Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 171 1 family is happy and 1 family is sad

Chapter 171
The owners of the original steamed stuffed bun shop had already changed their careers and opened a larger breakfast shop. They took the opportunity to promote their breakfast shop and said a lot of good things for Sang Xiaoyu.

Facing the camera being interviewed, the boss and his wife ordered ten boxes in one go.

Sang Xiaoyu reunited with the proprietress's wife again. Although it was only a few years, it seemed like a century.

Facing the booming sales, Sang Xiaoyu was the absolute beneficiary, but one person was hurt.

This person is Cheng Weize.

Cheng Weize really saw this topic.

To be honest, he was touched. He already knew about Sang Xiaoyu's affairs from his sister's mouth, but when her incident appeared in the form of pictures, Cheng Weize was still shocked.

He felt that he really owed Sang Xiaoyu, and his 40 could not make up for the suffering she had suffered in these years.

But when a good reporter found Cheng Weize, he felt that things had changed.

The reporter got to the bottom of it, and asked him again and again what he thought at the time?

I heard that you and your wife have always had a very good relationship. Why did you abandon your helpless wife when the disaster was approaching?Please tell me about your inner feelings about such heartless and unjust things. Is it true that the husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest and fly separately when disaster is imminent?
Cheng Weize was silent at first, then he opened his mouth to scold when he talked too much, and finally hid...

Cheng Weize bought a house and was about to move. Seeing the reporter's stalking, he even hid out. He ran to a hotel and got a room.

Not only the reporters, but also some good-natured people who inquired about him everywhere, saying that they would give him some flair. Is this still a man? He ran away after something happened...

Cheng Weize went crazy with anger. He didn't understand why there were so many people who were full and had nothing to do these days, asking for news about him, and some people said that they would go to Fujian to investigate the matter of his working there. Dig three feet to reveal his true colors.

Family members were also affected.

Because the mother's house was also found, there was nothing they couldn't find out these days, and his family also became the subject of interviews.

This is a history that makes Cheng Weize unbearable, and it is also the past that his family is most unwilling to face, but people often say that a mistake will cause eternal hatred, who made you make a mistake.

Cheng Weize stayed in the hotel for three full days. Whenever there was a sound in the corridor outside the door, he couldn't help but "jump" up from the bed, and ran to the door mirror in fear, wondering if there was someone looking for someone outside again. He is a man of good deeds.

Cheng Weize was frightened. A man walked into the wrong room by mistake at night and knocked hard on his door.

Cheng Weize, who was half asleep and half awake, was so frightened that he put the quilt on his head, and was a little shocked.

Cheng Weize couldn't stay any longer, so he ran to the seasoning factory in a panic.

This is Cheng Weize's second visit.

There has been a huge change from the first time here, but after careful observation, I feel that this change is not a change caused from the bones, but a superficial effort to whitewash the peace.

On the way to the office, a neatly manicured lawn popped up at some point, and it was just improvised for shooting.

He didn't want to watch any more, and went to Sang Xiaoyu angrily, and said that you want to put gold on your face and I won't stop you, but why did you make me ashamed?
He also said, saying that you stand on the commanding heights of morality every day and accuse me every day, don't you feel particularly uncomfortable?

When the reporter found him, Cheng Weize was furious. Seeing that Sang Xiaoyu was fine now, he was even more angry. After several nights of fermentation, he felt that what he said was the result of careful consideration .

Sang Xiaoyu was indifferent, the expression on his face didn't even change slightly.

This made Cheng Weize even more mad.

He said, I have already found a good place for my hotel, you know the name is still Lulu Xiaozhu, do you want me to close the hotel before it even opens?
Do you know that Lulu Xiaozhu is the pain in my heart, I must make this matter real, this is a man's responsibility.

Sang Xiaoyu said that it is also the pain in my heart, since it is pain, don't touch it, none of us can recover, Lulu Xiaozhu is synonymous with suffering, let this "accident" just disappear like this.

"I would like to, but what about you? Are you trying to get rid of me?"

Sang Xiaoyu said: "Does it have that much influence on you? You won't change your name again? Why make yourself uncomfortable?"

It was the first time Sang Xiaoyu saw him so angry, she said that she only said that her husband ran away when the accident happened, she said that she didn't say a second word, and many things in the report were not said by herself, they were all supernatural powers The reporter found someone to interview by himself, and I didn't expect things to develop like this.

Cheng Weize said why did you expose your own suffering? Did the pain in the past become the seasoning for your current hype?
Sang Xiaoyu said that what she had to face was her own past, she never thought of drawing others into this circle, and she really hoped that the seasoning factory could climb to a new level.

She is not a celebrity, and she has no scandals to entertain, so she can only use her own suffering as the bottom line...

Cheng Weize said that it was over for him this time, and that it was a good thing he didn't pay the money. If he did, he would never let Sang Xiaoyu go so easily.

Sang Xiaoyu said sorry, she said that she really didn't think well.

Cheng Weize saying I'm sorry can dissolve my hard work for nearly half a year?
Sang Xiaoyu was also not happy, saying that I told a fact, you did run away, and I am responsible for this sentence.

Cheng Weize said with great anger: "Don't always take this matter as an arrow, what can you do? You are opening a factory now, if you don't have my money, can you do it?

I also gave you the money, even if there is a big thing I'm sorry for you, I don't think it's interesting to mention it all the time. "

Sang Xiaoyu said: "What you want to think is your own business. I just said what I wanted to say. You took the money, but you should. What do you mean I also took the money? This restaurant has nothing to do with you? "

Cheng Weize said: "I should, but I don't have to take it. What will happen to you if I don't take it?"

Sang Xiaoyu said: "Whether you take it or not is your own business. I didn't force you. If you talk about it, it will be the most boring."

Cheng Weize said: "Anyway, it's meaningless now, I shouldn't come back, and wishful thinking to relive old dreams with you, you, on the surface nothing has changed, but you have long since become unrecognizable in your bones."

Cheng Weize found that Sang Xiaoyu had changed in a day or two. She used to like to speak softly even when encountering big things. She is still like this now, but deep down she is different.

She still speaks in a soft voice, both demeanor and self-restraint, but she shows a sharp-tongued side, and what she says is worth ten thousand sentences.

(End of this chapter)

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