Chapter 157 Jokes
Lee Jun-ho starts telling the story:

He said: "There was a big boss who came out of a high-rise hotel after dinner, surrounded by five or six bodyguards, and he was leading his pet dog.

Just as they were about to get into the luxury car, a man jumped out of the shadows and shot the dog. The shot was so accurate that it hit the head directly.

The bodyguard caught someone fleeing, and the boss slapped him, saying that you don’t want to live anymore. This dog is worth more than your life. Can you afford it?

Let me ask you, we are strangers, do you have any grudge against my dog?

The man who was like a thug didn't say anything about beating him to death at first, but the bodyguard started to attack hard. He finally said that someone hired him for 30 yuan, and the original words were to kill you...

The big boss thought for a full minute before he realized it, he hugged the killer tightly in his arms, thanked his Chinese teacher thousands of times, and said he would give him 1 yuan as a reward..."

Sang Xiaoyu laughed so hard that she couldn't even say it was impossible, and even said...

Li Junhao didn't smile at all after he finished speaking, he looked at Sang Xiaoyu who couldn't help laughing and said you don't go online?Don't you have a lot of computers in your factory? There are so many jokes like this on the Internet.

Sang Xiaoyu kept laughing, saying how could she have time to read jokes online.

Li Junhao said, there is no other way, let's drink.

When Sang Xiaoyu finished drinking, Li Junhao urged her to talk, and Sang Xiaoyu said that what she said might not be funny.

Li Junhao said that it’s okay if it’s not funny, just drink it.

Sang Xiaoyu started talking: "Just like you, there is a big boss whose money is locked up in the stock market. The market fell sharply two days ago, and his own stocks plummeted. He had a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital.

The strange thing about doctors and doctors is that they seldom see his wife appearing, and even if they do appear, they are always indifferent.

One day, the wife came again with her younger sister. The boss was in a semi-comatose state. The younger sister persuaded: "He's already like this, so don't worry about it. Be nice to him, or else you will be in front of the children." I can't justify it.

The madam said that he was too much, flirting with the little secretary, it must be because of their quarrel that brought him to the hospital, and I don't bother to care about him.

At this time, a young and beautiful head nurse came in with a tray, said to take good care of it, and if there was anything to do, she would ring the bell, and left after speaking.

At this moment, the man suddenly stretched his hand forward and shouted vaguely: Shanghai stock market is up!Shanghai stock market rose! ! ! .

Madam was so angry that she stepped forward and slapped her across the face, saying: You are too shameless, you collapsed on the hospital bed, and hooked up with the head nurse again, no wonder it’s not good-looking, you don’t plan to go back..."

As soon as Sang Xiaoyu finished speaking, she burst out laughing, and then looked at Li Junhao proudly.

Li Junhao looked at her seriously, without smiling at all.

Sang Xiaoyu's smile froze on his face, and he said: "You lazy, you don't laugh at such a funny joke, I won't tell it."

Li Junhao said: "I won't say whether it's funny or not. The problem is that you fouled."

Sang Xiaoyu asked suspiciously: "Where is the foul?"

Li Junhao said: "Isn't this considered colored?"

Sang Xiaoyu was annoyed by him, and said to stop messing around, but ended up having another drink by herself.

They drank more and more happily, and before they knew it, both bottles of wine reached the bottom.

I don't know who among them mentioned the past first, but Sang Xiaoyu said that the first time he asked him to borrow money, he was drinking alone at home and eating with great relish.

Li Junhao just laughed, saying that she was already a pauper at that time, and she still put on airs and refused to ask for money.

Sang Xiaoyu said why didn't you say that you were going to take advantage of others?
Li Junhao asked curiously, saying that if I really gave you...would you agree?

Sang Xiaoyu was silent for a long time, saying that she didn't know her mentality at that time, she was stunned by the money, at that time, as long as she could give her money to call her ancestors, she would do.

Li Junhao said that he was lucky to donate generously at that time, otherwise, there would have been no intersection between them...

Sang Xiaoyu asked if he could not talk about these sad things?Today is New Year's Eve.

Li Junhao immediately changed the subject, talked about his childhood, and asked him if he still remembered the most annoying big head in the yard?

Sang Xiaoyu said how could he not remember, at that time he was always bullying me, fortunately you were protecting me.

Li Junhao said how many people did he offend in order to protect her?He explained that he couldn't beat the big head, but seeing him bullying Sang Xiaoyu just couldn't do it.

Ask yourself if you were a special hero at that time, did you always admire it?
Sang Xiaoyu said that she was still young at that time and didn't know what worship was.

Li Junhao said that once he threatened Datou that he would beat Sang Xiaoyu if he dared to bully Sang Xiaoyu.

Sang Xiaoyu suddenly laughed out of control again, saying that he remembered Li Junhao holding an old wooden pistol and wearing a hero in his waist.

Li Junhao also laughed, saying that we two are really good, and it is not easy to maintain our friendship since we were young.

Sang Xiaoyu also nodded in approval.

Li Junhao also said that since he was sensible, that is, he understood the relationship between men and women, the first person was Sang Xiaoyu, and all his adolescent dreams were Sang Xiaoyu.

He asked Sang Xiaoyu who was the first boyfriend she met?
Sang Xiaoyu thought about it for a long time, and said that when she was in elementary school, she had a good impression of a physical education teacher, and when she was in physical education class, her emotions were high.

A few times when the teacher didn't come, I looked lost, but I don't know if it's the love between men and women you mentioned.

Li Junhao asked him if he didn't talk about it when he was in junior high school or high school?

Sang Xiaoyu shook her head, and said that it's not like you don't know how good I was at studying at that time, and I devoted all my mind to studying.

Li Junhao asked her incredulously that her first love was her current husband?

Sang Xiaoyu nodded and said that it was Cheng Weize.

Li Junhao asked her if she really didn't have a heart for Jiang Chunhui?
Sang Xiaoyu shook her head and said, "At least not at all when I was in school, it's hard to say now, all kinds of things are mixed together, it's touching."

Li Junhao said: "It feels so bad, you don't even know if you like it or not."

Sang Xiaoyu said with deep emotion: "No matter what others say, I just say that my mind is not here. I just want to start a business."

Li Junhao asked puzzledly: "You have no foreign debts now, why are you still working so hard?"

Sang Xiaoyu shook his head and said: "That's not the case at all. I have more debts. If possible, I want to pay off all the money from Jiang Chunhui and Cheng Weize. Only then will I know what I really want. What is it.

After all, I still owe them both money, Cheng Weize's money is considered my due, but from my heart, I want to pay him back, let alone Jiang Chunhui's. "

Li Junhao looked at her with admiration and said: "You say that, why do I feel that you are suddenly respectful in front of me?"

Sang Xiaoyu said, "Isn't it?"

Li Junhao patted his head and said: "Now add the word more."

(End of this chapter)

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