Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 140 Say Goodbye to the Past

Chapter 140 Say Goodbye to the Past

When Sang Xiaoyu was very busy, Fei Jiani came, and she was stunned by the bustling scene. She said that her brother-in-law had never been so brilliant since he took over the soy sauce factory.

Fei Jiani was clear about making money from spices, and she knew Sang Xiaoyu had turned over at the first glance.

Fei Jiani didn't expect Sang Xiaoyu's change of family to be so successful, she was a little envious of this matter.

Looking at Sang Xiaoyu who is like a spinning top, she asked if you can earn millions this month.

Sang Xiaoyu straightened up and looked through the thick fog. The Meilan River has been foggy these days, and the small vendors at the Green Expo seemed to be hiding in the fog, not particularly clear.

Sang Xiaoyu said no matter how good it was, it would be just this month, and Fei Jiani said it would be fine for one month, at least to earn back the capital, you, the first choice for coming out of the arena is that the seasoning is really too good and you have a vision.

Sang Xiaoyu really didn't have time to answer her correctly, so he brought her a few bottles of seasoning and asked her to leave first, saying that he would treat her well after he was busy for a while.

Fei Jiani left reluctantly, cursing her brother-in-law for being incompetent.

Sang Xiaoyu is really busy, but when she settles down, she doesn't know what she does all day. The same goes for the employees. They are all like fighting a war. They deliver goods and receive payments, just like robots.

Sometimes Sang Xiaoyu is like a commander in chief of the armed forces, looking at the soldiers who have been trained and led by him for many years, satisfied and proud.

Sang Xiaoyu's mother's house finally came down, and it was resettled in a different place.

Sang Xiaoyu went up and down the stairs with her mother. Sang Xiaoyu gave the larger second floor to her mother, and she was on the third floor.

Sang Xiaoyu roughly designed it, and the engineering team hired by Li Junhao started work. Sang Xiaoyu seldom had time to go there, and still lived in the original house.


The Green Expo is finally over.

At the end of the day, there was a little snow in the sky.

Many people said that the snow came too early, and it snowed before November, which is really a strange thing.

After being busy, Sang Xiaoyu can finally let go of her heart.

After cleaning the battlefield and counting the results, Sang Xiaoyu couldn't believe her ears. Sister Wei, who was in charge of the overall work, took out a comprehensive sales list. Sang Xiaoyu read it several times before she was sure that the turnover in a month had reached nearly 100. Ten thousand, nearly 2 boxes were sold out.

Zhao Chunling and Wei Jie calculated for two days, and the net profit reached an astonishing 70 yuan, which means that there was more than 100 million yuan lying on the book.

In Sang Xiaoyu's plan, she would not be able to earn so much in a year, and now she was a little flustered and also a little overjoyed.

The most sober person is Sister Wei. She said that this is just a miracle brought by the Green Expo, and it will be difficult in the future. In addition to the main profit brought by the seasoning, there is also Sister Sun's small pickles and soy sauce.

Sang Xiaoyu couldn't calm down anymore, she was overjoyed and walked around in circles, trying to calm down her mood.

Sister Wei continued to pour cold water on her, saying that this is just the result of the green expo, and that the product is novel, facing more people, the lazy sister-in-law is still relatively small and has no great influence.

Sang Xiaoyu nodded, saying that the wages of the promised workers and staff would be fulfilled immediately.

Sister Wei had a different opinion. She said that if calculated by piece rate and working hours, these front-line workers could get more than 3000 yuan. She said that it is better to pay [-] yuan, because next month will drop even if you don't think about it.

The decline is too great, and they must have complaints. Three thousand against three hundred, do you think the workers still have energy? It’s better to keep flowing.

Sang Xiaoyu resolutely opposed it. She said that she would break the trust of others, and she must do what she said. Even if the basic salary is only a few hundred yuan next month, the rules and regulations have been set long ago.

Sister Wei finally listened to her opinion, but when she paid for the staff, she compressed a bit, including herself. She said that compared with the workers, they still did less.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't want to agree at first, but seeing that Sister Wei persisted, I just said you can figure it out. In fact, although your role is different from theirs, you still have the same contribution.

Sister Wei saw that Sang Xiaoyu said so, and there were not many employees in the office, and Zhao Chunling strongly opposed it, so she didn't insist in the end.

Sister Wei said that the biggest reputation of our small factory is to keep its word. Sang Xiaoyu asked what it meant when she didn’t know what it meant. Sister Wei said that it looks like prosperity on the surface, but in fact we still owe a lot of money, so it’s best to settle it together.

Sang Xiaoyu looked at the detailed accounts, the wages of the workers, the cost of the vehicles, and the soy sauce factory hadn't settled the bills for three months, and their people came to remind them every day...

Sang Xiaoyu finally seemed to be a little sober, saying that these are all short-lived, and if they are all paid for, how much will we have left?

Sister Wei said about 30 yuan, just enough for you to buy a car.

Sang Xiaoyu immediately shook her head, saying that even if she really bought a car, she would not buy such an expensive car.

Sister Wei also said that such a thing would not happen once in a hundred years, let's live an ordinary life in the future.

Sang Xiaoyu refused to accept it, saying that the green expo will still be held next year?

Sister Wei said soberly that it must be incomparable with this year. It is a new product now, and it will become an outdated product next year. It will be up to you to consider whether to participate or not.

Sang Xiaoyu's excitement was suppressed by Sister Wei, she left silently, she was going home.

A bright moon hung in the sky, and the silver moonlight reflected with the street lights. Sang Xiaoyu got on the bus and refused the security guard to take her home.

Sang Xiaoyu got out of the car, and the silver moonlight shone on the path she was familiar with. The end of the path was her home.

The starry sky in autumn night is clear and transparent, the stars twinkle and twinkle bright eyes, Sang Xiaoyu feels the sky is so beautiful and soft for the first time in a long time.

The evening wind gently blows on the face, and Sang Xiaoyu feels extremely comfortable and rippling.

Sang Xiaoyu saw the lights in her home, and her mother stood at the door waiting for her as before.

My mother called her and heard that she was coming back, so she specially made delicious food for her, and she was very impatient after waiting for a long time.

Sang Xiaoyu thought of how many years ago, her mother always waited for her quietly, becoming her light in the darkness.

Mother had already packed out the things at home, no matter what Sang Xiaoyu said, mother refused to throw away those things that were not needed at all, and said that they would be needed in the future.

Sang Xiaoyu's things are so simple that a suitcase can be included, and her mother said that she is not a person who lives at all now.

When Sang Xiaoyu had an accident, no good clothes were left behind, and those who wanted debts took them away, let alone the things.

When paying off the debt a few years ago, she couldn't buy a few clothes a year at all, but now the conditions are better, except for the clothes Jiang Chunhui bought for her, she hasn't bought any clothes herself.

Not to mention the gold and silver jewelry, she had to pay off the debt.

Mother said, do you want to keep company with the wall when you live in the building?She had to share some of her own things with her, but Sang Xiaoyu said no, it was so easy.

Sang Xiaoyu packed up with her mother again, she said that it was comfortable to travel lightly, but her mother said that without these old things, she felt uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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