Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 179 Misfortunes Never Come Alone

Chapter 179 Misfortunes Never Come Alone
Although Sang Xiaoyu said that he has not been in business for a long time, he is self-taught when it comes to accounting. He just puts the money on the account and returns the money to others after being reviewed by others.

So I asked, "Is it reliable?"

Wang Ximo said: "It's absolutely reliable. If it's not reliable, I wouldn't dare to find you. It's not a day or two since I cooperated with them. Now they suddenly asked me to deposit 200 million in the account. I mortgaged the house. It's still not enough. 50.

This project is a life-saving straw for me. I have not been following up for a day or two. I have spent all my efforts on it. You only need to help me for a week, and I will return the money immediately. "

Sang Xiaoyu was a little hesitant, she said: "Did you investigate me secretly? I only have 50 in my book now, but this [-]..."

Before Sang Xiaoyu could say anything further, Wang Ximo immediately cupped his hands and said, "Thank God, you really have 50, I'm not afraid that you won't lend it to me, but I'm afraid that you don't have any money in your account.

Xiaoyu, we are classmates, I don't want to talk about what I did when you had an accident, I am desperate now, this project is a chance for me to come back to life.

I have already borrowed 150 million yuan, and I only need 50 yuan to save my life. Xiaoyu, I don't want to talk about the friendship in the past. For the sake of begging you today, please help me. "

Wang Ximo pleaded with tears.

Sang Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed. Her eyes were covered by long eyelashes, hiding a lot of hesitation that was difficult to express. She said with difficulty: "The 50 yuan is not a pure profit. I want to buy goods and pay wages to the workers." ..."

Wang Ximo cupped his hands again and immediately said: "There is no problem with these, just postpone it for a week. I told them that I only gave them three days. They said a week, but I won't really wait a week."

Sang Xiaoyu was in a dilemma, and her heart was pounding. She regretted that she had revealed the account first. If she hadn't, she wouldn't be in such a dilemma now.

She asked suspiciously: "Is this really reliable? What should I do if something happens? I am not alone now, and there are so many employees in the whole factory waiting for my salary."

Wang Ximo patted his chest and said, "Xiaoyu, if you don't believe anyone, you have to believe in me. Do you think I'm such an unreliable person? I came to you because I believed in you."

Sang Xiaoyu's feeling towards Wang Ximo was that he was a bit unreliable.

He has not graduated from university for a few years, but he may not be able to count how many things he has done in entrepreneurship, but what can he do? Not only are they classmates, but he has helped himself more than once.

Sang Xiaoyu thought for a while, decided to kick the ball, and said, "Why don't you let Jiang Chunhui borrow it, I think you two have a very good relationship."

Wang Ximo sneered and said, "Do you think you understand him? He is generous with you. Let alone 50, he would not agree to [-]. You still don't know him too well. He Not a generous man.

Xiao Yu, let's not talk about others. I came to you after thinking about everyone I could think of. As long as I have some other way out, I definitely won't come to you. Trust me once, and I will come to you in the future. pay back to you. "

Speaking of this, I have already revealed the bottom of 50, and Sang Xiaoyu is a little bit stuck.

Sang Xiaoyu had no choice but to say: "This factory belongs to me, but I'm not the only one who has the final say. I'll ask the deputy factory manager."

Sang Xiaoyu didn't wait for him to reply, opened the door and went to find Sister Wei.

Zhao Chunling was in the corridor, saying that Sister Wei went to the wholesale point.

Only then did Sang Xiaoyu remember what they said just now, so she asked Zhao Chunling to call Sister Wei immediately.

Sang Xiaoyu brought Wang Ximo to the accounting room, and Zhao Chunling said sullenly, "There's only a little money on the books, so there's no need to check it."

Sang Xiaoyu persisted.

Zhao Chunling picked up the ledger and said, "There are still 55 yuan on the book, 810 to the soy sauce factory, [-] to the label printing company, and [-] to the plastic factory for bottles..."

Sang Xiaoyu interrupted her and said, "Just tell me, how much money do you still owe outside?"

Zhao Chunling said: "Counting the money paid to the workers, it is at least nearly 30."

Sang Xiaoyu was a little anxious, and asked Zhao Chunling why the soy sauce factory owed so much money and didn't pay it back?

Zhao Chunling was also dissatisfied and said, "It's all Sister Wei's idea, I have to make up [-] before paying."

Wang Ximo said anxiously: "Don't worry about other people's business, I guarantee that after taking the money for a week, you will get a lot of money, no, I will give you another [-] as compensation."

Only then did Zhao Chunling understand Wang Ximo's intentions, and immediately said, "Factory Manager Sang, this is not acceptable. We only have this little money in the factory. If it is given to someone else, why don't the debtors come to the door to ask for the debt?"

Sang Xiaoyu walked back and forth in the room with a helpless expression on her face. She never believed that Wang Ximo would lie to her, but felt that the risk was too great.

She said as if discussing: "Let me lend you 20 yuan first, otherwise my factory will also stop working, I can't let myself have no money to buy it, can I?
If we don't hand over the payment for the goods, we will be without rice. "

Wang Ximo glanced at his watch anxiously and said, "Xiaoyu, I took 20 yuan, where can I get the 30 yuan now? How many times can I tell you before you can believe me, it's really no problem, there is no problem at all."

Sang Xiaoyu said: "Why don't I call Jiang Chunhui and ask Jiang Chunhui, if he can help you with 30 yuan, won't all this be resolved?"

Wang Ximo said anxiously with a pale face: "Impossible! Xiaoyu, I used to ask him to borrow money. At that time, I opened a small company and needed to turn around the funds, and I only borrowed [-] yuan.

Not only did he not lend me, he also refused to let me continue to invest, and he also said that in the future, we should not worry about borrowing money. It is true that we are classmates, but when it comes to borrowing money, the relationship will fade..."

Sang Xiaoyu was speechless, Jiang Chunhui didn't leave any room for others.

I absolutely can't do it myself.

Zhao Chunling couldn't stand it any longer, saying that the money couldn't be moved for a single penny, and there would be endless troubles if it was moved, and those who wanted to pay would not break the threshold.

You, her classmate, must know what sister Xiao Yu has experienced, you don't want her to suffer again, do you?After finishing speaking, he kept staring at Wang Ximo, hoping that he would retreat in the face of difficulties.

Sang Xiaoyu is Wang Ximo's life-saving straw. He is now a drowning man, and Sang Xiaoyu has become his ray of hope.

Wang Ximo was silent in his own world, he was determined to get the 50 yuan, no matter what method he used, she didn't listen to a word of Zhao Chunling's words.

Fortunately, Miss Wei is back.

Sang Xiaoyu went straight to the point and told the whole story of Wang Ximo, and Sister Wei exploded on the spot.

With a livid face, she looked at Sang Xiaoyu incomprehensibly, feeling that this was not something a mature person could say at all.

She said that no matter whether this matter is true or false, they cannot take such a risk. This is a factory, and it is an enterprise related to the livelihood of many people.

Wang Ximo said that it would only be a few days. Could it be that he would die instead of saving him?

(End of this chapter)

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