Chapter 138
Sang Xiaoyu thinks that Sister Wei is a good person, but she is too stingy, and now she doesn't discuss anything with her. This is a trivial matter, and she can make up her own mind.

It was originally something that made everyone happy, but was ridiculed by others, and everyone was unhappy.

Zhao Chunling said that she shouldn't be allowed to sit in the position of deputy factory manager at all. Letting her go is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain. She is a veteran of the factory, and what she said has a mass basis.

Sang Xiaoyu was very afraid of having conflicts with her in the future, but there were some things she really couldn't say.

On the way back, Zhao Chunling said, are you the factory director or is she?She's so good at pretending, she always wants to be in front of you as a selfless and selfless person who only cares about you.

Sang Xiaoyu said that she did this, although the method was a bit excessive.

Sang Xiaoyu wouldn't hate Sister Wei just because of such a trivial matter, but she also felt that after a long time, could the cooperation between the two go smoothly?Thinking about it and laughing again, she has lost her temper at all now that she has been worn down by such things.

Sang Xiaoyu knew that she and Sister Wei were at odds, so she didn't want to discuss this matter with her, so she changed the subject and asked how she and Sun Peng were doing?Didn't you really dislike this place? Are you used to it now?
Zhao Chunling said, we didn't break up anyway, and now I found out that he has a special mother. So, I just wanted to find a man like this, so I can control him, but now I feel bored, and the words that are on my lips every day are: My mother said!
I want to find someone like Mr. Jiang.

Zhao Chunling knew that Jiang Chunhui had a soft spot for Sang Xiaoyu, but she didn't have any scruples when she said this.

Sang Xiaoyu was not unhappy at all, but said that everyone like Mr. Jiang wanted it.

Zhao Chunling said I didn't see that you wanted to.

Sang Xiaoyu said he has a family.

Zhao Chunling said what to be afraid of, now that the world is full of lovers, who would take this seriously?

He also asked her if he had no home, would she be with him?
Sang Xiaoyu taught her that if others can do it but you can't, your mother entrusted you to me, so you must keep your duty.

Sang Xiaoyu advised her earnestly, saying that a lover is a minefield, and it might blow up one day, but the longest-lasting relationship is to stick to one's duty.

Zhao Chunling said yes, she had a few classmates who became mistresses for the big money, and not many of them ended up well. Either they were beaten all over the ground by their original partners, or the man threw them away like a broken rag. She said that It's a painful lesson, not to mention the experience, it's scary to think about it.

Sang Xiaoyu said that it's good if you can understand, the truth is plain and plain.

Zhao Chunling said, if I listened to you and my mother, I would just marry him. Anyway, his family has good conditions, but he is not reconciled.

Her mother said that marriage is fine, and she must go home to take care of her husband and raise her children, and at least have two children.

I really didn't dare to think about it anymore. When I thought about it, I felt that my life was ruined, so it was very contradictory.

Sang Xiaoyu also knew that this was a problem. She found that Zhao Chunling was a sensible person. She was eager to open the door to a new life, but also wanted to be content with the false prosperity in front of her. No one could make a quick decision between the choices.

She said that her current love life is like a glass of plain water, but she can't arouse her enthusiasm.

Sang Xiaoyu said that you can't be in love all your life, right?This is life, even if you meet a lover, it will become like this in the end.

Zhao Chunling said that I heard from my mother that your original life was rich and colorful, which made many people envious.

Sang Xiaoyu smiled bitterly and said, didn't you see the ending?There is also the process. Others see it as an illusion, and our goodness is also based on my sacrifice, but it was caused by myself not knowing it at the time.

Sometimes it is better for people to live in a daze, and if they don't understand, they don't have so many requirements.

Zhao Chunling said how good it is that I want to be like you, so many men like it.

Sang Xiaoyu said that having more men may not be a good thing.

Zhao Chunling said it's not good, she can pick and choose.

Sang Xiaoyu felt that she was really old, she was only a few years younger than herself, and this idea was far ahead of her.

Sang Xiaoyu walked to the bus stop and was about to pay for a ticket when Zhao Chunling who was standing on the curb suddenly yelled, "Miss Xiaoyu, there is a bus to pick us up."

Sang Xiaoyu saw the white van in the factory galloping towards them, Sang Xiaoyu thought, it feels so good to be the factory manager, you don't need to say anything, someone cares about you.

Zhao Chunling said that the driver Xiao Zhao was too good at coming, and that she just borrowed Sang Xiaoyu's help, and said that she must start a business in the future, be a leader, and enjoy special treatment.

The driver, Xiao Zhao, is a security guard recruited by Sang Xiaoyu from Li Junhao. The factory is busy now, and he has no permanent position, so Sang Xiaoyu let him drive.

This little guy is smart and mature.

He doesn't like to talk, but he can know what Sang Xiaoyu is thinking in his heart. He often takes care of things that Sang Xiaoyu hasn't said in advance. He went back to the factory in the car, but he didn't come back during the meal.

Sang Xiaoyu also made a phone call specifically, and he said that he had a casual bite in the factory.

Now, just as they were about to leave, their car arrived in front of them.

Sang Xiaoyu asked him why he didn't come to eat?He smiled and said he was too hungry to catch up.

The young man is not greedy, and he doesn't like to take advantage of petty advantages. Sang Xiaoyu's impression of him is getting better and better.


The Green Expo really gave Sang Xiaoyu a sweet taste.

The inventory was cleaned up, the car was even parked directly outside the production workshop, and the boxes were put directly on the car. More than 5 boxes were sold in half a month.

There was not enough transportation, so Sang Xiaoyu directly approved a second-hand van, and the original car was ready to be eliminated. It was too dilapidated, and Sang Xiaoyu was afraid of accidents.

Li Junhao also joined them, even if he didn't come, the car was requisitioned by Sang Xiaoyu.

Another one is Jiang Chunhui.

Jiang Chunhui's shadow can be seen everywhere, and he has been a great help.

He bought a lot in his own restaurant, and called his related customers. They bought the goods out of face and other inexplicable reasons. Some people found that it was really good after returning, so they bought the goods again. .

Jiang Chunhui asked Sang Xiaoyu to buy a car quickly, but Sang Xiaoyu quit, saying that it would be more cost-effective to take a taxi, but Jiang Chunhui called her a miser.

According to sales, Sang Xiaoyu found that the most attractive places are not big restaurants, but those tiny restaurants and fast food restaurants. Sang Xiaoyu's things are cheap, easy to use and full of taste, and they became the main force later.

Sang Xiaoyu distributed a large number of product business cards and spread them widely in the market. At the end of the day, Sang Xiaoyu's factory was running day and night. According to the workers, the machines were about to smoke and explode, and the workers were even more tired. People are turned on their backs, and even the salesman's goods cannot be supplied.

Sang Xiaoyu wanted to buy a set of imported equipment, but Sister Wei stopped her. She said that it might be a flash in the pan now, and it is not worthwhile for us to invest all our income in buying equipment.

In the middle, they also had a little friction with the soy sauce factory. The current season is a good time for pickling vegetables, and the sales of soy sauce have also increased by leaps and bounds.

(End of this chapter)

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