Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 2 Misfortunes Never Come Alone

Chapter 2 Misfortunes Never Come Alone
The news of Cheng Weize's escape spread like wildfire.Sang Xiaoyu was not mentally prepared for the coming disaster.She didn't believe it, she would never believe that the capable and responsible husband in her eyes would evaporate at such a juncture.

She dialed her husband's phone number, and the female voice inside kept repeating a sentence: "The number you dialed is temporarily unanswered, please call again later..."

Sang Xiaoyu found out that her husband really ran away and became a deserter on the battlefield, but she still didn't want to believe it, she was unresponsive and stood in the sun like a fool.

The fire couldn't be contained in the paper, and when people didn't see Cheng Weize appearing again, they all panicked.Sang Xiaoyu became their lifeline.

They walled off her home to a full extent.The family members of these patients, homeowners, wholesalers, and even personnel from the decoration company with the balance of the decoration all gathered together.

Sang Xiaoyu's home has become a big car shop, and this place is just like an office for welcoming and sending people. People treat her 24 hours a day like a flood, and strictly guard against it.I'm afraid that she will also run away like Cheng Weize.

It was rumored in private that the two had agreed that one would run first and the other would arrive later.

It is said that people have a nose and an eye, and it is frightening to hear.So they got together and went to the Public Security Bureau to monitor Sang Xiaoyu 24 hours a day.

No matter how she explained, her voice was drowned out in the roar of cursing.

There was also a supplier who knelt down at Sang Xiaoyu's feet and told her to settle her payment no matter what. He said that if there was no money, his shop would be closed.

One of the patient's family members came up and grabbed Sang Xiaoyu's hair and yelled at her, and another person came up behind her and slapped her twice.

Sang Xiaoyu's eyes were full of gold stars, and her ears were full of gold and iron horses. She fell in the chaos of the people...

It was already midnight when she woke up, and she found two policewomen.

I don't know who called the police. When the police arrived, the people calmed down.

Seeing her wake up, the policewoman handed her a glass of water and said, "No matter how hard it is, you have to endure it. Don't even think about running."

Sang Xiaoyu was speechless, she didn't want to run away, she wanted to die.She really wanted to say to the people who came to collect debts: If you want money, you will die.

But she couldn't say it out, Cheng Weize's escape angered everyone and shattered all her fantasies.She thought how the two of them could help each other through this most difficult period, but she didn't expect him to run away.

Compared with the disaster in front of her, Cheng Weize's escape hit her more fatally.

In any case, she did not believe that her husband, who had been through thick and thin with her, would leave behind his elderly parents and young children in the face of such a catastrophe...

The home no longer looks like a home, it is a bit like a theater, and she is the protagonist.Her joys, anger, sorrows and joys all tug at the heartstrings of the audience.

To be precise, the house is more like a mourning hall, filled with the atmosphere of destruction, she is more like a dying person, being looked up by a large group of people, all of them are sad and sad.Hope she can be brought back to life from the dying.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't dare to think about how the whole thing was handled. This was the biggest disaster she had encountered so far in the nearly 30 years of her life.

The troubles became more and more serious, and all kinds of vicious incidents happened from time to time. Her home became a free hotel, with 24-hour surveillance and no time for rest or consultation.Crisis followed one after another.

The hospital called every day to collect money, and the family members of the patients were even more worried.

Li Yiguo is the culprit, and the court has given a clear opinion, but at this time he is lying on the hospital bed, and he still has to bear the main responsibility.

They formed three shifts, working non-stop at the hospital and at her home.They brought the news from the hospital, and the hospital made it very clear:

We are not a welfare home that has no money and no drugs.

The homeowner comes once a day to discuss compensation for damage to the house, and if there is such a big accident, who will rent the house?This part of the loss, people want it with confidence...

Sang Xiaoyu felt that she was a robot, she knew almost nothing, she didn't know anything, she just responded mechanically and numbly to everyone's insults.

"What did I do wrong?" Sang Xiaoyu asked herself more than once.

Fortunately, the sister-in-law of the husband's family came forward to clean up the mess for her worthless brother. The sister-in-law Cheng Weiting suggested that Sang Xiaoyu find a lawyer and entrust her with carte blanche.

The lawyer is Cheng Weize's friend, he dismissed Cheng Weize's behavior, and often scolded Cheng Weize in front of Sang Xiaoyu.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't say anything. From the time of the accident to the present, and a few years later, Sang Xiaoyu didn't complain about her husband, especially in front of her in-laws.

Under the joint intervention of lawyers, courts and banks, several companies finally reached an agreement:
With the help of the bank, Sang Xiaoyu sold her three buildings and cars, and received more than 100 million yuan, which was used to pay the injured's medical expenses and disability living allowances. (If there are more expenses, then negotiate with the court)

Cheng Weize has 24 shares in stock, which will be used to repay the loan.The loss of the house, after repeated coordination, finally unified the opinion and compensated 15 yuan.

What is left is the total loss of nearly 100 million yuan in all kinds of food, seafood, decoration funds and so on.Except for the repayable part, the other parts will not be settled.

The bank and the creditors fought hard, and the court finally gave Sang Xiaoyu a month. If he still fails to pay after one month, the court will sentence him according to law.

Sang Xiaoyu seemed to be pushed onto the highway by an invisible hand, and there was no room for stopping or turning back.

Sang Xiaoyu was desperate. She sold the house, the car, the jewelry, and the home appliances. She sold everything she could.

In the end, salary savings and stock income were all added together.

The final shortfall is 34 yuan.If she is in business, it is very likely that she will borrow 34 yuan.

Now, everyone knows that such a big accident happened to her, so who is willing to lean on her side?It's too late to hide.She can't take care of so much anymore, first relatives and friends, then colleagues and classmates.She started the long road of borrowing money and paying off debts.

Sang Xiaoyu knew that her sky had collapsed, and so had the ground.

She felt that her 27 years of youth and beauty had come to a great end at this time, and the next thing that greeted her was no more warm roses, but all storms.

She looked at herself in the mirror, and in just a few days, her beautiful face was like a withered flower, withered before it fully bloomed.

Her heart is like a knife.

The building was frozen by the bank, and everything was looted by the creditors. Sang Xiaoyu held a big black bag in his hand, which contained his scattered clothes and shoes.

The bus had already left work, and she walked on the black Meilanjiang Street for three hours before arriving at West Pingjiang Road where her mother lived.

Sang Xiaoyu was a little tired. She leaned against the street lamp on the road, ready to take a rest. The street lamp emitted a dim yellow light in the dark, and a group of insects that had not many days to come surrounded the circle of light, flying against the light.

Moths to the fire.

Sang Xiaoyu felt that she was the same as them, wanting to use the faint light for warmth or to find a bright way out.

When she finally got home, she let out a long sigh of relief.

Sang Xiaoyu's father died of illness after she got married, and there were only mother and son in the family.

Because of treating his sick father, the family was already destitute. Sang Xiaoyu's mother was a strong woman. She never reached out to ask her daughter for money. Now that such a big incident happened, in the end, her mother had to take them in.

My mother lives in a one-story house on Pingjiang West Road, which is far away from the urban area.

Most of the residents living here are vegetable farmers. They grow and sell vegetables for a living. In fact, the life here is very rough, and people are real people.

When the Sang Xiaoyu Hotel was booming, she begged the old man many times to come to the city to take care of the children. The mother only came for more than a year, and when the son was a little older, the old man returned to his old house.

She said that she was not used to the housing in the city, and she was willing to pick up some flowers and plants in the yard of the bungalow, and Sang Xiaoyu followed the old man's wish.

His son, Cheng Ziqiao, is over five years old this year and was also at the hotel on the day of the accident.

The child was still young, and this happened in a flash.But the mother was very frightened that day, especially when she heard that her son-in-law had run away, the old lady was so angry that she almost fell down.

The Cheng family has three brothers and sisters, with Cheng Weize in the middle.An older sister and a younger sister were also at the scene when the incident happened, and the younger sister was also injured.

Fortunately for the two sisters, otherwise those waiters who had been preparing for half a month would have to go to the court to sue them for their wages.It was the two sisters who had said all the good things, so they calmed down.

But the other suppliers quit. No matter what the sisters said, they didn't agree.The two sisters meant to take it easy, but the other party said, no matter how slow they were, they would all run away.

Cheng Weize's departure made the incident even worse. Cheng Weize, who broke his promise, brought Sang Xiaoyu the evil consequences of bearing the consequences.

When Sang Xiaoyu came to borrow money with red eyes, the two sisters, who were not rich at first, still took five thousand each.This 1 yuan is really a drop in the bucket, but Sang Xiaoyu has no other choice, grasshoppers are also flesh and can make up a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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