Chapter 141 Laughter
Sang Xiaoyu came to the factory early the next day.

There was laughter in the small seasoning factory.

When they came out of financial expenses, their biggest worry was that Sang Xiaoyu's words wouldn't count.

In her personal factory, all the power is in her hands, and Sang Xiaoyu alone has the final say.

The workers lasted for a month, and almost no one took a day off. All they wanted was the fulfillment of their promises.

Sang Xiaoyu had been at the bottom for a long time, so of course she knew what they were thinking. Not only did she mean what she said, but she also gave every front-line worker a red envelope of [-] yuan, saying that they were the hardest working people.

The people who took the money showed joy on their faces. When they saw Sang Xiaoyu again, their expressions were flattering and respectful.

Sang Xiaoyu was a little proud. She never thought that one day she would become the bread and butter of these people and contribute to their lives.

A few workers on the night shift heard the call from the team members. Maybe they were impatient, or maybe they couldn't believe it. They came to the factory directly and felt relieved after receiving their wages.

Each of the workers received a salary of more than 600 yuan, which is considered the highest salary in Mei Lanjiang, but Sister Wei also said that this can only be a flash in the pan.

Workers don't care whether it is a flash in the pan or not, what they want is the benefits they get.

The staff opened more than 1000 yuan. When Sang Xiaoyu was carrying people behind her back, Zhao Chunling asked Sister Wei to approve 2000 yuan. Sang Xiaoyu handed it to her in person. She asked suspiciously what it meant?
There was inadvertent joy on his face.

Sang Xiaoyu said that you should get the money, your contribution is greater than theirs.

Sang Xiaoyu thought she would decline as usual, but she accepted after thanking her.

After accepting it, she desperately proposed various new plans and goals.

Zhao Chunling was dissatisfied, and Sang Xiaoyu said that you should not have any objections to such things in the future, and I will let you do these things because I take you as my confidant.

Zhao Chunling knew that she had no say in such matters, but she just felt unhappy.

She muttered, "My confidant doesn't give much money either."

Sang Xiaoyu gave her a serious look, which made her hairy, and said, "Okay, I won't say such things in the future."

Sang Xiaoyu said: "Don't care about temporary gains and losses. If you are short of money, I will give it to you. You tell me how much."

Zhao Chunling immediately faltered and said, "Okay, I don't dare to mention it again in the future."

Sang Xiaoyu has great trust in Sister Wei.

Sang Xiaoyu heaved a long sigh of relief seeing Sister Wei and the workers laughing and laughing like a family. Without an old employee like her, she couldn't think well about many things.

Production has returned to normal, and sales in other counties have also stabilized. Sister Wei returned from three shifts to two shifts, and production has also entered a stable period.

Sang Xiaoyu originally wanted to return Jiang Chunhui's 30 yuan, but Sister Wei said that there will be too many places to spend the money in the future, so don't move the money, just in case.

After listening to her, Sang Xiaoyu expressed her plan to replace the filling equipment.

Sister Wei said that if the sales are all from the Green Expo, of course the sales volume must be changed, not only the filling equipment, but also everything else, but do we have the ability?

Sang Xiaoyu was also helpless.

Sister Wei agreed to buy a good car for Sang Xiaoyu, but Sang Xiaoyu flatly refused, saying that she is not a person who likes to show off.

Sister Wei said that this is not a matter of showing off, look at Huang Daqing, the factory is almost yellow and the crown is still open, this is a facade.

Sang Xiaoyu said that such a good facade will turn yellow in the end?

Sister Wei was taken aback for a moment, and said that it might be because her surname is Huang Kai and the crown...

The two laughed together.

As soon as the Green Expo was over, the inventory began to accumulate in large quantities. Sang Xiaoyu even wanted the workers to limit production. If a large amount of inventory accumulates, it will also bury a huge hidden danger for them.

Could it be that they have to give the workers a holiday when the inventory is full? In fact, Sang Xiaoyu has no idea.

Sang Xiaoyu was so anxious that he got angry again.

On this day, Sang Xiaoyu was discussing with Sister Wei how to expand sales, so that the grand occasion of the Green Expo would reappear. Sister Wei said that it didn't matter. The shelf life of this thing is so long. When it comes to the Spring Festival, the sales volume will not be worse than that of the Green Expo.

What else did Sang Xiaoyu want to say when the phone rang.

Sang Xiaoyu picked up the phone and saw that it was Fei Jiani's. This month, Sang Xiaoyu didn't see anyone, and sometimes she didn't even bother to answer the phone.

She picked up the phone and asked, "Jenny, what's the matter?"

Unexpectedly, Fei Jiani said out of breath, "Xiao Yu, I only have you now, can you help me?"

Sang Xiaoyu realized that her voice was wrong, and immediately became nervous, asking: "What's wrong? What's the matter? Where are you?"

Fei Jiani said in horror: "You find a quiet place to talk to me, don't let anyone around."

Sang Xiaoyu immediately agreed, said hello to Sister Wei, ran to her office and closed the door when she said she had something to do.

Sang Xiaoyu hurriedly asked: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Fei Jiani said in a crying voice: "I was kidnapped, can you give me 50?"

Sang Xiaoyu asked in disbelief, "How much?"

"50, Xiaoyu, I was really kidnapped. If I didn't have the 50, I would die. I can only beg you now. I know you can come up with 50. If you can't, I can find Jiang Chunhui.

Xiaoyu, for my sake, please beg him again, let him help me, if he refuses to help me, let him help you, Xiaoyu, life is a matter of life, I can only beg you. "

Sang Xiaoyu was stunned and asked, "What's going on? Do you want to call the police?"

"Don't call the police, prepare money for me quickly, I will send you a bank card number on your mobile phone, you must help me this time, and I will repay you for your great kindness in the future..."

Before she could finish speaking, someone cursed and scolded her, and then the phone hung up.

Sang Xiaoyu was in a fog, her mind was blank, she couldn't believe the truth of this matter, she called back the phone, and the phone was turned off.

Sang Xiaoyu was at a loss, she simply told Sister Wei about the matter, unexpectedly, they were obviously relatives, but they didn't look anxious at all.

Sister Wei said that Fei Jiani was too ambitious, she never thought about living a down-to-earth life, she just listened to such things.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't dare, so she had to call Jiang Chunhui for advice.

Jiang Chunhui began to say that it was definitely not true, and he didn't know what she wanted to do. Sang Xiaoyu insisted that it was definitely not a fake, and that something really happened and asked him to find someone to investigate.

Jiang Chunhui was so angry that he couldn't speak, who is she to you?Did you forget when she bullied you?Where was she when her sister cheated on you?Do you remember to eat but not to fight?

Sang Xiaoyu said when did this happen, is it interesting to mention those things again?Now it's a matter of life and death.

Jiang Chunhui knew her sharp-edged character, so he asked her to wait in the factory, and he would be there soon.

(End of this chapter)

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