Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 124 Warm feelings

Chapter 124 Warm feelings
Only then did Fei Jiaying come to his senses, and said that it was all your fault anyway, a big man can't even manage a factory, he can't even manage a little girl...

Huang Daqing felt that the woman was really unreasonable, so he had no choice but to persuade him, saying that without Jiang Chunhui, he would definitely not admit it, but Jiang Chunhui really couldn't afford to offend him, so he asked his wife to stop.

Fei Jiaying has always been the one who has the final say at home. Seeing Huang Daqing keep speaking up for Sang Xiaoyu, he scolded him for being stupid, and said that he was envious because of Sang Xiaoyu's envy.

I had so many opportunities, but I missed them, and now I have someone take over my old nest. Who is it that poked it out?
When his wife asked, Huang Daqing immediately widened his eyes and said, "It must be that traitor."


"Your relatives."

Fei Jiaying sat down on the sofa, not even in the mood to cry.

Together they guessed it must be her.

In the beginning, the person they hated the most was not Sang Xiaoyu, but his relative, Sister Wei.

Sang Xiaoyu found out later that they really wanted to sue her.

They found Sister Wei in private, and first asked her to come to their small workshop. Of course, for the sake of safety, they didn't say that they had already started, but they still showed a little bit of air.

Sister Wei refused to do it.

They didn't give up, Huang Daqing blatantly told Sister Wei that if Sang Xiaoyu's small workshop was completely paralyzed, the account would be frozen in a few days.

He also wanted her to testify against Sang Xiaoyu as their witness, but Sister Wei refused again.

This is not the point, the point is that Sister Wei told them righteously that if they really sued Sang Xiaoyu, she would be Sang Xiaoyu's witness to testify against their infidelity.

Huang Daqing was furious, and asked if she was still his relative?He also said that if she could testify in court, although she was not [-]% sure, she would be [-]% sure.

Sister Wei also expressed her own point of view, saying that if Sang Xiaoyu hadn't made a move, the soy sauce factory would have been a dead end. If Sang Xiaoyu took over, they had already planned, how about you?

Think about it, why did you take over and come back? Isn't it because Sang Xiaoyu is popular now?can you?Sang Xiaoyu is popular now, but it doesn't mean she will remain popular in the future. Even if you take over, what ability do you have to increase the value of this factory?
How many years have you been doing this?The benefits in the past few years are not as good as others' one month, what does it mean?
You can't even win over the workers, and people's hearts have long been scattered. Even if you want me to prove something for you, I dare say that the workers in the seasoning factory can now prove for Sang Xiaoyu.

She is now the backbone of the workers, it's only been a few days, you should really learn her sincerity in dealing with people.

The biggest advantage of her is that she can put herself in other people's shoes, what about you?

The workers are your enemies, how do you recover the field?But she is different. The workers are also willing to tell her what is in their hearts. This shows that she has a business sense. How many reasonable suggestions did you listen to?
When I was with Sang Xiaoyu, no matter what I said, she attached great importance to it. Even if she didn't adopt it, she would write it down in a notebook. It's completely different from you. Don't worry too much about it, and don't think about it. This is the only way.

Huang Daqing seemed to be able to listen to Sister Wei's words. After nearly two hours of persuasion by Sister Wei, Huang Daqing was finally moved.

Huang Daqing didn't know why, but he listened to Sister Wei's words especially, and he also valued Sister Wei very much. Under Wei Sister's constant persuasion, Huang Daqing really listened to it.

Sister Wei said that she didn't disregard the affection between relatives, but that she was ignorant of love.

Huang Daqing was dejected, and said that he wanted to leave home to start a business, otherwise he would really be ashamed to stay in Mei Lanjiang.

Sister Wei told Sang Xiaoyu more than once that Huang Daqing had no self-knowledge. He always thought that he was a genius and could succeed no matter what he did.

With the soy sauce factory in such a state, he thought he could make a fortune by relying on this land. If it wasn't because he couldn't afford it, he really wouldn't sell it.

He said that what he wants most in his life is to be famous, to dominate the world, to be full of flowers, to sing and dance, to embrace...

Sister Wei said that his sales are not very good?If she still wants to do it, she is willing to discuss it with Sang Xiaoyu again, and it should be possible.

Huang Daqing said it was impossible, even if Sang Xiaoyu asked him to come back, he would not come back, the market has made him rotten.

Sister Wei told him at the last moment, did you think that by doing business, you could become a rich man as you wish?That is a myth, or a fairy tale, just listen to it.

Sang Xiaoyu is very prosperous now, and it is possible to disappear in a flash.

Huang Daqing left in a state of ruin, and Sister Wei was helpless.

When Sister Wei heard that he was leaving, she quickly called Fei Jiaying. Regardless of Fei Jiaying's repeated attempts to persuade him to stay, Huang Daqing actually left. With less than 10 yuan, he went to other places to do business. Never come back without making a show.

It was hard for Fei Jiaying when he left. She ran to Sister Wei's house and lost her temper. Sister Wei was her aunt's cousin. More than a failure.

When Huang Daqing was dying, she didn't know how to comfort her, and every day she scolded Huang Daqing for being worthless and a piece of mud that couldn't support the wall.

Fei Jiaying said that Sister Wei was a fool, and she would fall wherever there was wind. The two argued for a long time, but neither could convince the other.

Fei Jiaying felt that she was too useless, the money from the exchange factory was gone, and the old nest she had built with great difficulty was taken away, but Sang Xiaoyu was still so prosperous.

She couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and even went to Fei Jiani's house to scold for two hours, which made Fei Jiani feel that her sister was getting more and more unreasonable.

Not reconciled, Fei Jiaying ran to Sang Xiaoyu's factory every day, and scolded Sang Xiaoyu when she saw Sang Xiaoyu. Sang Xiaoyu asked the security guard to invite her out, and she stood at the door and continued to scold.

Sang Xiaoyu ran to the door and asked her what she was going to do?Do you really want to put her in jail?
Fei Jiaying said that her current life is not life, and she can't live a day, she is too useless.

Sang Xiaoyu said that she can solve her own affairs by herself, and don't blame others for such things.

Fei Jiaying refused to accept it.

Sang Xiaoyu said that her patience is not enough, if she makes trouble again, she will take action.

Fei Jiaying was not intimidated and continued to come.

Jiang Chunhui, who often came here, knew about these things. He invited Fei Jiaying to the car, and then the two disappeared before Sang Xiaoyu's eyes. Jiang Chunhui took her to a nearby tavern.

The security guard at the seasoning factory saw that they were not fighting fiercely together, but a warm spring breeze. They could see their chatting and laughing, but they couldn't hear what Jiang Chunhui said to her.

Anyway, a tense "troublesome incident" came to a warm end on the wine table.

Because at least two of them are smiling and looking relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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