Chapter 142 Two Men
Sang Xiaoyu stood at the door anxiously waiting for Jiang Chunhui.

At this moment, he became her backbone.

Originally, the Lord had a small seasoning factory, and she had something to rely on. When she met the Green Expo, her business was surprisingly good. A sense of happiness that came and went and all the hard work has not existed for a few days, and the successive bad news made her She shakes all illusions about the future.

Jiang Chunhui has three cars, this one is the most exaggerated, the color is light blue with green in it, it is dazzling from a distance.

As soon as Sang Xiaoyu saw him, she said incoherently: "This is broken, something happened to her, she really disappeared.

I kept calling her, and it didn’t matter if the phone was turned off. Even the people at the place where she worked said they didn’t know where she had gone. She hadn’t seen anyone for more than ten days. Do you think something serious happened? ? "

Although it was getting colder and colder, Jiang Chunhui was dressed a little thinly. In his own words, he didn't even know what winter was like, and stayed in the car every day.

Sang Xiaoyu was afraid that he would be cold, so she quickly let him into the room. Jiang Chunhui walked into the room and said, "Do you want to be a good old man too much? Why, do you really have 50?"

Sang Xiaoyu nodded honestly, then quickly shook her head and added that there were still some accounts to be settled.

Jiang Chunhui said: "If you trust anyone, you can't trust her. She is not like before. Do you know who she has befriended? How many men has she been with? She is no longer the Fei Jiani she used to be. Don't believe it."

Seeing Sang Xiaoyu's dazed look, he went on to say: "Shall I tell you one more thing, didn't we analyze my wife who kidnapped you? If it's true, she is an accomplice.

She was not directly involved, but if you think about it carefully, were you often together during that period? "

Sang Xiaoyu thought about it and nodded.

Jiang Chunhui said: "She didn't want to reconnect with you, she wanted to know about your activities, your itinerary must have been provided by her, otherwise, why would those people kidnap you near your mother's house? "

Sang Xiaoyu still didn't believe it.

Jiang Chunhui added: "If we go to the police station and report the situation now, we will be able to find out the truth."

Sang Xiaoyu pondered, there were two people fighting in her heart, one was the original her, who still held beautiful fantasies about Fei Jiani, and the other was the current her, who had many doubts about Fei Jiani.

He definitely couldn't go to the police station because Jiang Chunhui's wife was involved.

Sang Xiaoyu found out why she wanted to see Jiang Chunhui so desperately, because she wanted him to settle the matter for her.

She has been hesitating, if she wants to take money, Jiang Chunhui will never be able to resist it, but if she really takes out 50, she will be penniless and go back to the past, but Jiang Chunhui is different, 50 may be just a drizzle to him .

But she couldn't say that.

Do unto others, do not impose on others.

Sang Xiaoyu hoped that he could bear the burden by himself.

Jiang Chunhui mentioned her kidnapping and said, have you forgotten how you narrowly escaped death?
Sang Xiaoyu thought that it was because she knew this that she was worried about Fei Jiani.

Thinking of her being kidnapped at that time, she was always afraid in her heart. Even now, she almost never dared to go out at night, and even if she had to go out, she had to be accompanied by someone.

She was terrified, but she dared not speak up.

If there was really Fei Jiani in the kidnapping, then they would not be as simple as internal conflicts. Thinking about Fei Jiani's sister provoking her several times, her heart was also shaken.

At this time, Li Junhao also came.

Li Junhao drove the original van and honked the horn from a long distance. Sang Xiaoyu saw it from the window, so he ran out to meet him and asked him what's the matter?
Li Junhao said with a smile that he has a new car, do you need a car here?

Sang Xiaoyu said yes, if you want to update it, I will give it to you, we can't afford a good car anyway.

Li Junhao has already regained his vitality, and has been helping Sang Xiaoyu at the Green Expo, and his car Sang Xiaoyu has not been used less.

When Sang Xiaoyu met him, he told about Fei Jiani's matter. He heard about it, and his opinion was surprisingly consistent with Jiang Chunhui's. He also warned her that when you become the boss, such things will happen endlessly.

If you are a common people, who will lie to you?It's different now.

Sang Xiaoyu asked him what he was doing here?

He glanced at Jiang Chunhui and said, "Why, do I have to ask for a reason to come to see you?"

Sang Xiaoyu knew that he was fine, so she put her mind at ease and said, "I really envy you guys who have nothing to do all day long and are bosses older than me. It would be great if I could be as leisurely as you are now."

Jiang Chunhui said: "Hurry up, I think you're about to lose your relatives. Your mother asked me to call you every day, but she said you didn't even answer the phone."

Sang Xiaoyu spread her hands and said, "It's not that she doesn't answer, it's that she really doesn't have time. Also, she knows what she's doing on the phone. She either asks me if I have eaten, or if I will go home."

Li Junhao said to Jiang Chunhui: "She cares about you. Isn't it good that she doesn't go home? This will show you a godson."

Jiang Chunhui said without showing any weakness: "Aren't you envious? Go ahead, you are old neighbors again."

Li Junhao said relaxedly: "My relationship with their family does not need to be this kind of relationship. It is not better to have a son than to have a son."

Jiang Chunhui said triumphantly: "That's not necessarily true. I've never heard her say a good word about you in the mouth of my godmother. It seems that you were a little ruffian when you were young, and you fought every day. I heard that you even went in." ?”

Li Junhao was not fooled at all, and said: "Don't worry, your godmother wouldn't say such things, and I never went in, and if I say anything else, I will sue you for defamation."

Jiang Chunhui glanced at him unhappily and said, "You don't have to worry about that. By the way, I heard about your wife and express my deep sympathy for you. A man cannot live without a woman. Let me introduce you to her." How about a girlfriend?
She is the number one beauty of our Chunhui Hotel, she is very young and very beautiful. "

Li Junhao said: "I'm sure I wouldn't dare to take what you introduced. The book that Sang Xiaoyu particularly likes is "Dream of Red Mansions". She told me about an important passage in this book before.

I still remember a passage in it, that is to say, apart from the pair of big stone lions in front of the gate, the Rongguo Mansion is clean, and the rest are not clean even the cats and dogs. I can’t believe the people in your hotel..."

Li Junhao scolded Jiang Chunhui in disguise, Jiang Chunhui was so angry that his eyes almost popped out.

Although he hasn't watched "Dream of Red Mansions", it doesn't sound like a good thing.

Sang Xiaoyu felt that he had gone too far, so she gave him a hard look and said, "You really listened carefully to this passage, why can't you just learn something else?"

Li Junhao deliberately angered Jiang Chunhui and said, "If only you were my teacher, I can remember everything you teach."

(End of this chapter)

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