Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 125 Mother's Kindness and Son's Filial Piety

Chapter 125 Mother's Kindness and Son's Filial Piety
Sang Xiaoyu was very curious, and asked Jiang Chunhui what he had said to her?
Jiang Chunhui told her not to ask any more questions, she just won't come in the future.

The more Sang Xiaoyu became curious, the less Jiang Chunhui would tell her. She guessed that nine times out of ten it was for Fei Jiaying's benefit, otherwise Fei Jiaying would not have withdrawn his troops for no reason.

Some people said that Jiang Chunhui gave her money, and some people speculated that he threatened her. No matter what, it is a fact that Fei Jiaying never came again.

Sister Wei told Sang Xiaoyu about these things later, and Sang Xiaoyu was very grateful to Sister Wei, saying that if it wasn't for her, this matter would not know how long it would have taken.

Seeing that she was getting closer to him, Sang Xiaoyu boldly asked her why she treated him so badly.

Sister Wei laughed and said that she was not optimistic about Sang Xiaoyu from the beginning, and always felt that she was a bit weak and not a person who could bear hardships.

Sang Xiaoyu refused to accept it, saying that he was the sales champion four years ago, and he once sold [-] boxes a day. At that time, you were the sales director. Did you see this?What do you want to say?
Sister Wei said, you are very popular with men, don't you know how many people help you?
Sang Xiaoyu was immediately speechless.

During those years that she didn't want to remember, how many people were worth her remembering, and how many people were worth her rewarding.

She asked Sister Wei when she was willing to help her sincerely.

Sister Wei said that you are a transparent person, and you only want to be good to everyone. I said that the wages of the workers are not fully paid, but I was actually testing you. If you value money more than reputation, I don’t need to be with you. .

Sang Xiaoyu finally showed a smiling face and said that you really have "scheming," I don't have so many cities.

Sister Wei said that if she didn't trust her so much, she really didn't want to do it anymore. She also said that she didn't do as much as you think. In fact, she wanted to leave a long time ago.

Huang Daqing begged her, but she had no choice but to stay.

Now, you trust me.

Alas, I'm such a soft-hearted person.

Since then, Sang Xiaoyu has given sister Wei 100% trust, and has become more and more dependent on her.

Sang Xiaoyu has always liked to report good news but not bad news.

When she faced these things, she didn't say a word to her mother. Instead, she exaggerated the production and sales situation. After hearing the good news, her mother was very happy.

The mother knew that the factory was booming, so she felt proud and proud, and she praised her neighbors that her daughter would eventually become a great talent.

On this day, Sang Xiaoyu decided to take a day off to spend time with her mother and children. She found a weekend and went home early.

Sang Xiaoyu never expected that Jiang Chunhui was playing with his son while enjoying the joy in the room.

Looking at the familiar figure, a trace of familiar warmth rises in the heart, slowly filling the whole heart.

Jiang Chunhui received Sang Xiaoyu's ulterior motives.

As long as he sees this woman's figure, he always has the beauty of revisiting old dreams. He hopes that even if the relationship between them is in love, he will be satisfied. He even hopes that this relationship will last forever.

He has never been short of women, but the kind of women who come and go as soon as they are called make him more and more tired, and he wants to fall in love.

Seeing her coming back, Jiang Chunhui purposely didn't even say hello. Instead, Zi Qiao threw himself into his mother's arms, saying why she hadn't come back to see him for so long.

Sang Xiaoyu took out the fruit she bought on the way, and wanted to wash it for Jiang Chunhui and the others to eat. Ziqiao said:

"Mom, my Uncle Jiang has already brought a lot of fruit, we can't even eat it."

Sang Xiaoyu had no choice but to put down the fruit and asked when he came.

Ziqiao rushed to say again: "Mom, Uncle Jiang bought me a lot of toys, and Uncle Jiang also said he would buy me a big drawing board..."

Jiang Chunhui said that he likes to come and sit for a while when he is free.

Sang Xiaoyu said that you are the big boss, why do you have so much time?

Jiang Chunhui deliberately said: "How can I compare with you, you are the big boss who manages everything every day, and I, I can't do it."

Sang Xiaoyu didn't bother to pay attention to him, what's for dinner?
Then he stared at Ziqiao and said, "You only have your Uncle Jiang now, Chunhui, you really can't spoil him like this, it turned out that he was obedient when our life was hard, but not now, it's all because of you. "

Ziqiao heard his mother talk about himself, so he ran back to the hut with the toy.

Sang Xiaoyu asked again what to eat, and said that she was really hungry.

Mother said that she had prepared it long ago, but she didn't bring your share. Who knows when you will come back?I'm just a housekeeper, and you're just a hands-off shopkeeper, so when you come back, you'll just say hello.

Mother's face was full of displeasure.

Jiang Chunhui smiled.

He had to push forward and said that it would be fine if Ziqiao didn't recognize him as his father, since he recognized his mother anyway.

Sang Xiaoyu was noncommittal, but Ziqiao ran over and said, "Uncle is similar to Dad, I haven't been called Dad for a long time."

Jiang Chunhui said that was different. He also said that he had been to school, and why did he call him father at that time?
Ziqiao was a little nervous again, looking at Sang Xiaoyu's face.

Sang Xiaoyu remembered that when Cheng Weize didn't come back, his son was always unhappy because he didn't have a father. Jiang Chunhui went to school to pick him up several times, and he was very happy every time he came back, but he never said anything about calling him father.

Jiang Chunhui stuck out his tongue, and said to Ziqiao, "I'm sorry godson, I forgot this is our secret."

Sang Xiaoyu smiled.

Ziqiao felt relieved again.

Sang Xiaoyu knew that both the mother and the child had been won over by Jiang Chunhui, and it was hard work, so she deliberately said:

"Mom, don't call him your godson or wet son. It's just a matter of blood. I think you're closer to him than to me."

The mother smiled all over her face and said, "When did I call him godson? I take him as my own son. He is not like you. He is still the president, much older than you.

Whether you are kissing or not, you can see how they move around, and see whether they are spending their time. It is not like you, except for work, it is work. After a long time, it hurts feelings, and the same is true for mothers and daughters. "

The mother also gave an example, saying that Ziqiao was just kissing her, and he was far from her.

Cheng Ziqiao heard it, ran out again, looked at her mother nervously, Sang Xiaoyu said with a smile: "Mom, you can just keep it in your heart, I am happy to know that people all over the world treat you well. "

There was a smile on Cheng Ziqiao's face.

When Sang Xiaoyu found out, Ziqiao was a little afraid of herself.

Ziqiao could leave her, but he couldn't leave his mother for a minute.

Sang Xiaoyu found that this little guy only cared about her politely, but it was different to his grandma. If grandma said that her waist was sore and her legs hurt, the little guy would either rub her feet or step on her waist, and said that she would take care of her until she was old.

Grandma always praised Ziqiao for his filial piety, saying that once she saw a very big restaurant and asked Ziqiao to treat herself to a big meal when he grew up.

Ziqiao said very seriously, Grandma, when I graduate from college, I will invite you to make money, but you have to live longer...

When my mother said this, she had a smile on her face, and even Sang Xiaoyu was moved. She glanced at her and said, don't worry, grandma can live to be a hundred years old.

Ziqiao laughed, thinking about how old he would be if his grandma was a hundred years old...

(End of this chapter)

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