Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 207 In the World of Women

Chapter 207 In the World of Women
Sang Xiaoyu stared at Cheng Weiting, Cheng Weiting asked, "What do you want to say?"

Sang Xiaoyu said: "I want to know why you can't find a stable person to live a good life?"

Cheng Weiting lowered her head and said, "I don't know, when I was with Ge Yunsheng, there was no objection, especially my mother.

She said that he has a good job, good looks, and good age, so how could he fall in love with me?He also said that the future marriage is destined to be turbulent, but how can I listen to it?
My sister also said that he is too handsome, such a man is unreliable, and there are too many things to worry about in the future.

But everyone is the same, not only men are lustful, women are also the same, I felt it when I first saw him, he is so handsome, who doesn't like such a person? "

"Well, Xiao Zhao is not handsome, at least he is not as good as your ex-husband."

"He? Too young, who doesn't like being young?"

Sang Xiaoyu was speechless.

One is too handsome, the other is too young, both are the external perception brought by a skin.

Is this something you can handle?Sang Xiaoyu felt that she still valued her own feelings too much.

Even if I tried my best, I couldn't persuade her.

I had to give her some advice and said: "Don't get into it too deeply. After all, he is much younger than you. You have to observe him carefully to see if he is really in love with you. I don't want you to be sad anymore."

Cheng Weiting said: "I know this better than you, Xiao Yu, we should both get what we need.

He has no family, and his parents don't care about him at all. It is difficult for him to gain a foothold in the city. It is not impossible to find a girl in the city, but he can't find him satisfied.

Unless he is married, I don't think his character is a man who can stand being wronged. Marriage is a shameful thing.

I am readily available.

I have a house and a stable job. Now that my work unit is in a downturn, I can go back once it gets better, and the treatment of state-owned enterprises makes me worry-free. This may be his consideration. Another point is that it may be safe for him to be with me. Feel it. "

Sang Xiaoyu asked with a worried face: "You haven't thought about a problem, he is so young, he may have a child in the future, what about you? It's not easy to take care of the child by yourself and work part-time."

Cheng Weiting also sighed and said, "Now Ge Yunsheng pays back the child support, and every day counts, and I dare not even think about having a child."

Sang Xiaoyu nodded and said: "Since you want to understand it so clearly, then I won't say more. Anyway, you have a good grasp of the scale. This criterion is in your hands. You also have to coordinate the relationship between him and your daughter."

Cheng Weiting agreed one by one, and said that she was the first person to support her.

Cheng Weiting forced Sang Xiaoyu to stay, but Sang Xiaoyu refused to say anything. She is becoming less and less used to living in other people's places, and Cheng Weiting shyly asked her to call her Zhao Weiguang.

Sang Xiaoyu felt that she didn't drink too much, and she was afraid that something would happen, so she agreed to her.

Xiao Zhao didn't enter the house at all, and sent a text message to Cheng Weiting outside.

When Sang Xiaoyu got into the car, Xiao Zhao didn't dare to look at her.

Sang Xiaoyu talked all the way through Jiu Jin, to the effect that if he really wanted to treat Cheng Weiting well, he should not be too willful and mature as soon as possible.

Xiao Zhao didn't expect Sang Xiaoyu to stand in their camp so soon, and he felt a burst of joy, saying that he just fell in love with her, and he would do whatever she wanted.

Sang Xiaoyu tentatively asked if she had a child, could she not have a child?
Zhao Weiguang said childishly: "There is nothing wrong with this. She always said that I am a child. It doesn't matter if I want it or not."

Sang Xiaoyu's heart sank, thinking that Cheng Weiting's future road might be very bumpy.

When they arrived at Sang Xiaoyu's community, Sang Xiaoyu said nothing to let Xiao Zhao drive the car in. She said she wanted to go in and sober up, but Xiao Zhao put her down and left with empathy.

It was cold at night.

Sang Xiaoyu put his hands in his pockets unconsciously, and stopped when he walked to the flower bed in the community.

She was in a panic all the time.

She didn't understand why women start to panic when they turn [-] or get divorced, and feel that they are second-hand and worthless at all?
No wonder her mother kept talking about her going on a blind date every day, because she was afraid that she would not be able to get married in this life.

Sang Xiaoyu disliked what her mother said.

She said don't think about other people's conditions anymore, think about yourself, you don't have a serious job, and you have a child and an elderly person, anyone who hears such words should think about it.

Don't look at the few people around you, they don't have any good intentions, let's just say that Jiang Chunhui, I have always regarded him as my own son, but he only came to see you when he was lonely, and he didn't care about you at all. I never thought about getting divorced...

Sang Xiaoyu argued that he hadn't considered these people at all.

The mother explained the reason in one sentence, she said that Cheng Weize really wanted to remarry you, he missed that you still have children, I can see that you really gave up on him.

If that Jiang Chunhui didn't have a home, you might not know what to do...

The feeling of being exposed by others is really bad, so Sang Xiaoyu had no choice but to let her mother scold her, as if she was a second-hand car on the road, and she was about to be dismantled and thrown in the scrap yard.

My mother said that she had three candidates, but in the end she chose a state-owned enterprise. She said that it is practical, if you have enough troubles or die, you will eventually rely on a formal enterprise.

Sang Xiaoyu said nothing to her mother, and silently endured her oppression. She knew that her starting point was for her own good.

In fact, it's not that she hasn't thought about her future.

It's just that her future is not to find a man who can be successful, but to find a man who is down-to-earth and doesn't like to make troubles. Now that she has started to make troubles, how can others fall in love with her.

Sang Xiaoyu thought more than once that if Jiang Chunhui really divorced, let him forget it. At least this thought came up countless times, but she couldn't face herself every time.

When I thought about living with him in the future, I felt that the relationship between them could not be summed up by saying that it was inappropriate.

Sang Xiaoyu has read a book, saying that a man with a heart is the same as a person who takes drugs or gambles and cannot be changed.

She didn't want to worry about the man's cheating, and it was even more impossible for her to follow her like a shrew every day, and Jiang Chunhui wanted to change his appearance, even he didn't believe it.

Don't look at him swearing in front of Sang Xiaoyu, but when talking about women, his eyes will shine.

Sang Xiaoyu's night is lonely, and only at night, she will quietly think about things.

After all, what happened to Cheng Weiting still stimulated her, and she didn't feel sleepy in the soft and smooth silk quilt.

She had fantasized about a man appearing in front of her eyes more than once, sometimes it was Jiang Chunhui, sometimes Cheng Weize, and in the dream, no matter who appeared first, the one who finally showed a clear face must be Cheng Weize, which made Sang Xiaoyu very sad It's sad.

I clearly broke up with him, so why do I always appear in my dreams?

(End of this chapter)

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