Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 232 The Eve of Spring Chapter

Chapter 232
As soon as December is over, the New Year's Eve is approaching.

The end of December is the coldest season on the Meilan River. From time to time, Siberia's cold air hovers over the Meilan River, causing pedestrians to shrink their heads to resist the cold air.

Jiang Chunhui's divorce battle is in full swing.

The wife and mother-in-law entered the classroom, and the child was handed over to the parents. The rest of Jiang Chunhui was a property dispute. The wife put forward a condition, that is, let Sang Xiaoyu issue a letter of understanding.

With the letter of understanding in hand, she can let him go on property.

Jiang Chunhui had no choice but to find Sang Xiaoyu.

Sang Xiaoyu was a little disheartened after hearing his reason for coming, but on the surface it was still calm.

Jiang Chunhui said with some embarrassment: "I know I'm sorry for doing this, but she's in now anyway, we all have to live, don't we?

You have done me a great favor by issuing the letter of understanding. My property is preserved, but she only gave a light sentence. I will divorce her immediately, and I am willing to spend all the days with you in the future. "

Sang Xiaoyu was unwilling to listen to his long-term plan for a long time, so he asked how to write it?If you have a prepared manuscript, it is easy to sign it yourself.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chunhui took out three pages of paper from his bag. He blushed and said, "I asked someone to draw one up. This is the lawyer's idea. Writing it like this will help her stop going crazy."

Sang Xiaoyu stared at her, remembering her helplessness when she was kidnapped.

If she hadn't been sick, she didn't know what kind of torture she would have suffered. Although she was sick at that time, she didn't vomit blood and pass out, it was all because of fright.

Those masked people made her dare not think about it, and now she dare not go out at night, it is the root of the disease that fell at that time, when watching TV, she never dared to watch similar programs, and often dreamed that she would be trapped Wake up picture.

But she still picked up the pen, glanced at it, and found that although she was not a mistress, she got too close to Jiang Chunhui, which aroused her wife's anger, and then irrationally embarked on the road of crime.

Sang Xiaoyu is the cause, and she is the consequence.

Sang Xiaoyu sneered and signed his name.

Jiang Chunhui knew that Sang Xiaoyu was dissatisfied, but he couldn't take care of that much anymore. What he wanted now was this piece of paper.

With this piece of paper, I can get rid of an unfortunate marriage and keep my family wealth. This is a double win. On the other hand, Sang Xiaoyu, although she is unhappy, as long as I get a divorce, I will definitely get her done again.

No matter how unhappy Sang Xiaoyu was, Jiang Chunhui got the signed certificate, ran away in a hurry, and said that he would treat her to a big meal to thank her for her generosity.

Sang Xiaoyu looked at Jiang Chunhui's leaving back, and felt that this man's weight in her heart was getting lighter and lighter.

In high school, Jiang Chunhui pursued Sang Xiaoyu desperately. Although Sang Xiaoyu was not tempted, he still felt proud.

When he was in trouble, Jiang Chunhui extended a helping hand in time. Whether in the eyes of his classmates or in his own heart, Jiang Chunhui was an unattainable man who could only be seen from afar.

After close contact, this tall image becomes more and more blurred. Some people say that close people have no idols, which is not false at all.

Sang Xiaoyu likes to draw, and she heard about a great artist surnamed Wu in Mei Lanjiang. She had seen his paintings, and her admiration for him reached its peak during college.

Sang Xiaoyu was lucky enough to meet this artist surnamed Wu at a painting association gathering.

As a result, he drank too much that day, stood up and drank one song after another that he couldn't hear, and even held Sang Xiaoyu's hand, saying nothing...

From then on, Sang Xiaoyu's idol collapsed.

Just like Jiang Chunhui.

Especially his behavior today, made Sang Xiaoyu feel that this man can do without the bottom line for the sake of profit.

He didn't even ask if Sang Xiaoyu hurts?Is there still a shadow of that memory of the past?He only cares about his own future, his own interests...

The person who changed the most is Cheng Weiting.

She reflected on herself when no one was around.

She felt that if she did not make radical changes, Zhao Weiguang would no longer belong to her.

She returned to her old posture of being a little woman, which turned out to be the norm.

At that time, if she hadn't taken good care of Ge Yunsheng, he wouldn't have known to go home, and it's still different now.

Cheng Weiting changed, and Zhao Weiguang was the first to benefit.

He first discovered that Cheng Weiting was no longer stalking and chasing him like before. Every night, no matter how late he came back, she would prepare delicious meals, leaving his meddling sister with nothing to say.

Cheng Weiting became more tolerant towards her sister.

Zhao Yingying has become a waiter, and her work routine is much more tiring than Cheng Weiting's. They have to stand for eight hours a day, and there is no one minute to sit down. As long as someone is lazy, the ticket will be sent to you as soon as possible. This is Song more management.

Cheng Weiting often brings meals for her younger sister. The staff meals in the hotel are basically noodles and steamed buns. Whenever she eats, Cheng Weiting calls her to her room to eat some delicious meals.

My sister said, are you a weasel giving New Year greetings to chickens?
Cheng Weiting said, then I pay New Year's greetings every day, can I be a weasel?

Cheng Weiting knows that only being kind to people can make people warm. My younger sister slowly accepts her. Sometimes, she is too tired and sleeps directly in the hotel. Cheng Weiting prepares everything for her and gives her the warmth of a mother. .

Zhao Weiguang was delighted to see Cheng Weiting's changes.

Just before the Spring Festival, one day, Zhao Weiguang picked her up from get off work and got into the co-pilot, but Zhao Weiguang didn't start the car for a long time, Cheng Weiting asked him what's wrong?
Zhao Weiguang said: "You are more and more like my mother..."

When Cheng Weiting heard this, she reached out to hit him, but Zhao Weiguang grabbed her hand and whispered, "Do you want to get married?"

Cheng Weiting couldn't believe her ears and asked, "What did you say?"

Zhao Weiguang said: "I want to be your husband, legally recognized."

Cheng Weiting wept with joy, she burst into tears and said incoherently, "Don't tease me, I don't know how to tease..."

Zhao Weiguang put her hand on his mouth, kissed and said, "It's not teasing, it's my willingness. If such a good wife doesn't marry sooner, she will suffer."

Cheng Weiting finally cried out, and she nodded vigorously.

Zhao Weiguang teased her and said: "Can't you be a little more reserved? Say: No! Let me pursue another three or five years?"

Cheng Weiting immediately said with tears in her eyes: "No! I know that life is not a movie. I don't want to miss such a good opportunity. It turns out that I was really wrong. I am willing to correct it."

Cheng Weiting knew that Zhao Weiguang was not Ge Yunsheng. She was kind to Ge Yunsheng, but she was still indifferent in return, but Zhao Weiguang was different.

She was passionate, and he gave her back his strong love. Their love took root and turned into mutual care for daily necessities.

(End of this chapter)

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