Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 156 One Person's Spring Chapter

Chapter 156 The Spring Festival for Two
Thirty is here.

Every household is a happy scene of laughter, singing and dancing.

But Sang Xiaoyu felt a kind of incomplete helplessness and embarrassment on this reunion day.

She was actually a loner.

The mother left, the son went to grandma's house, Jiang Chunhui, the prodigal son, went home to be a husband and father during the Spring Festival, and it is said that there are more romantic trips abroad.

A family of four went abroad to visit his parents.

Listening to the sporadic sound of firecrackers outside, Sang Xiaoyu couldn't muster up the energy to buy new year's goods.

When my mother left, she prepared a lot of meat and asked her to buy vegetables by herself. She also said that the vegetables could not last, so she must buy less.

Sang Xiaoyu glanced at the refrigerator and found that it was full of things, so she turned on the TV early and watched the lively programs on various channels in boredom.

When Sang Xiaoyu got married, she bought a Japanese color TV. When something happened, she couldn't remember who took it away.

At that time, my mother also had a small color TV, which was confiscated when paying off the debt. Sang Xiaoyu was afraid that her mother would be lonely, so she bought a second-hand black and white TV in the market.

When the conditions are good, Sang Xiaoyu wants to change the color more than once, but her mother disagrees, saying that she has no time to watch TV and needs to help Ziqiao with her homework.

Over the past few years, this black and white TV is still the main entertainment product of their family, and Sang Xiaoyu never mentioned changing it because they had to go upstairs.

The TV is already full of flowers, but in Sang Xiaoyu's world, there are only two bright colors of black and white dancing.

Cheng Weiting made several phone calls, saying that her mother asked her to go there, but Sang Xiaoyu kept refusing, she felt that it was no longer her own little world.

The mother-in-law finally found out that they were divorced years ago.

The mother-in-law had guessed it a long time ago, but she was still a little sad when she faced the truth. Sang Xiaoyu called and said that Chu Qi was her birthday and she would definitely come.

The mother-in-law said that your mother is not at home, so you can come and have fun, and your son is also there.

Sang Xiaoyu said that she has a place to go, so she doesn't need to worry about her.

The mother-in-law let out a long sigh, saying how well-matched the two people are, they will be divided...

Cheng Weize also called after his mother, come on, it's not husband and wife or friends, it's the mother of the child.

Sang Xiaoyu said that she had an appointment with a friend.

Cheng Weize said, is that bastard whose surname is Jiang?
Sang Xiaoyu was very angry, thinking Cheng Weize is such a big man, is it interesting to swear?And he didn't dare to scold in person, he only scolded himself.

Thinking of the Chinese New Year, and thinking that his son might be by his side, he didn't explain, only saying that it had nothing to do with him.

Cheng Weize refused to let go, he let out a long sigh, and said how did you become so scary, you are a wild man with a family.

Seeing that he was aggressive and talking endlessly, Sang Xiaoyu said that it would be good to take care of yourself, and put down the phone.

When it was almost four o'clock, when Sang Xiaoyu heard the firecrackers outside densely forming gunshots and the waves were higher than the first class, he knew that every family had started to have reunion dinner, and he didn't even have the intention of making dumplings.

What did she think she was going to do?

So she opened the refrigerator and saw that it was full of deli products bought by Jiang Chunhui. She didn't even bother to cook, so she opened two bags, one was fish and the other was chicken.

She cut two cucumbers, mixed a cold dish, and just set the plate when Li Junhao's phone call came.

Li Junhao asked her if she was only with her son?

Sang Xiaoyu said that even his son ran away.

Li Junhao laughed loudly, saying how could he behave like himself?The two of us are sick and sympathetic.

Sang Xiaoyu asked him why he wasn't with his mother?
Li Junhao said that his mother asked the old aunt to take him to the countryside long ago, and they called me repeatedly to let me go, so I was too lazy to go.

Sang Xiaoyu said what else to say, come here quickly, I don't have alcohol at home.

Li Junhao said okay, I'll take a taxi and have a drink.

Sang Xiaoyu said that it is not easy to take a taxi now, and Li Junhao said that you just leave it alone, can I not solve this trivial matter by myself?

Sang Xiaoyu told him not to bring anything, he had everything at home.

Li Junhao hung up the phone, and Sang Xiaoyu couldn't help laughing. The so-called has everything, and it's all just enough.

She hurriedly opened the refrigerator again, took some ham sausage and cut up a plate.

Seeing that there is cabbage at home, it is impossible to fry it with meat, and the meat in the refrigerator has turned into stone.

I had to find a roll of dried tofu and put together another plate.

When Li Junhao arrived, Sang Xiaoyu was still thinking about making some dumplings.

Li Junhao didn't have any empty hands, he took a big convenience bag, which was also full of cooked food.

He glanced at the prepared dishes and said, "You're really good, so you can deal with it now?"If I don't come, don't you just eat the bread?
Sang Xiaoyu said it wasn't that serious, but she really didn't want to do it, she was bored, and said she didn't know you were coming, but she would show her off when she found out.

There were actually two live fish among the things Li Junhao brought. Li Junhao said that he is best at cooking fish.

Sang Xiaoyu said he wanted to drink, so don't bother, okay?
Li Junhao put the fish in the sink, washed his hands, and opened the liquor.

Sang Xiaoyu said, do you need to prepare something to make dumplings?
Li Junhao said it's really boring, why don't we just make a scene?You're not that vulgar, are you?
Sang Xiaoyu said that this is not vulgar, it is the occasion.

Li Junhao said that if I don't eat, I just want to drink.

Sang Xiaoyu glanced at his watch, it was almost five o'clock, and it was still early to make dumplings, so he also served the table.

Sang Xiaoyu said that I don't drink liquor.

Li Junhao took out a bottle of red wine from his bag and said, "It's all a problem in the past, it's been prepared for you a long time ago, and it's boring to drink it."

Sang Xiaoyu feels that she is the most comfortable and relaxed when she is with Li Junhao.

He didn't pay as much attention to drinking red wine as he did when he was with Jiang Chunhui.

Sang Xiaoyu's house didn't have a bottle opener, so Li Junhao opened it with a few clicks of a screwdriver, and said that there were many problems with red wine.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't have a decanter either, so she poured it directly into a goblet, which was bought by Jiang Chunhui, saying that drinking red wine requires atmosphere.

Li Junhao poured white wine for himself, while Sang Xiaoyu drank red wine.

Li Junhao asked how much she can drink?
Sang Xiaoyu proudly said red wine, a bottle should be fine.

Li Junhao said that luckily I bought two bottles, I didn't expect you to finish it in one day, I'll come back tomorrow.

Li Junhao was obviously probing, and Sang Xiaoyu noncommittally said that the New Year is all about that, and it hurts to think about it.

Li Junhao was afraid that she would think of sad things, so he said that it was the New Year, and he was not allowed to say such unhappy words.

Sang Xiaoyu said, what shall we say?
Li Junhao said you should speak first.

Sang Xiaoyu just laughed and said let's play a game, guessing fist.

Li Junhao said punching is more enjoyable?

Sang Xiaoyu said she would not.

The two started guessing, and they won Sang Xiaoyu. Li Junhao quit, saying are you lazy?Sang Xiaoyu asked him to produce evidence.

Li Junhao said to change one, let's tell a joke, if the other party doesn't laugh, you have to drink.

Sang Xiaoyu thought that telling jokes during the Chinese New Year was just right for the occasion, so he said you should tell it first, I don’t know much, and I don’t have much sense of humor, and emphasized that if there is color in the jokes told, then they will be punished to the end.

Li Junhao spoke without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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