dare to intervene in his family's affairs?
If he sent someone to rob Bai Mudan, then no Jianghu organization would dare to rob him.

It is important to make money, but you can work hard for irrelevant people, and no one will do such a loss-making business.

"Oh, I don't dare to mess with people from the Wulin League." I am not a quack, nor a desperado. Money is a good thing, but life is more important.

"You don't need to confront them directly. I have already found out where they are holding Miss. As long as you help me steal her out, the money is considered as a deposit. I will pay you five more regardless of whether the person is rescued or not." The reward is hard work."

Ah Zhao's method of throwing money at people really made it difficult for me to resist.

10 taels is enough for me to live a lifetime in this world without worrying about food and clothing.

"You know that I am a family member, and there will always be enemies chasing and killing him. I must protect him at all times." I have passed the test, but there is still the trouble of Yunzhou. Let him stay alone in the inn. I am afraid that I have just left. He was chopped up.

"Bring him together, more people have more strength." A Zhao said this without even hesitating.

I don't understand how he can see that Yunzhou is a force, this person who lives half-independently, telling him to let go is to make things difficult for him.

"Cake... Cake." Yunzhou dragged an empty cloth bag in his hand, and his mouth was full of pastry crumbs. I glanced at Azhao and asked, "What kind of power do you think he is?"

A Zhao flicked the handkerchief and said with a smile, "Lunch!"

I grabbed the bank note on the table and put it in my arms, and then led Yunzhou out. Since I want to take him on the move, I must prepare enough food in advance, lest he expose us by shouting and barking because of hunger.

Ah Zhao was eager to save people, and agreed to meet at Sanli Bridge outside the city at midnight.

I prepared two big bags of food for Yun Zhou, from lo mei to dim sum, it would take an hour to eat them all.

One hour is our action time. In the evening, Yunzhou and I fell asleep just after dark. In the middle of the night, I woke him up, changed him into night clothes, and carried his snacks.

When we arrived at the Sanli Bridge outside the city, Ah Zhao was already waiting for us on the bridge.

"Are you sure you want to wear this to save people?" I stared at the rows of purple diamonds inlaid on Ah Zhao's night clothes and mask, thinking that this trip might never return.

"Is there any problem?" Ah Zhao checked his body from top to bottom, and looked back at me blankly.

"Your body of rocks dazzles your eyes in the moonlight, can't you see it?"

"I can see it, so I am responsible for attracting the attention of the guards, and you are responsible for saving people, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"Okay, lead the way." Yuanshen has seen dark guards and assassins throwing stones and making noises to attract the attention of the guards, but he has never seen one with diamonds on his night clothes to attract attention.

Yunzhou and I are not locals, so after entering the dense forest outside the city, we can only be led by Azhao.

He led us around and around, and came to the backyard of a mountain villa.

This village is about forty miles away from the city, hidden in the mountains and forests, there is no road in the forest, and outside the courtyard walls of the villa are all wild grasses as tall as a person.

A Zhao told me that Bai Mudan was locked in the backyard, and I don't know which room it is. This village seems to have been abandoned for a long time, and there are probably not many houses that can live in it.

There are guards both outside the village and inside the village, he will lead those outside the village away, and I will take care of those inside the village.

He was jumping and running in the wild grass outside the village, the purple diamonds on his body reflected the moonlight, Lian Jiazi with good eyesight could see it at a glance.

Sure enough, four men in black jumped down from the haystack and the top of the tree, trying to surround him and catch him.

He jumped around like a field mouse, and the man in black couldn't catch him for a while.

I took the opportunity to climb into the courtyard wall with Yun Zhou, and told him to squat in the corner to eat, and wait for me to come back to pick him up.

Zhuangzi is very big, and the backyard is also divided into left and right sides, with four rooms on the left and four rooms on the right.

There is a wall in the middle, and there is no door on the wall. We turned in from the courtyard on the left, and checked the four houses on the left first, but there was no one inside.

I turned to the courtyard on the right again, and there was a living person in one of the rooms.

(End of this chapter)

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