Chapter 180
Sister Wei was very angry in the face of Wang Ximo's unreasonable three-point argument. She continued to say to Sang Xiaoyu, saying that this is not a child's play. We are all operating on this little money now. Donate money from your family to support your classmates, right?
She said that if we have 500 million now, I will not stop it and I am not qualified to stop it, but we only have such a small amount of money. Do you want to use your wealth to help others?

If others don't help, we are also ruined. We have seen a lot of people dying, haven't you heard of it?
Sister Wei was a little out of choice, she was so angry at Sang Xiaoyu's innocence.

Wang Ximo said that he neither borrowed nor asked for it, but only for a few days.

Sister Wei said that this is the most unreliable thing, you say it's cheating, but what should we do if something really happens?
Wang Ximo said that if something happened, I would bear it alone. Do you need to remind me?

Sister Wei said how would I remind you, I was telling our factory manager that such things are unreliable and cannot be done.

Wang Ximo looked at Sang Xiaoyu puzzled and said, "My old classmate, does this factory belong to you? If you don't want to lend it to me, just tell me, is this play interesting?"

Sang Xiaoyu said: "You misunderstood, I am not acting, although the factory is not big, but I am very concerned about production, I really don't care too much about finance and accounting, they are the specific executors, I don't know who they should ask?"

Wang Ximo also lost his patience and said, "Are you going to borrow it or not? If not, I'll leave. Sang Xiaoyu, if you don't, I won't make it difficult for you. If you have one now, don't help me. I'm really sorry." I have nothing to say.

Think about it, how I treated you before, can I deceive you about our relationship? "

Sang Xiaoyu said: "Ximo, I will never think that you deceived me, but what if the company behind you is unreliable?"

Wang Ximo said: "Do you know the house I live in now? I bought a duplex. It cost more than 60 yuan. Now it is the best location in Meilanjiang. If you are really worried, I will mortgage the house to you." How are you?"

Sister Wei said, "You have the determination to bet on the house, why don't you just bet on it?"

Wang Ximo said: "Isn't this a temporary decision? I want to sell the house now, can I sell it within three days? And now there is only the last day left."

Sister Wei said: "Don't try to persuade me anymore, we won't agree, you can go, if you spend a few thousand yuan, you can still help."

No one expected that the gentle and personable Wang Ximo, who was bookish from head to toe, suddenly knelt at Sang Xiaoyu's feet, covered his face and said in pain:
"Xiaoyu, if it wasn't for today, and if you were the only one with 50 yuan, I really wouldn't have come to you, so just help me this time, and I'll repay you like a horse in the future. I'm a man and I'll do what I say."

Wang Ximo, who just said that he would leave without borrowing money, this sudden move scared both Sister Wei and Zhao Chunling. Looking at Sang Xiaoyu again, there was an obvious change in her face.

After Sister Wei knew it, she was moved.

At this moment, Sang Xiaoyu suddenly thought of the time when she was in despair. At that time, she wished she could steal and rob for money, and the shocking scenes of the past were repeated...

Without even thinking about it, she pulled Wang Ximo up, and said with a serious face: "Stop talking, I agree, and I will take care of it if something happens. Zhao Chunling, write him a check."

Zhao Chunling was taken aback for a moment, and immediately looked at Sister Wei.

Sister Wei said with a serious face: "Xiao Yu, don't be emotional, I firmly disagree!"

Sang Xiaoyu said with a livid face, "I am the director of the factory!"

Sang Xiaoyu turned her face to Zhao Chunling and said, "If you also recognize me as the factory director, write him the check right away. This is an order."

Zhao Chunling reluctantly took out the check book, and when she was about to write it, Sister Wei suddenly broke out and said, "Sang Xiaoyu, this is a factory, not a building block for playing games. Can you make the factory work well with your impulsiveness?"

Sang Xiaoyu said: "Sister Wei, I have always respected you very much. In this matter, you just let me be the master. If he hadn't reached the end of his life, he would never have come to beg me.

He has helped me countless times before, and I have decided to help him with this favor. Even if something really happened, I will fully bear it. "

Sister Wei pointed to Sang Xiaoyu's nose and said: "Sang Xiaoyu, listen to me, if the 50 is gone, your factory will die, if you insist on going your own way, don't blame me for not reminding you when you regret it." .”

Sang Xiaoyu couldn't listen to anything at the moment, she knew that the risk was too great, but she thought, isn't there still 50.00% okay?Why do you think of everyone so badly?
So he looked at Zhao Chunling again.

Knowing that the persuasion was fruitless, Sister Wei threw the key in her hand to the ground angrily and said, "I won't play with you anymore. If you want to destroy yourself, no one else can stop you."

Zhao Chunling stopped writing the check and looked at Sang Xiaoyu beseechingly.

Sang Xiaoyu later recalled that he didn't know what happened at that time, it seemed that something had possessed him, and Wang Ximo in front of him seemed to be his past self, how could he not reach out to help him?
Unmoved, she said loudly: "This factory is mine, open it, immediately!"

Sang Xiaoyu, who usually has no idea in front of Sister Wei, who is submissive like a pissed off daughter-in-law, once she speaks harshly like a storm, makes everyone in the room silent.

Zhao Chunling finally wrote out the check, and Wang Ximo took it gratefully, saying that he would do like a dog in the future...

Zhao Chunling asked him to write an IOU, and Wang Ximo also wrote the address of his family's house and the date of repayment on the IOU.

Wang Ximo ran out like a bereaved dog. He said that if he didn't see the money in two hours, his project would be ruined...

People left, and the house was surprisingly quiet.

Can even hear breathing.

A few onlookers left, leaving only her, Zhao Chunling, and the key that Sister Wei threw on the ground.

As soon as Wang Ximo left, Sang Xiaoyu's heart thumped. Zhao Chunling looked at Sang Xiaoyu's expression in particular, picked up the key and handed it to her without saying anything.

Sang Xiaoyu went back to her room and locked the door.

She thought very desperately that the 50 yuan might go to waste.

She didn't have any optimistic thoughts, but she didn't understand herself. She knew it was a trap, so why would she fall into it?Up to now, there is not even a fluke in my heart.

This sudden change made Sang Xiaoyu extremely desperate. She even felt that this relatively stable seasoning factory would have new changes, and it might even cease to exist.

I felt the same as Sister Wei from the beginning to the end, but why did I change my mind at the critical moment?Sang Xiaoyu couldn't convince herself either.

She trusted Wang Ximo, and until now she didn't think he would lie to her, but this matter was a bit unreliable.

(End of this chapter)

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