Chapter 137
People's complexions were not very good, Sang Xiaoyu was very unhappy, she originally wanted to make everyone happy, but she was so stingy, she turned her mind into caressing.

It is impossible for Sang Xiaoyu to openly oppose Sister Wei, otherwise the good relationship they have finally established between them will be ruined. Sang Xiaoyu doesn't want to make a small loss.

Sang Xiaoyu smiled and refused to let Sister Wei eat it again, saying that the meat would be cooked tomorrow.

Sister Wei didn't give any face, saying that she was doing it for everyone. She bought ten bags. Wouldn't it be a waste if she didn't eat it?
Sang Xiaoyu said that if you take it back to the factory, you can go to the head office for lunch, right?

Sister Wei said that the meat here is frighteningly expensive, how many more dishes will you still be able to eat without going bankrupt?
Sister Wei spoke righteously, standing on the commanding heights of Weichangzi, she would hate anyone who disagreed with her opinion.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't understand either. She was an old employee, so no matter whether she was originally in the factory or Sang Xiaoyu was newly recruited, she was afraid of sister Wei.

Sang Xiaoyu felt that she was making a big fuss and didn't give herself a little face in front of so many people. Not to mention that she was the factory manager now, she seemed to be inferior to the employees. The last few dishes of the factory will not turn yellow.

Sister Wei persisted.

Sang Xiaoyu couldn't get off the stage, but she just didn't agree.

Sang Xiaoyu looked at the expectant eyes of those people, especially Zhao Chunling, who was about to scream.

Sang Xiaoyu kept staring at her, which meant that she was not allowed to speak. This girl is good at everything, but she dares to speak too much.

Except for Zhao Chunling, there was almost no one in the factory who was not afraid of her.

Sang Xiaoyu pretended not to hear Sister Wei's words, ignored her objections, and forced another five dishes. Sister Wei's face was not very good, and she couldn't help but add the meat she took out to each hot pot, and she asked everyone to eat it together , this barely coped with it.

A few men who could eat had no choice but to take care of Sister Wei's request for the sliced ​​meat she bought.

Sang Xiaoyu asked for five more dishes, but Sister Wei firmly stopped her, saying that she had bought a lot, and if she didn't eat it, it would be hard to get it back, anyway, she just wanted to destroy the meat she bought.

Everyone had to listen to her, and with the meat from the restaurant, it should be enough.

Sang Xiaoyu asked Sister Wei how much meat she bought in the store?
She said that there were ten bags and three catties in total, and Sang Xiaoyu said that it would be complete if she wanted five more dishes, but Sister Wei still refused.

Because they drank a lot of wine, everyone's attention was no longer here. In order to make up for their mood, Sang Xiaoyu went to the front desk to get a bottle of good wine in person.

Seeing that she took a small bottle of Beidacang, Sister Wei was very upset, Sang Xiaoyu pretended not to see it, and encouraged them to punch each other.

"How are you guys, 666..." Several people drank happily.

They encouraged Sang Xiaoyu to join in, but Sang Xiaoyu said that he had something to do later and dared not drink.

Everyone drank happily and said nothing to let her go, so she punched her and drank a few glasses.

Everyone's emotions gradually warmed up. Sang Xiaoyu looked at their youthful smiling faces, and her depressed mood was relieved. She felt that she was always in a battle, and the strings in her mind were too tight. It's a lot clearer.

It turns out that seeing others happy makes me happy too. Life can be so leisurely and comfortable.

When I was happy, the door was kicked open by a person without even knocking.

A man in his 40s suddenly barged in.

Everyone turned their heads to look at him. The man was about 40 years old. He said that he was the foreman of this store. He had a smile on his face, and his words were not warm.

He opened his mouth and said that if you have difficulties, you can talk about it. Is it interesting to switch packages like this?

Sang Xiaoyu and the others were all stunned, because of guilty conscience, no one dared to answer.

Sister Wei stood up and said, "What do you mean by that? Why can't I understand? Why, is it wrong to come to eat here?"

The man glanced at Sister Wei and said, "Don't you know what it means? Is it interesting for you to do this?"

Sister Wei was obviously wrong, but argued, "I don't know what you mean."

The man said bluntly: "I can't afford to talk, our store has a poverty alleviation project, you can come to register and explain."

Sang Xiaoyu really couldn't hold her face anymore, and said repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's the first time I came here, I didn't think so much, it's not a small farmer's consciousness, it's just to save some money, you continue to work, we will ask for more."

The man said dismissively: "It doesn't matter if you want it or not. Look at the people queuing up outside us. You are so boring doing this. You still waste our time. Don't you know that time is money?"

Then call the waiter to let her recognize these people, and keep an eye on them when they come again.

After speaking, he glanced at his watch, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, it meant to see off the guests, and he left after speaking.

Several waiters looked at them with strange eyes.

The door was closed, and everyone's faces were pale.

Zhao Chunling was dissatisfied with Sister Wei, and felt that Sang Xiaoyu was almost obedient to her, she said: "As for it? The factory director Sang has spoken, can't we let us have a good time?

Does this have a face?This embarrassment is so embarrassing, no matter what, it's a happy thing. How can I stay here if I'm doing it now? "

Sister Wei also felt a little embarrassed, looked at Sang Xiaoyu and said, "How did he know? It must have been told by some waiters."

A security guard said: "There are so many of us, and we only ordered five dishes. People don't need to think about it, they know there is a problem, and they don't need to be informed."

"What five sets, isn't it ten sets?" Sister Wei said.

Sang Xiaoyu was also not happy, and kept holding back in her heart, but she couldn't show it.

She still wanted to give Sister Wei some face, even though her heart felt lumpy all the time, she didn't mention anything, so she quickly stopped her and said, "It's over, let's stop talking about it, everyone is right."

No one was embarrassed to stay any longer, and many dishes were left untouched.

Sister Wei also felt that she had done a stupid thing, so she hurried to the front desk to pay the bill.

She rushed into the house with the ticket, and said in surprise: "It cost three hundred and seven for this. I can't come to this place again. Hundreds of bottles of seasoning were sold for nothing."

Sister Wei kept muttering to herself, saying that if she hadn't taken the meat, she wouldn't be able to beat five hundred. What kind of shit is this? Isn't this killing people?
In other words, she made sense.

Sang Xiaoyu patted her symbolically and said, it's nothing, small things, don't worry about it.

Sang Xiaoyu was also comforting herself.

Everyone has no interest in eating anymore.

Everyone hastily finished eating and left, and the originally happy atmosphere became particularly depressing.

Sister Wei looked around at the meat and vegetables on the table, and asked Sang Xiaoyu if she wanted to pack them all and take them home?
Sang Xiaoyu saw that almost all the meat on the plate was in the hot pot, and there were some kelp, vermicelli, and cabbage left, so let it be.

After thinking about it for a while, Sister Wei still put all the food in a bag, saying that she saved another meal for lunch tomorrow.

Sister Wei still had slices of meat in her bag. She said she had something to go back to the factory and gave the slices of meat to the workers to cook noodles for, so she separated from Sang Xiaoyu.

(End of this chapter)

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