Chapter 172 trivial
Facing the eloquent Sang Xiaoyu, Cheng Weize felt that he was no longer his opponent.

But he was not reconciled, so he said:

"I heard that Jiang is getting divorced. What are you pretending to do? It's so boring. Since he's so rich, he can't afford it long ago. It's so boring to have to waste so many things."

Sang Xiaoyu said disdainfully: "You judge others from your own narrowest angle. I don't think this restaurant will go far if it doesn't open."

Cheng Weize rolled his eyes in anger, and said, "It's up to you, do you now feel that you are the omnipotent big boss?
Be sober, if you don't have that bastard surnamed Jiang, you are nothing, you can't understand the tricks of foxes and tigers, and you still think you are great. "

Sang Xiaoyu said seriously: "It's my ability to have him behind me, do you also want to find a background board like this?"

Seeing that she was getting more and more indifferent now, Cheng Weize said, "It's really wonderful why you don't let the elites of the TV station report your relationship.

Being entangled with a married man, I heard that he was kidnapped, this is also a hot topic on TV, why don't you promote it?That way, your material will sell better.

If you are embarrassed to say, I will break the news to them right now. "

Sang Xiaoyu felt that the words were not speculative, so she said: "Why are you so boring? Let's go, we have nothing to say, if you are not Ziqiao's father, you are the person I don't want to see in my life."

Cheng Weize said angrily: "If you don't see it, you will see it. You are not a woman who loves flowers when everyone sees them. Since you don't want to see me, don't think about our family anymore. Aren't you kind? Why do you want to encourage me?" What about my sister getting divorced?"

Sang Xiaoyu asked in surprise: "Who said I was instigating it? Am I that kind of person?"

"Did you know it yourself? Don't attack our family just to get revenge on me."

Sang Xiaoyu was so angry that she was speechless, and it took her a long time to point to Cheng Weize and say: "Cheng, the person I don't want to see the last time is you, you'd better stay away from me, and don't lose the little goodwill you have left." It wears off."

"I know that the person you hate the most now is me, but don't forget, your favorite child, that's my seed..."

Sang Xiaoyu was so angry that she couldn't speak. Fortunately, Cheng Weiting came over. Seeing her brother and Sang Xiaoyu arguing, she asked what was wrong.

Sang Xiaoyu just said what he just said.

Cheng Weiting said: "Brother, don't wrong her, it's not the same thing. My business has nothing to do with her."

Cheng Weize said that she has grown her brains for nothing, and now she actually tells others about herself, what a wonderful marriage, how can you listen to her?
Cheng Weiting said that if you talk nonsense again, I will ignore you, which is not what you think.

Cheng Weize said that if our mother found out, she wouldn't have eaten you.

Cheng Weiting quickly waved her hand, saying don't show your mouth, and keep it as long as you can.

Before Cheng Weize left, he said that Sang Xiaoyu was so powerful that he had brainwashed his sister.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't have room to explain at all, and she didn't have the heart to explain. There were too many things she had to be responsible for next.

The effect of the TV station is obvious, sales have started to soar again, and Sang Xiaoyu has put into production again, naturally he is full of joy.

Jiang Chunhui didn't know about Fei Jiani until a month later, he was so angry that he couldn't speak, he asked Sang Xiaoyu, is he really so childish?
Could Fei Jiani really help her now?She may be holding back something bad when she comes here, how can you take it so lightly?
Sang Xiaoyu said that she has been working for more than a month, and she has done a good job.

Jiang Chunhui said that these are all illusions, you...

Jiang Chunhui felt that Sang Xiaoyu was a little unreasonable. He felt that this was definitely a matter of principle. This was a question of the future direction of the seasoning factory.

Sang Xiaoyu said that was so exaggerated, but only one person was used.

Jiang Chunhui said that this is your depth. Don't underestimate a person. Someone who uses an available person will bring unexpected prospects to the company, but if you use the wrong person, it will be a disaster.

Sang Xiaoyu said that he was making a big fuss, but it was too late for Jiang Chunhui to regret what happened.

Sang Xiaoyu insisted on going her own way, saying that she was not a core member, but just an ordinary outside salesman, what big deal could she achieve?
Jiang Chunhui knew that he couldn't convince her, and after knowing Cheng Weiting, he also said: "Do you know that family businesses will not have core competitiveness in the future. If you really want to expand the scale, these people will imprison your development. At that time, do you want to dismiss these people?"

Sang Xiaoyu said that she didn't think too much about it, and she took every step she took.

Ever since Jiang Chunhui got Gao Miaoyu, he felt that Sang Xiaoyu was nothing more than that, and even felt that she was a bit of a chicken rib. He had spent so much effort on her, but nothing was achieved.

This chicken rib is so mysterious that even Cao Cao can't do anything about it.

No matter how tender and sweet he is by Gao Miaoyu's side, as long as he is free, he will think of Sang Xiaoyu, and will compare Gao Miaoyu with Sang Xiaoyu for no reason.

The result of the comparison is always Sang Xiaoyu wins.

He concluded that he loves Sang Xiaoyu for sure, and there is also some resentment if he doesn't get it, but if he blackmails someone in this life, if he can blackmail her internal organs, she will never want to run away in this life.

But Sang Xiaoyu is a special existence. Whether it is material or warmth, he has tried it all, but he is just tepid, like an old cow and a broken car, and he has no state to evolve.

What he likes most about Sang Xiaoyu is that he looks like a noble princess and works like a desperate Saburo.

These two completely different qualities are perfectly integrated in Sang Xiaoyu's body, without any violation.

Sang Xiaoyu is still busy.

She didn't feel at all what happened between herself and Jiang Chunhui, and she didn't feel too much about his long absence from her home or asking her to have dinner.

On the contrary, it is the mother.

She said why she hadn't seen Jiang Chunhui since she came back from Sanya?

Sang Xiaoyu said that he is also a busy man.

The mother tried to call Jiang Chunhui and asked him to come to the house for a light meal, and said that he hadn't been here since he lived in the new house.

Jiang Chunhui shied away at first, but his mother insisted, so Jiang Chunhui came reluctantly.

He liked Sang Xiaoyu's family very much, especially her mother, who really regarded herself as a son, but Sang Xiaoyu's lukewarm behavior made him feel a lot of dissatisfaction.

Jiang Chunhui thought that he had ignored Sang Xiaoyu for more than two months, and only talked a few times on the phone, but she never took the initiative to find him once, and she didn't take herself seriously.

If Sang Xiaoyu's mother hadn't insisted, he wouldn't have compromised.

Sang Xiaoyu lives upstairs and downstairs with her mother.

Sang Xiaoyu lives on the fourth floor, and her mother lives on the third floor, and her mother's house is also bigger.

Jiang Chunhui came to his mother's room downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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