Chapter 80

She is good at stalking, she has been following the two black-armored men, watching them enter the Frost Leaf Inn and join their team.The captain heard their report and didn't send anyone over. I think he was also tricked by us.

They stayed at the Frost Leaf Inn, and Yueba suggested to continue to monitor them to prevent them from killing us all.

I agreed that she would continue to stare, and told her to be careful, and to save her life in case of an accident.

The original body was born as a dark guard, and I took over her body, I can empathize with her most, and I will not treat the dark guard as a consumable.

Yun Zhou likes his gorilla leather case very much, and he is reluctant to take it off when the black-armored man is gone, but the weather is too hot, and I am afraid that he will get sick from covering it, so I allow him to wear it for a while every morning and evening when it is cool.

Yue Nanxiang didn't take off her 'men's clothes' at all, and wore them up and down all day long.

Getting her to wear the skirt back is harder than reaching the sky, and Manager Zhang's words are useless.

We tricked the Heijia people away, and Manager Zhang began to prepare the equipment and dry food that will be used in the next trip.

Knowing that the guards Jia and the others are safe, it's time for us to set off.

Manager Zhang took a very safe route. He observed repeatedly that the Heijia people were searching for people based on the characteristics of the four of us.

I was able to deceive the spies of the Heijia people, which further confirmed this point.

Manager Zhang made a bold suggestion, the four of us divided into two groups to go.

It is limited to the area guarded by the Heijia man. He is in the same group as Yun Zhou, and I am in the same group as Yue Nanxiang.

The old lady and her son, and the old lady and her grandson.

On the eighth day of the month, they hid in the dark to protect us, and the distance between us should not be too long.

Stay within sight of each other of the fireworks.

I think his method is feasible, and we will set off when he prepares dry food and things for the road.

We left in the evening after three days with everything we needed, including things we would need to camp out in the wild.

He came back the day before the eighth day of the lunar month and brought back a message. The Heijia people noticed that something was wrong with the Frost Leaf Inn, and they had passed the news to their superiors.

Yue Ba followed the messenger to their stronghold.

Before, I felt that the costume of the Heijia people was not like that of a quack, but more like a guard from some country.

Yue Ba met their leader at the Heijia people's stronghold, and the identity of the man was easy to identify.

It's from the Prince's Mansion of Sheng Yu Country, and the Heijia people must be the guards of the Prince's Mansion.

As far as I know, this crown prince has a bad relationship with that Luo Pavilion master of Liuxian Pavilion.

Luo Xiuran had deep thoughts, no one knew what he thought of the prince.

But this crown prince 'hated' Luo Xiuran to the end.

On the surface, it seems that he has a bad relationship with Luo Xiuran unilaterally.

Luo Xiuran was tolerant to him everywhere, with a lot of courtesy and respect that he should have.

The status of the two of them is there, even if Luo Xiuran wants to turn against him, it is impossible for him to do so.

So I reckon their hostility goes both ways.

Sheng Yu got involved in the matter of Yuancheng, what about the other three kingdoms?

There has been no movement in the north, so I don't know what their attitude is.

If Prince Sheng Yu took over Yuancheng, or occupied a place, then Luo Xiuran's behavior of escaping from the tunnel could be explained.

Sheng Yu wants the square mirror, and his intention is obvious, now it is a clear card, so there is no need to pretend.

According to the plan, we divided into two groups on the section of the road guarded by the Heijia people, and reunited in the place where they were not.

After walking like this for a few days, we safely arrived at the place where the guards Jia and the others stayed, where they left the code book.

Now that we have enough manpower, I once sent Nan Jiu Xiaohua chatter to inquire about Bai Mudan.

The information she brought back was that there was no news. Bai Mudan and Lu Youkang disappeared as soon as they crossed the border of Jiushuang Kingdom.

The royal family of Jiushuang Kingdom offered a reward of a thousand gold to find the princess and his wife, so it can be seen that her natal family did not know where she was.

The reason for her and Lu Youkang's disappearance was answered after I arrived at the first meeting point.

Because Ximen Wuhen also came here as planned, he came to pick up Wan'er and us, but he didn't see them here.

We came to this small town with Ximen Wuhen. Ximen Wuhen learned from me that Wan'er was safe, and from him that Bai Mudan was hidden.

They encountered several pursuits on the way, and one of the killers was hired by the royal family of Jiushuang Kingdom.

Bai Mudan grew up in her natal family where she was pampered and spoiled. No one ever harmed her or showed dislike for her.

The appearance of this wave of killers made her confused and frightened.

She is not alone now, she has to be cautious if she wants to protect Lu Youkang.

With the help of Ximen Wuhen, she took Lu Youkang into hiding. No one could find out where she hid, only Ximen Wuhen knew.

After Ximen Wuhen settled them down, he rushed to the meeting place to find Wan'er and us.

He has seen the reward list of Jiushuang Kingdom, and he is confident that those who want to earn this money will lose their hopes.

There are no black-armored men guarding the small town, so we can change back to our usual attire when we get here.

I met Ximen Wuhen on the street, he was holding Wan'er's portrait, and he was going to ask people about her whereabouts.

I stepped forward and hurriedly took the painting down, Wan'er and the others have become famous in the small town, I don't want the people here to think of the name Anquan Villa.

As a result, he snatched the painting and looked at it, and a big question mark lit up in his heart: Who is this snake spirit?

This portrait of a character is very...unlike.

He relied on this painting to find people, and he couldn't find them even in the ends of the earth.

Moreover, Wan'er and the others are using pseudonyms here, since they are from Anquan Villa, their full surname is An.

Wan'er's pseudonym was An Le, and Ximen Wuhen took the snake essence photo and looked for a girl named Wan'er, but he couldn't find it forever.

"Sister." Seeing that it was me, Ximen Wuhen's anger disappeared completely.

"Brother, take a step to talk." I put away the shabby portrait and called him to a street corner to talk.

We chatted for a while, explained our respective situations, and I took him to the restaurant where Yunzhou and the others had dinner.

I took advantage of their meal time and wanted to go to the bookstore. We didn't see Ximen Wuhen when we came, and I wanted to leave him a book of codes.

We were walking towards the restaurant when a group of people suddenly walked towards us.

The leader walks with a limp, with unhealed bruises on his face. He is not born with a disability, but he walks neatly because of trauma.

"Yo~ beauty!" The eyes of the man in brocade clothes with the wound on his face lit up instantly when he saw us.

He led a group of people huffing and walking towards us. The group of people behind him had strong muscles, and it could be seen that there were two strokes, but they were just fists and kicks.

I just wanted to scold him a few words and advise him not to hit me.

But he didn't even give me a look, and stretched out his hand towards Ximen Wuhen.

My first reaction was not to feel relieved, but to wonder, didn't he fall in love with Wan'er last time?Couldn't it be the guard Xin who set up a noodle stall with Wan'er?

Although the guard Xin is careful and dexterous, but he has a thick back and a beard, and Ximen Wuhen has completely different painting styles from Ximen Wuhen.

"Young Master, Young Master! You are in the wrong direction, the beauty is here." The thin man dressed as a servant beside him held his arm and pushed it to my side.

Only when I got close did I see that this young master is a 'prejudiced' son.

When he got close, he had to have an assistant to help him aim at the target.

"Bold." Ximen Wuhen scolded lightly, and raised his palm, the strong internal force pushed the prejudiced young master into the air, and he flew several meters before landing.

"Sister who dares to touch this seat, you don't want your claws anymore."

The servants all went to chase the young master, they were too busy to catch him in time.

The young master landed on his buttocks, wow, and couldn't get up.

He already had traumatic injuries on his body, and he gasped in pain from the fall, unable to speak.

After all this, you are still thinking about going out, thinking that if you hire more thugs, it will be safe?

"Your surname is Fu? Fu Jiacai?" I asked.

"Since you know who my young master is, you should know that in Huaicheng, he is someone you can't afford!" The servant's tone was arrogant, but he was not stupid. Ximen Wuhen's level, the people around his young master, Adding up is not his opponent.

So he just threatened with words, but didn't really do anything.

The thugs set up Fu Jiacai, shouted to teach us a lesson, and ran away.

Ximen Wuhen and I didn't want to talk to them, so when we went to the restaurant where Yunzhou and the others had dinner, Director Zhang recognized Ximen Wuhen, and we all sat down and chatted after greeting each other.

Director Zhang asked Xiao Er to serve the food, and set a new table for Ximen Wuhen and me.

It was already three or four o'clock in the afternoon when we entered the city, so we had to stay in the city tonight and leave tomorrow morning.

The restaurant owner recommended us to go to Fengkai Inn, which is the largest and best inn in the city.

We went there, and only after we stayed did we realize that this is the property of the Fu family.

Yue Nanxiang was sleepy, Manager Zhang was tired, and the innkeeper said that it would be the same if we changed places to live. The hotels and inns in the city were all run by the Fu family.

I also found it troublesome to change places, so I stayed here.

Sleeping until one o'clock in the middle of the night, Yunzhou's bed suddenly turned over, and he disappeared instantly.

"This black shop...doesn't you put smoke in advance?" I had no choice but to destroy the mechanism of the bed board, open the bed board and jump into the secret passage, sliding down the secret passage to the end.

Because he hadn't been caught in the smoke beforehand, Yunzhou woke up when he fell off the bed board. He was a little flustered at first, but when he saw that I also slipped down, he immediately grabbed my hand and showed a smirk.

Her forehead was scratched a little, and a slash cut into the corners of her eyes, and his other hand didn't protect his head, but firmly protected the bag he carried with him, except for the snack bag he always carried in the shower.

His head can be broken, blood can flow, and he can't spill any snacks.

Since it was a black shop, the owner of the shop must have the confidence to trap us if he sent us down without setting off smoke in advance.

I got up and looked for the exit. This is a square secret room. In addition to the sloping secret passage we came down from, there is also a thick stone door that can lead to the outside.

The stone gate is thick and heavy. Ordinary people are trapped here, unable to climb up or break through the stone gate.

They didn't seem to think about it, what if they send down unusual people?
It's easy to climb back from the secret passage, but I want to see what's beyond the stone gate.

I let out the air thread, drilled into the cracks in the stone, destroyed the mechanism inside the door, and opened the stone door.

Outside the door is a passage, and on the left and right sides are rooms with iron bars, which look like prison cells.

What can an inn build a cell for?
Then, in a few cells, I found the answer.

There are young girls in their teens and young women in their 30s and [-]s held in the cells, all of them are beautiful women without exception.

The soundproofing of the underground cell was very good, and the cries of these women could not be heard from above.

They found someone passing by outside the cell. When they looked up, they were not the owner or the staff of the inn. They immediately asked us for help.

I told them to keep calm, I will get them out, but now they are safer in the cell than outside, if they cry louder, I will leave immediately and leave them alone.

They nodded hurriedly and stopped shouting loudly. At this time, several people came down from the stairs.

They walked down the spiral staircase, chatting as they walked, and I listened carefully, and it was me they were talking about.

It turned out that they blew smoke in Ximen Wuhen's room, thinking that he was the only one in our group with strong martial arts skills.

Where will they bet that Fu Jiacai will sell me?
Their human trafficking has become commonplace. These girls will be sold to other countries, and some will even be transported across the ocean to other continents.

They know the demographics/markets everywhere, and they bet in the four directions of east, west, east, west, and north, which direction I will be sold.

I just heard someone say that he bet that I would be sold to the north, where people like tall and tall people.

This is the first time I heard this description, carrying cold!

Are you saying I'm strong, or are you saying I'm fat?
The second person had no chance to speak, and they walked into the passage, and Yunzhou and I couldn't avoid it.

I laid an air net on the ground, and when they stepped on it, the air immediately penetrated into their bodies, and they fell unconscious to the ground.

I asked Yun Zhou to help and drag them into the cell next to them. Even if they could wake up, they couldn't move.

I asked Yunzhou to wait below, and I went up the stairs to see how many people were there.

Above the ladder exit is the inn warehouse, and several people are talking on it.

They were talking about shipping goods, and the goods they were talking about should refer to the young girls below.

Suddenly, there was the sound of tables and chairs colliding and breaking in the inn. Someone fell from upstairs and smashed the tables and chairs in the lobby.

Moreover, it was not one person who fell down, but several people were thrown down from upstairs one after another.

The innkeeper shouted loudly, telling people to report to the police immediately.

The residents in the inn hide in their rooms and dare not show their faces.

Those who were thrown down were the clerks of the inn, and they all ran upstairs, trying to stop a person.

A guy they can't get over with fan/smoke at all.

Ximen Wuhen was dismantling the store upstairs, he used his internal force to transmit sound, and spoke at a normal volume, which could be heard throughout the inn.

He said to the innkeeper: "You don't need to hand over my sister and brother-in-law, I will find it myself."

He was really demolishing the store, and he also informed the other residents that this is a black store, if they want to save their lives, they should leave immediately.

The residents hurriedly packed their luggage, put on their clothes and ran out, but the innkeeper couldn't stop them.

Ximen Wuhen shattered the door panel of the guest room with his internal force, punched a hole in the wall with his palm, and tore off the roof of the inn.

Even the innkeeper hid outside.

Several people in the warehouse were still discussing the delivery of goods, but when they heard the movement outside, they quickly blocked the entrance of the stairs with something and ran outside to help.

(End of this chapter)

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