Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 117 All Purpose Seasoning

Chapter 117 All Purpose Seasoning
Sang Xiaoyu raised a total of four points at the meeting.

First, she wants to cancel all production of soy sauce;

Second, the main goal of production is the seasoning, and the auxiliary product is the well-known local pickles;

Third, set up a public relations team, focusing on sales first;
Fourth, disrupt the original salary system and get paid according to work. The task formulation will make a detailed report in the near future.

As soon as Sang Xiaoyu finished speaking, Sister Wei asked suspiciously: "Doesn't the soy sauce factory produce soy sauce?"

Sang Xiaoyu explained: "I recently visited the largest soy sauce factory in the city. They are a state-owned enterprise and they are struggling. How can we compete with them?
Besides, the quality of our soy sauce here is mediocre. The common people just buy some when pickling pickles in autumn. The soy sauce we usually use is not our share at all. If we persist in it, it will be a dead end.

The taste of soy sauce production is really unbearable. The bad beans in soybeans make the environment extremely bad. This must be completely improved. "

Everyone looked at Sang Xiaoyu with confused eyes, and Zhao Chunling fiddled with the phone.

Sang Xiaoyu gave her a hard look, and Zhou Chengcheng poked her, but Zhao Chunling ignored her and continued to play with the phone.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't say anything about her in front of others, she never cared about 21, [-], and didn't care about other people's feelings at all. Even if she was her subordinate, she hadn't really established a relationship between superiors and subordinates in her heart.

They were almost equal in the tobacco and alcohol shop, and she still can't get used to the feeling of being managed.

Sang Xiaoyu praised the salesperson at the meeting, because all the more than 1000 boxes of seasonings in stock were sold out, almost all of which was due to Sang Xiaoyu. She used her past contacts to push and deliver, and finally emptied these warehouses.

The salesperson also played a role. Sang Xiaoyu would rather earn less in the later stage, and sell all these old products that she didn't like.

She wants to produce new products.

The inventory was cleared and nearly 5 yuan was recovered, all of which was invested in product research and development.

She hired a technician, who is a young expert in this field. The young man was engaged in the production and formulation of seasonings following his father's generation.

Sang Xiaoyu asked him to refine the products on the basis of the original ones, that is to say, to renovate them, for example, there are braised fish, sweet and sour pork ribs

Cold dishes, chicken nuggets... There are more than ten kinds in total, and the technician said that more can be developed, so take your time and put these into production first.

Sang Xiaoyu showed him the existing formula, and he only said that it was too simple. Sang Xiaoyu signed a contract with him, and he was willing to contribute to the factory, but he was relatively free in terms of time.

The secret recipe, Sang Xiaoyu, also kept a copy.

Although the original "lazy sister-in-law" product is genuine, the price of five yuan a bottle is too high, and a bottle can be used for three months, which seriously lags behind the sales of the product.

Sang Xiaoyu discussed with the technicians, and they decided to thin and dilute the original capacity, that is to say, make things almost disposable, reduce the price accordingly, and renovate the varieties.

Simply put, you buy a bottle of seasoning. If you make fish, you can use one bottle. If you have a light mouth, you can use half a bottle. That is to say, let the ingredients in one bottle be used up at one time. With fast flow.

A bottle of raw materials, labor, plus some external factors, such as bottles, trademarks, etc., is less than one yuan, and the final calculation is more than nine cents, and the selling price is set at three yuan.

The price for the salesperson is [-] yuan, and the profits of the factory and the salesperson are the same. Make the profit margin larger to promote the enthusiasm of the salesperson.

The reward system is implemented, the higher the sales, the lower the price, and the greater the reward, Sang Xiaoyu thinks that only in this way can the product be improved to a higher level.

And the housewives who buy the products are just as convenient.

Housewives only need three yuan to cook a delicious meal, which saves trouble and is cheap.

Northerners have a special liking for dumplings. They make dumpling fillings in different ways, and each seasoning has a small difference. Don't underestimate this difference, but the taste is worlds apart.

The people present at the meeting were confused, and Sang Xiaoyu didn't want to achieve any good results. Everything must be told with facts.

Sang Xiaoyu completely eradicated all the production equipment needed for the production of soy sauce, sold the machines at a low price, and also cleaned up the workshop thoroughly, dumping all the remaining raw materials and soybeans.

Sang Xiaoyu also took off the signboard of Huang Daqing Soy Sauce Factory and replaced it with "Xiaoyu Seasoning Factory", which completely changed the original business idea.

Sang Xiaoyu went to the soy sauce factory of the state-owned enterprise again and signed a contract to buy soy sauce from the soy sauce factory at the ex-factory price at the lowest price for the needs of the people around him. Got the guarantee, kill two birds with one stone.

The production was in full swing, and more and more people went to Sang Xiaoyu. There were children from neighbors, old classmates who didn't have a job, and even Zhao Siyue, who had always looked down on Sang Xiaoyu, called and asked if her salary was high?She wanted to come and try.

Sang Xiaoyu rejected all these people. She needs people now, and she needs to ask for directions. Whether her plan can be realized depends on the first batch of production.

When the machine started to turn, Sang Xiaoyu felt at ease. The finished product had already been produced, and they each took it home to try it out, and the effect was really good.

Based on Sang Xiaoyu's marketing ability over the years, she felt that there would be very good results.

Sang Xiaoyu changed "lazy sister-in-law" to "universal seasoning", and used particularly exquisite pictures, which were drawn by herself, and the first batch of products were produced.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't dare to take too many risks. The first batch of [-] bottles was produced, and then small batches were produced, and the [-] bottles were sold immediately to test the waters.

Sang Xiaoyu went out of the morning market in person.

Li Junhao had already gone to work normally, and when he heard that she was going out of the morning market, he clamored to help her, and followed him on his motorcycle.

Sang Xiaoyu found that there were a lot of people watching, and some people asked if it was the original lazy sister-in-law. Sang Xiaoyu gave a detailed explanation of the new product.

Sang Xiaoyu carefully settled the accounts with them. She said that when you use various seasonings, the actual amount has already exceeded this amount. It’s just that you didn’t calculate it yourself, and because they produce in large quantities, the cost will be very low.

Sang Xiaoyu pointed to the list of ingredients on the bottle and said: "Here is everything you bought, pepper, aniseed, sugar, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and traditional Chinese medicine for boosting qi in the twelve flavors, all of which are the best. Good nutrition and health products, you will know how good it is after trying it once."

She asked a few people to try it. The dumplings inside have the most complete seasonings. There are everything stuffed with celery, mushrooms, and leeks. Sang Xiaoyu said that these are all freshly squeezed with pure vegetable juice, plus your own vegetables. , can only be icing on the cake.

Under her instigation, the aunts all bought a few bottles, and said that if it was good, they would definitely use it frequently.

(End of this chapter)

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