Chapter 79
The next morning, as soon as I opened the door of the small shop, two pheasants jumped in, and wild fruits, sweet potatoes, eggplants, and pecans pressed my feet.There was a pile of 'food' outside the door. I only knew that they stood in line at the door in the early morning, but I didn't know what they did.

It turned out that the collected food was 'handed in'. There are various kinds of food, some of which were picked from the mountains, and some of which looked like they were picked from other people's homes.

At breakfast time, I recruited them all and asked them a few things.

Among them is the prohibition of stealing things. There are several villages in the mountains, but we live here not to be bandits, and we are not allowed to take things from fellow villagers.

Last time in Yuancheng, Wan'er and the others scoured the forest and land around the small courtyard clean, fried all the grasshoppers and ate them all.

When we come back to the small shop, we can't pluck up the vegetable gardens of the surrounding villagers anymore!

I told them to stay still, and when their Gu is cured and their injuries are healed, I will naturally send them to do things. Before that, don't do unnecessary things.

I don't care about the relationship between her and Yue Nanxiang, but the relationship between them and me now is the relationship between the creditor and the debtor, or the relationship between the boss and the employee.

Manager Zhang took over the pile of food they collected, and he put on an apron and worked at the stove all morning.

At noon, he had time to tell me about the results of his trip.

He got the codebook left by the guard Jia and the others, but the guard Jia and the others were no longer at the meeting place.

Guard Jia left a code book and told me where they were going and what happened after they parted from us.

The title of the book they took this time is "The Adventures of Jia Dingxin". According to Manager Zhang, the secret book that the guards Jia and the others put up for sale almost sold out. If the guard Jia left money for the owner of the bookstore before leaving Make sure that one copy is on the shelf every day, until someone who can tell the code appears, the book will probably be sold out.

I was suddenly a little curious, the comics drawn by Guardian Jia and the others actually sold well?
After lunch, I took out the code book, opened it and read it carefully.

This book is drawn from the day they escaped from Yuancheng, and describes the process of their escape from the tunnel.

When I saw the painting style this time, I knew it wasn't the guards Jia and the others who wrote it.

Although the painting this time is in the style of a stick figure, there are as many details and elements as there should be, and the painting is particularly vivid.

The characteristics of several of them can be seen at a glance.

Every villain has its own characteristics, and the environment is well described.

It is clear at a glance which is a tall building, which is a tower, which is a tunnel, which is a mountain, and what are the particularly obvious features on the road.

A few little people escaped from the tunnel, first encountered wild wolves when climbing the mountain, and then lived in a black shop.

In the black shop, I also encountered ghosts...

Not to mention others, I couldn't bear to put down the book after looking at it.

They went all the way to the meeting point, because they were cheated out of all their money, so they could only do odd jobs to make money, otherwise they couldn't afford the pen and paper to draw the code book.

Guard Jia went to carry the goods and worked as a coolie, guard Ding applied to be a waiter in a restaurant, and guards Xin and Wan'er set up a noodle stall on the side of the street to sell sliced ​​noodles.

The fairy swordsman and Cheng Fei pretended to be old Taoists and Taoist boys, bluffing and deceiving everywhere.

At any rate, they understand the principle that money makes money, earn a little and invest a little, and accumulate more money.

They were working while waiting for us to join them.

Unexpectedly, the famous playboy in that place fell in love with Wan'er, that kid is powerful and powerful in the local area, and the guard Xin argued with him, so he brought people to smash their stall, and he was not allowed to do it in the city again. Business.

It was difficult for the strong dragon to overwhelm the snake, so they had no choice but to leave the code book, sneak into the boy's house at night, beat him and his lackey servants, and then fled collectively, leaving the meeting place.

Manager Zhang found out that the local people heard that they reported their families as people from 'Anquan Villa'.

Settle the six continents and beat the injustices of the world!

As soon as I heard the word 'an', I realized that things were not simple.

Although no one has ever heard of an Anquan Villa in the martial arts world, it does not prevent the common people from reading the cool articles about fighting against injustice.

That Playboy's family is rampant in the local area, bullying the market and the fish and meat township, insisting on doing bad things every day, all year round, and the people have long held grudges against them.

It's just that I dare not speak out, let alone take action.

There are foreigners who pass by, vent their anger for them, and then run away without a trace, of course they are happy.

So someone discovered the last contents of the "The Adventures of Jiadingxin" and bought the book.

It is estimated that it was secretly circulated in private.

On the last page of the book, there is a sentence from Hero A: If our owner, An Batian, was here, hmph, these villains would have been cramped, skinned, broken and fed to dogs long ago!

The marks of their whereabouts are drawn on the luggage on the backs of these villains.

Grouped together is a symbol code word.

Fortunately, the thing they painted is only spread in a small area, and it will not be passed on to those who know us.

It is mentioned several times in the painting that the owner of Anquan Mountain Villa has extraordinary medical skills, and he once cured the poisoning disease of the old leader Lu.

People who don't know martial arts will regard it as a fabricated plot, as long as they are familiar with martial arts and what happened in this martial arts conference, they can tell at a glance that An Batian is me.

I am relieved to know they are safe.

Mr. Zhang disguised himself as an old lady and walked hard all the way, but luckily he gained a lot.

He had never seen a Heijia man at the meeting point, and the Hei Jia man only controlled a section of the official road leading to the north.

They may have calculated that no matter how fast we speed up, it is impossible to get out of their designated range in such a short period of time.

There is no need to send people to areas outside the range, just guard the various official roads within this range.

They already suspected that we did not take the official route and sent people to search in the surrounding mountains.

But it took a few days to find this place. He met Yueba and the others in the mountains, and he immediately gained confidence and was sure to deal with those black armor men.

No one else was present, Manager Zhang smiled and said to me: "Although we haven't known each other for a long time, I've met someone... you, you have a cold face and a cold heart."

Director Zhang also bet that he was right, so he dared to agree to Yue Ba and the others to try my strength.

He bet that I would not kill first and then listen to the explanation, but I would listen to the explanation first and then kill.

The latter may leave Yueba and the others alive.

Ordinarily it is better for us to protect Yue Nanxiang together, there is no need to risk our lives to try.

But they didn't know in advance that I would be able to undo their Gu, and they thought that their time was short, so they made up their minds to take a gamble.

They were all killed by me, which shows that I have enough strength to protect Yue Nanxiang.

If I die, they will not regret it, because the weak will always die on this road of escape.

They have their position, I have mine, there's nothing to say.

Manager Zhang is very happy that he made the right bet, and the unexpected joy is that I can solve the Gu worms on them.

In fact, as long as I can not do anything, I don't want to kill more. Faced with the uninvited guests who may come in a few days, I decided to deceive them first by using deception. If they are not fooled, it is not too late to do it.

Since we want to pretend to be a show, we have to do a full set. With the disguise tools brought by our colleagues on Yueba, we have more room to play.

This time Manager Zhang turned into an even older lady. I set him up as an 84-year-old, lying on the bed with a hunched body, paralyzed and silent for more than ten years.

Yue Nanxiang still plays her little boy, Yun Zhou is more or less sensible now, but he is the most difficult to pretend, as a human being, he has nothing to do. Fortunately, Yue Nanxiang went to the mountains to pick mushrooms In time, new discoveries were made.

She saw two gorillas fighting in the mountains, and one of them fell down the mountain and died. I hurried to the place she told me to deal with the dead orangutan, took off its fur coat, cleaned it up, and kept it. Use it for Yunzhou.

And this time I played the role of an old woman over [-] years old. The three of us are Grandma, Grandma and Grandson.

Yun Zhou can only wrong him to act like a gorilla in the mountains. This job is the easiest. I will prepare enough snacks for him. He just needs to squat in a place and wait for me to pick him up.

The gorilla holster I made for him was too loose when he put it on, and I had to stuff a lot of hay in it for him to hold it up.

As for Yue Ba and the others, they should find a place to hide. I suggested they go to the town, but they vowed to stay by Yue Nanxiang's side to the death.

I had no choice but to threaten them. If they didn't obey the arrangement, I would take Yun Zhou and leave alone. Yue Nanxiang and Manager Zhang were left for their protection, and I didn't care.

Only then did they retreat to a further place.

After they left, the Heijia people from Soushan arrived.

There are 15 people in a team, and they have already dealt with the corpses of those people from the Golden Gu Society on the eighth day of the month.

The Heijia people first went to the villages in the mountains to investigate, but found no outsiders in the villages, so they followed the mountain road to Shuangye Lake.

They heard from the villagers that there are two roads out of the mountain. One of the old roads has not been used for several years and is not recognized by outsiders. Only some traders who have been doing mountain products and rare delicacies here all year round know that road.

As soon as the Heijia heard that outsiders didn't know, he went to the avenue of Shuangye Lake.

But the villagers also said that there was a small inn on the old abandoned road that was about to close down.

The small inn doesn't have a single customer all year round, and it seems that it can't survive.

Halfway to the Shuangye Lake, the Heijia people stopped suddenly, called out two people, and told them to go to the abandoned old mountain road and take a look at the small inn that the villagers said.

This person is very cautious, not letting go of any possibility.

Yue Ba came back to report the situation first, and she watched them all the way, listening to their every move, and then came back to report to me.

I asked Yue Ba to retreat to a place far away from the small shop to hide.

Her martial arts are not strong enough to hide her own strength, and those who are knowledgeable can tell that she knows martial arts.

I can pretend to be very good now, even if I am a martial arts master, I can't see that I have kung fu, and Mr. Zhang doesn't know kung fu in the first place.

Yue Nanxiang had just started practicing boxing and kicking skills, so she didn't have any internal strength.

Two men in black armor arrived later and knocked on the door of the small shop, saying that they wanted to stay in the shop.

I came out to greet them and said sorry to them. The original owner of the shop has gone back to his hometown to join his relatives. The shop has closed and is no longer in business.

The Heijia asked who we were.

I said that we are fellow villagers of the original store. We came from our hometown and wanted to go to a relative. Unfortunately, that relative died of illness. The three of us, grandparents and grandchildren, were helpless. The original owner kindly let us live here.

He said that no one is willing to take over his shop anyway, and there is only a dilapidated and collapsed part. This shop was built by him with tables and chairs, and he is reluctant to leave. Unfortunately, the business is not good and there is nothing he can do.

So he is willing to give us the store for free without charging a penny.

Yue Nanxiang's mischievousness was not faked. When the black armor man arrived, she was still on the tree. When she was not wearing men's clothing, she hadn't discovered that she had the attributes of a tomboy.

Since she acted like a kid last time, her mischievous nature has been inspired.

She was chasing pheasants up the mountain, and digging out bird nests in trees. When the black armor man came, she was riding on the tree outside the backyard, counting the eggs in the bird nest.

Manager Zhang is very dedicated even if he plays a patient lying on the kang and cannot move, coughing and moaning for a while, as if he will die at any time.

I explained that my mother-in-law had contracted a cold on the way here, and she was getting better for a long time, and we didn't have money to buy medicine, so we were left with only one breath after procrastinating.

I ask the two of them not to be disgusted, since they have lost their way, it is also a kind of fate to come here, as there is a vacant room, they can stay for one night, and I will not charge you anything.

When treating Yue Nanxiang's dark guard before, the two rooms were cleaned briefly. Later, Manager Zhang said that the Heijia man might arrive in a few days. I immediately erased the traces of people living in the room and opened the window to let them Dust for a few days.

Now there is a layer of dust on the tables, chairs, benches, floors and beds in those two rooms.

I pretended to go in to clean up, and the two men in black armor went in and walked around, wiping the table with their fingers.

Then they told me no need, they still hope to stay in a hotel with better conditions. I heard that there is a big hotel more than ten miles away. It is still early in the day, so the two of them will not bother.

They left the shop and didn't go to the Shuangye Lake immediately. Instead, they wandered around the nearby mountains, and they inevitably saw the Yunzhou carrying the gorilla in the mountain.

But the snacks I prepared for Yun Zhou today were all fruits, all kinds of wild fruits. I told him that if anyone appeared, he would turn his back on them.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't pay too much attention to the gorilla eating wild fruit.

The nearby villagers also reminded them that several gorillas came to the mountains recently and there were fights. They asked them to be careful when they were on the road.

The two Heijia men listened to the persuasion and saw the gorilla eating wild fruits leisurely there, so they didn't approach it and retreated the same way.

They didn't find any clues, so they turned to Shuangye Lake.

I immediately recruited Yue Ba and told her to continue following them.

Yue Ba's qinggong is much better than Heijia's, and her technique of hiding her breath is also good.

If it weren't for my ability to see and perceive people's life energy clusters, I might not have been able to spot her when she was peeking outside the house.

(End of this chapter)

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