Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 158 Emergency telegram

Chapter 158 Emergency Calls

Li Junhao drank very quickly. He said that he liked her since he was a child. He didn't feel much about her when he was in elementary school. It was different when he was in junior high school. My youthful memories are all about you, and I really like you.

He asked the same question as Jiang Chunhui, asking, do you like me at all?

Sang Xiaoyu shook her head.

Li Junhao said to himself: "I really like you, but don't get me wrong, it's not now.

How many dreams I had for you back then. Needless to say, the first wife was too old to find, but now this wife, she really looks like you. "

Sang Xiaoyu asked in surprise: "Like me? Where is it like me?"

Li Junhao said: "It's not that I look like you, I feel that my personality is especially like you."

Sang Xiaoyu shook her head and said, "I don't think I have a good personality, and now my temper is getting worse."

Li Junhao didn't answer her words, but recalled all kinds of good things about his wife. When it came to the emotional part, Li Junhao's mood fluctuated a little.

Sang Xiaoyu understood that he still hasn't gotten out of the shadow of losing his wife. He came here just to find someone to talk to, and Li Junhao drank the whole bottle before he knew it.

He asked Sang Xiaoyu if he had any wine left?Sang Xiaoyu said that she had never bought one, probably not.

The small supermarkets outside were all closed, and Li Junhao felt that it was not enough, so he took a sip of red wine and said it was boring, so he ran to Sang Xiaoyu's refrigerator and looked through it.

Sang Xiaoyu said that even if there was wine, it was impossible to put it in the refrigerator. After speaking, he followed his mother to the small cabinet where the gifts were kept. There was still wine, and it was Wuliangye.

You don't need to ask to know that Jiang Chunhui took it. This guy's favorite is Wuliangye.

Sang Xiaoyu originally planned to persuade him not to drink, now is the time to go home, but when he thought about it, let himself indulge for a while, drink enough.

How many Spring Festivals have passed, and no one is as happy as today. For the first time, Sang Xiaoyu feels really refreshed after drinking too much.

When Li Junhao saw Wuliangye, he regretted repeatedly, saying that he was blinded by drinking such a good wine.

Li Junhao opened Wuliangye and asked Sang Xiaoyu to have a small cup, saying that the wine was absolutely delicious, and it was very delicious.

Sang Xiaoyu shook her head, saying that she was allergic to liquor and fell asleep after taking a sip.

Li Junhao said that it would be great if he had such a stinky problem. He said that he has severe insomnia now, and sometimes he can't sleep all night.

Sang Xiaoyu said that it will be fine after this period of time, and she has also gone through this period of purgatory.

Li Junhao was silent in the wine, and Sang Xiaoyu also felt confused about the future. She said that she was very afraid of the night, and she was so busy during the day that she didn't have time to think about her thoughts. At night, she really didn't know where the future was.

The two have a sympathy for each other.

Sang Xiaoyu raised her wine glass, already drank a little too much, she said: "We are both degenerate people in the world, why should we know each other when we meet again, today you and I are bosom friends, we won't return until we're drunk."

Li Junhao also got emotional, saying: "We are confidantes for a lifetime, it is just that when a bosom friend is drunk, a thousand cups are too small, and the money will come back after all the money is gone."

Li Junhao found that he was also quite smart and could keep up right away.

The two sang to each other over wine, talking about the geometry of life.

Li Junhao said that for men, the pain is only temporary, and it is different from women.

I also thank Sang Xiaoyu for never leaving him during his most difficult time.

Sang Xiaoyu smiled and said to each other.

Li Junhao thinks about it too. Like himself, she has been emotionally traumatized. Now she has to do business and take care of the elderly and children. It is difficult to live alone.

He gradually understood that having Jiang Chunhui beside Sang Xiaoyu was also a kind of comfort to her.

Li Junhao still drank half of the bottle of Wuliangye, and couldn't drink anymore, and fell asleep sitting on the chair. Sang Xiaoyu called him several times and he didn't even open his eyes.

Sang Xiaoyu had no choice but to help him onto the bed, and took off his shoes. The smell of his feet made Sang Xiaoyu instinctively cover his nose.

Sang Xiaoyu originally planned to let him into the hut, so that it wouldn't matter if someone came, but he was like a dead pig, he couldn't be dragged.

Sang Xiaoyu had no choice but to put him on the bed, and thought for a long time, but didn't cover him with a quilt.

After thinking about it, she decided to call a basin of warm water to wash her feet. She really couldn't bear the smell in the room, and she was even more afraid that her quilt would be stinky by the smell of his feet.

Sang Xiaoyu herself was in a daze, but she washed Li Junhao's feet and wiped them clean before covering him with the quilt.

In the middle, Zhao Chunling came once. She said that she was ordered by her mother to give her New Year greetings and bring her something to eat.

Seeing Li Junhao, she asked in a puzzled way, "Isn't this my Uncle Li? Why is he here?"

Sang Xiaoyu stared at her fiercely and said, "Don't talk nonsense, he came to accompany me."

Zhao Chunling put down the things in her hands and said, "Where's Mr. Jiang?"

"Going abroad."

"Sister Xiaoyu, you are really good. After Mr. Jiang left, Mr. Li came. Mr. Cheng did not invite you..."

What else did Sang Xiaoyu say, but Zhao Chunling ran away in a hurry.

Sang Xiaoyu looked at the sound of firecrackers outside one after another, and she was not even in the mood to watch TV.

The community where my mother lives is mostly poor people, and there is no distance between the poor people. They rely on helping each other to get by, and whoever has less oil and salt can just take whatever they want.

Afraid that another neighbor would come over and she would not be able to explain it, she simply tidied up, turned off the lights, and went to the hut to sleep.

Just after twelve o'clock.

Jiang Chunhui called. At this time, the sound of firecrackers outside made Sang Xiaoyu almost unable to hear anything. Jiang Chunhui asked her what she was doing?
Sang Xiaoyu said loudly that she was going to sleep.

Sang Xiaoyu couldn't hear what Jiang Chunhui asked again, so she had no choice but to hang up her phone and send a text message to wish a happy Chinese New Year.

Sang Xiaoyu sent a message of congratulations, but she fell asleep at some point, and when she woke up the next day, it was almost eight o'clock, and Li Junhao had long since disappeared.

On the morning of the first day of the new year, Sang Xiaoyu wanted to clean up the house. Her mother was getting old, so the so-called cleaning was just to clean the surface.

Sang Xiaoyu wanted to clean up thoroughly, but she really had nothing to do.

The building is about to come down, and the things in the house are accumulating more and more, and my mother is reluctant to throw away everything. If I really throw it away, my mother will still blame her when she comes back.

Sang Xiaoyu planned to clean up thoroughly, but there were too many things, many of which were unusable before, but her mother regarded them as treasures, and Sang Xiaoyu didn't dare to move, and her heart to clean up was half discouraged.

Sang Xiaoyu, who had nothing to do, thought of the duty schedule that Zhao Chunling had arranged for him, and felt a little worried when he wanted to go to the factory to have a look when he was free.

Just as I was cooking, the phone rang, and it was Cheng Weiting.

Cheng Weiting's tone was very urgent, and she was asked to go to a small supermarket. If there is nothing to do, she must come right away.

Sang Xiaoyu asked her what's the matter?Said that she didn't even eat food, Cheng Weiting said that I prepared it for you, and you will know when you come.

Sang Xiaoyu had no choice. According to what she said, she took a taxi when she went out.

When they arrived at the supermarket, Cheng Weiting turned around anxiously. Seeing her coming, she hurriedly pulled her to the door, and said anxiously, "I saw him go in this time. There must be something wrong this time."

Sang Xiaoyu was confused when he heard this, and asked: "What's the matter, what's wrong with who?"

(End of this chapter)

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