Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 208 Cohabitation

Chapter 208 Cohabitation
Cheng Weiting never expected that the first person who opposed him turned out to be her ex-husband - Ge Yunsheng.

After Cheng Weiting rejected Zhao Weiguang several times, under his insistence, he finally agreed to Zhao Weiguang, and they decided to be together.

Zhao Weiguang not only expressed his determination to marry her, but also expressed his sincerity of not coveting everything outside of her.

He said he was willing to do any notarization.

It doesn't matter if it's notarized before marriage, or if you let yourself write a letter of guarantee, anyway, her things will always be her own, and what he wants depends entirely on his own hands.

Cheng Weiting was moved by his words.

Finally, she finally led him to her home, and they lived together.

My daughter likes this fun 'big brother' very much, and Zhao Weiguang also promised that if you want a child, we will. If you don't want to, your daughter is also my daughter.

Everything is so perfect.

They went to work together like a husband and wife, except that Cheng Weiting got out of the car first when they arrived at the unit, and then walked into the seasoning factory. Xiao Zhao didn't flirt with her when he was at the unit.

A few people in the unit had heard that they had something to do, but they didn't do anything harmful, and they didn't stay in the unit before, so the matter disappeared like a wind.

Uncle Wu on duty didn't know what happened between them. Seeing that they were not together or staying overnight secretly, he thought they had broken up. He felt that young people nowadays don't take anything seriously, but his Cheng Weize and Zhao Weiguang were no longer in his eyes.

Cheng Weiting and Zhao Weiguang are silent in their own small world, no outsiders can invade.

In the evening, almost always Cheng Weiting left first, and Xiao Zhao chased him from behind, and then the two went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables together, and often took their daughter back to their home when they returned home.

Of course, sometimes I don't pick up, just for two people to live a quiet two-person world.

Cheng Weiting said that when the child goes to school, he will take it and take it with him. Zhao Weiguang said that everything is up to you, and you can do whatever you want. You are my little princess.

Cheng Weiting, who had a girlish heart, really thought she was a princess, and Zhao Weiguang loved her back to her childhood every day...

The two are in a period of passionate love, even breathing is sweet.

This day was supposed to be the most ordinary weekend.

Zhao Weiguang went to work, and when he came back at night, he went to the vegetable market and bought chicken wings, which girls love, and brought a small toy.

The two agreed to make Coke chicken wings for their daughter.

The two collaborated to cook four dishes and drank some wine.

After dinner, Cheng Weiting cleaned up the dishes in the kitchen, and Zhao Weiguang played with his daughter on the sofa in the living room with small toys.

The door rang.

Cheng Weiting walked towards the door in doubt, Zhao Weiguang raised his head and told her to ask clearly before opening the door.

Cheng Weiting asked who it was, and Ge Yunsheng said it was the child's father.

Cheng Weiting was full of displeasure, and opened the door anyway.

Cheng Weiting walked straight in and said what time is this?Aren't you coming to pick up the kids tomorrow?Besides, if you come, do you want to make a phone call?
Ge Yunsheng, who never came to the door, passed by his home on business this day, ready to see his daughter, but he didn't want to see the young Zhao playing with his daughter.

Ge Yunsheng was dumbfounded and asked who he was?

Before Zhao Weiguang could say anything, Cheng Weiting said, "Who do you care? You can die if you call before you come? Is it interesting to rush in so rashly?"

Zhao Weiguang didn't care about that, stood up, and confidently said that he was Cheng Weiting's current boyfriend, but Ge Yunsheng didn't believe it at all.

Looking at Zhao Weiguang's young and immature face, and then at Cheng Weiting, a half-aged lady, it took a long time to come back to his senses.

Of course he knew that he had no right to interfere, but looking at Zhao Weiguang's immature face, he felt in a daze that he was watching a romance drama. How did Cheng Weiting, who has always been mature and stable, do such an incredible thing.

Ge Yunsheng became angry on the spot. He asked Cheng Weiting loudly if he was crazy about men?Do you even dare to bring such a child home?Do you know that you are a mother with children.

Zhao Weiguang did not show weakness at all, saying that you should keep your mouth clean, who is a child?
Cheng Weiting was very afraid that they would argue, so she pulled them away and said angrily that we are divorced, and my business has a dime to do with you?
Cheng Weiting signaled Zhao Weiguang with his eyes to lead the girl to the hut quickly, and Zhao Weiguang understood.

He led the girl to the hut and took out the cute toys.

The girl was terrified and kept calling her father and mother, but Xiao Zhao said it was all right, they were just angry.

Under Xiao Zhao's comfort, the girl finally calmed down and played with a toy that Zhao Weiguang had just bought.

Cheng Weiting and Ge Yunsheng also lowered their voices.

Zhao Weiguang stood at the door of the hut and listened. He couldn't let Cheng Weiting suffer any disadvantages.

Ge Yunsheng lowered his voice and said that I don't care if you find a man, but you can't find such a boy. If you really want to admit it to him, the prerequisite is that you must transfer the custody of your daughter to yourself.

He said, stop caring about your own comfort, and put your daughter in?

Cheng Weiting was furious. Did you still speak human language?You can't see me well, can you?
Ge Yunsheng said that he has been changing, and even hopes that they will reunite one day.

Cheng Weiting looked at him mockingly and said, "Just you? Don't make international jokes. If you have self-knowledge, get out of here quickly. If you still insist on going your own way, don't blame me for being rude."

"Cheng Weiting, I never would have imagined that you have fallen to such a point. Can you not find a man? Are you raising such a little boyfriend as a son?"

Cheng Weiting was also angry, but she didn't dare to scold loudly, so she said: "It's my job to find a young boyfriend, why do you men find a young one, you are afraid that the whole world will not know, so I can't do it?
Listen carefully, not only do I want to get along with him, but I also want to marry him and have children. "

Cheng Weiting said the word "children" slowly and emphatically.

Ge Yunsheng pointed to her nose and said, "You can have children with whomever you like, but don't get my daughter involved. What can she learn from you?"

"Can I talk to you? You are a sanctimonious liar. You have lied to me for several years without any remorse."

Ge Yunsheng also tore his face and said: "Cheng Weiting, you don't take a good look at yourself in the mirror. If you want to look good, you don't have a good job. If I don't have this..."

Ge Yunsheng really doesn't know how to describe his own particularity.

Ge Yunsheng can be regarded as a modest and gentleman-like man, and he usually has a gentlemanly demeanor, but in front of Cheng Weiting, he always feels that he is a villain in the market, and he will feel sorry for Cheng Weiting if he doesn't stop talking, especially after seeing her with a small man.

"Anyway, if I were a normal person, I definitely wouldn't fall in love with you..."

Cheng Weiting was furious, and said, "Then what else do I have to keep for you? It means that you have been lying to me for the past few years, just to let me function as a fig leaf.

I have always saved face for you, but I never thought you would not want it, do I want to tell the whole world? "

(End of this chapter)

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